Destined Martial God

Chapter 1928: You all have to die (below)

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In the Qinghu Mountains!

It is precisely because he does not believe that Yu Haoran can directly bridge the gap between the realm of Valkyrie and Half-Blood Supreme, and possess the supreme strength.

Therefore, not only did the seven strong guardians of the family not dodge in the face of the rules and mysteries of martial arts that he exerted, they mobilized the laws and mysteries that they felt, and then countered with the divine and soul power of the semi-robbery state.

However, when the death-cutting energy exerted by the Tallinn was quickly chopped on them by obstacles across time and space, the seven guardians of the family were instantly pale as paper, with endless fear in their eyes. Look.

Because of their terrible discovery, Yu Haoran's death cutting just now is not a rule of mysterious martial arts, but a force of time and space related to time and space.

The power of rules is not only a new force after the promotion of the rule of mystery, but also the key to the martial arts promotion to the supreme realm.

At this time, feeling the physical body and the sea defense of the semi-robber supreme realm, the martial arts condensed by the regular forces were easily broken.

At this moment, feeling the essence of life in the semi-robber supreme realm, the martial arts condensed by the regular forces were quickly reduced.

The Seven Supreme Masters from the Guardian Family have already believed that Yu Haoran can directly possess the supreme power of the Supreme Emperor through the special secret method and the cultivation of the peak of Wu Jiupin.

Facing the crisis that their lives are coming to an end, they no longer have the idea of ​​greedy secrets and the killing of Yu Siqi. They just think about how they can keep their eternal life and how they can continue to enjoy people. The prosperity of the world, even if it pays any price for it.

Therefore, the Qinglong family who was barely able to withstand part of the damage from the regular forces began to begging hard.

"Master Ma, we shouldn't kill your sister, and we shouldn't be greedy for the secret of your ability to improve your strength. We know that it is wrong. Please be merciful and spare our lives!"

Facing the begging of the strongest family in the Qinglong family, Ta Ling's frosty face did not change at all, which also made him know that he couldn't move the other side simply with his petitions in words.

Therefore, the strongest members of the Qinglong family began to increase the number of trading chips, hoping that this could cause Hao Ran's greed and eventually agree to the transaction requirements.

"Master Ma, as long as you are willing to let us go alive, we are willing to take out all the precious treasures, the supreme-level mentality and martial arts, and the supreme strong people who practice the perception and experience of jade Jane. "

Yu Haoran, who is treating the soul and soul injury in the sea space, heard the heartbeat look in his eyes when he heard the trading conditions proposed by the strongest family of the Qinglong family, especially when referring to the jade Jane who has the insight and experience of the Supreme Strong. .

In the past few years of experience and adventure, he has harvested a large number of strange treasures. In the memory and inheritance of the Destiny Stone Stele, he also has a lot of extreme-level mentality and martial arts.

But there is only a lack of spiritual awareness and experience of Supreme Being.

If he can get a lot of spiritual insights and experience from the Supreme Master, then not only will he be able to help the Valkyrie and Supreme Realm as soon as possible, but he will also be able to help everyone in Luomafu in a short time.

"Yu Haoran, the spiritual insights and experience of any supreme strong person will have no effect on you." It seems that Ta Ling, who can know Yu Haoran's thoughts in advance, has a small amount of energy to remind him directly.

"Why?" Yu Haoran asked, puzzled.

"Because the Supreme Realm is different from other realms."

Facing Hao Ran's questioning, Ta Ling explained in detail.

"Yu Haoran, breakthroughs in the state of mind, physical grade, divine power, and soul power are important, but the power of the rules and metaphysical promotion rules is the key to the ultimate breakthrough."

"So, according to the dual laws of life and death that you are aware of, mystery, no one in this world has the spiritual feelings and experience of the most powerful person that suits you."

Although Ta Ling's explanation made Yu Haoran slightly disappointed, from another aspect, it can also prove the mysterious power of life and death.

Therefore, after quickly adjusting his disappointment, Yu Haoran ignored the trading conditions proposed by the strongest members of the Qinglong family and continued to heal the injuries on the soul.

While mentioning the conditions full of temptation, the strongest family of the Qinglong family secretly paid attention to the change in Hao Ran's look.

When he saw that no matter what conditions he proposed, even if he proposed a humiliation condition of being a slave, the other side was an indifferent expression. He immediately knew that the other side did not let go of his own person, and his heart suddenly appeared. Out of endless despair.

The influence of despair has gradually inspired the brutal character of the strongest family in the Qinglong family. The scarlet killing that quickly appeared in his eyes made him completely give up the resistance to resist the damage of the rule power, and planned to follow Yu Haoran to the end.

But he was too underestimated the power of the rules of time and space, and too underestimated Taling's use of the power of rules.

At the moment when he completely gave up resisting, a more powerful rule power suddenly broke out, which not only directly weakened his nearly 80% of the divine and spiritual power, but also took away nearly two-thirds of his life essence.

This made the idea of ​​the strongest in the Qinglong family want to die together, so that he could only watch his physical body wither and dry, and watch his spirit in the sea weak and dim.

"I'm not willing!"

Thinking of becoming famous in the distant ancient times, because of the destruction of the ancient times and the plans prepared by the four ancestors, they had to go to sleep.

Thinking of the huge price the family paid to be able to wake up again, he did not give the family any return.

Unwilling to fall from this moment, the strongest family of the Blue Dragon family, at the end of their lives, issued a shout that shook the entire Tianxuan continent.

Even the strongest members of the Qinglong family can't withstand the damage of the regular forces, let alone the six other semi-robbers who guard the family. They also watch their lives come to an end, and eventually become a pile of endless. Ash sprinkled in the mountains of Qinghu.

Guarding the entire death process of the seven and a half robbers of the Supreme Strong, everyone at the scene could see clearly. They saw both the terrible power of the rules of time and space and Yu Haoran's determination to revenge.

Therefore, at the moment when the last semi-robber of the Guardian Family died, everyone immediately turned to tear the void in front of them, intending to escape the Qinghu Mountains by this means.

In this regard, Ta Ling did not stop immediately, but looked at the people who were about to escape with a sneer.

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