Destined Martial God

Chapter 1929: Reasons and feelings

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In the Qinghu Mountains!

"Bang! Bang! Bang ...!"

With the sound of hard objects crashing above the Qinghu Mountains, everyone who was planning to escape through the tearing of the void found that the void of the entire Qinghu Mountain had been completely sealed, and it was impossible to escape by tearing the void.

The experienced people did not hesitate, and immediately mobilized the mysterious rule of assisting to increase the speed, rushing to the periphery of the Qinghu Mountains at lightning speed.

But at this moment, the indifferent voice from behind when Hao Ran beheaded and killed the seven strong guardians of the clan came out.

"Death cut!"

Along with the lingering frost-like sound of the tower spirit, Nalan Purple Marriage of Sanssouci Valley was removed on the scene, the ancient Hades and the **** **** dog, the **** progeny of the ancient protoss, the magic demon of the ancient demons, The ancient black dragon of the demon tribe did not encounter the martial arts attacks created by the rules of destiny, and all the rest of them were hit by the rule power without exception.

By guarding the death experience of the seven semi-robbers of the supreme strong, all the strong who were hit by the rules of power knew that the plea of ​​sorrow was useless at all.

If you want to survive, you can only help yourself.

Therefore, they sat down with their knees bent, took out a large number of top elixir and different treasures from the self-developed independent space, and began to fight against the regular forces in the body.

"Bang! Bang! Bang ...!"

However, the four people and two beasts that have not been attacked by the regular forces, when they rushed to the edge of the Qinghu Mountains with an excited look, bumped into a layer of invisible defense.

Accompanied by the sound of a violent collision in the mountains, the four people and two beasts that slammed into the defensive cover were directly rebounded back into the Qinghu Mountains by a strong rebound force.

"If you don't want to bear the attack of death-cutting martial arts immediately, then come back to me obediently!"

When the four people and two beasts were dazzled by the strong rebound force, a sudden warning and threatening voice came from Hao Ran's ears.

Neither opponent nor escape, so after hearing Yu Haoran's warning and threat, the four people and two beasts eventually obediently returned to the top of Qinghu Lake, and then observed those who were hit by the death cutting martial arts.

The strongest of the seven martial arts nine pinnacles had no time to take even the top elixir just taken out, because they could not bear the damage of death and cutting to the body and spirits, they quickly turned into endless ashes, and they were sprinkled on the mountains and lakes.

Nine strong men who are in a state of supremacy, although they have time to take the elixir they have taken out, but the elixir is not able to keep up with the speed of death and damage to the body and spirits. In seconds, they turned into endless ashes.

Only middle-aged beauties from the Valley of Worry-Free, relying on the early cultivation of the Supreme Master of Erjie, powerful and mysterious methods, and the assistance of a large number of top elixir, they can temporarily confront the power of the rules.

But from her black and beautiful hair gradually began to pale, and the delicate white skin gradually dried up, the four of the two beasts knew very well that she couldn't hold it for long.

"Master Ma, when you broke through the realm of Dan Dao Dan and Zhen Dao Zhen, you were responsible for monitoring the three extinct spirits of the entire Tianxuan continent. Once you sent a killer to assassinate you. I was eventually taken halfway by me. Killing. "

After seeing that the elders of the family may be killed by martial arts that are condensed by the rules at any time, Nalan Purple Marriage took a step forward and asked after a short consideration.

"So, I hope you can see Ziyin's help in the first place, forgive Yi Shuang's guilt and give her a life of atonement."

After hearing Nalan Purple Wedding's request, a look of hesitation flashed in Ta Ling's eyes.

Because he can both see the truth of the facts that Nalan Purple Wedding just told, and know that the arrogant three extinct spirits can do this kind of thing.

However, the reason why Na Lanyi Shuang took the shot just now is because he obeyed Yu Haoran's orders. Therefore, Taling still intends to seek his opinion on whether to forgive Nalan Yishuang in the end.

"Ta Ling, let her go!"

When Ta Ling wanted to speak for advice, a sudden voice came from the sea of ​​knowledge.

"Okay!" Since Yu Haoran was willing to let Nalan Yishuang go, Ta Ling certainly nodded in agreement.

Then, he stretched a hand to Nalan Yi and said softly.


Along with Taling's thoughts, a light purple energy flew out of Nalan Yishuang's body, and then re-isolated into Taling's fingers.

"Thank you!"

The luck and joy of being reborn after the disaster made Na Lanyi too late to make up for the lost vitality and to restore her old appearance. She quickly got up and thanked Hao Ran.

In this regard, Ta Ling just nodded indifferently, then set his sights on Yu Siqi, who was hitting the peak of Wu Jiu Pinpin, and asked Yu Haoran not to kill the four beasts.

Facing Ta Ling's questioning, Yu Haoran temporarily stopped the action of divine soul healing, and sighed with a complex look.

"Taling, I want to return to the hundred-foot gate in the Southern Region with the horses, horses and mansions and 100,000 soldiers."

With the secret method of the memory and inheritance of the Destiny Stone Tablet just now, when he briefly possessed the strength of the Supreme Realm of Erjie, and used the power of the rules of destiny in the stone tablet, he found that the fortune of the entire Tianxuan continent and the destiny of all beings were not only slow In the flowing state, and the source of most of the air transport and the fate of the fate, it seems that they come from the mountain where Baijimen in the southern region is located.

Think of the birthplace of the Destiny Stone Tablet and the murderous spirit rat, and think of the * who took off after reincarnation, all in the mountain where Baijimen is located.

Yu Haoran had a very strong feeling in his heart. He felt that whether he could complete the profound accumulation of the Ten Deities of Valkyrie and whether he could be successfully promoted to the supreme state of supremacy, the key lies in the mountains where Baijimen and Baijimen are located.

Even if it can successfully win the first-line opportunity in the immeasurable calamity, and then use the first-line opportunity to impact the hope of immortality, it seems that it is also in the mountain where Baijimen is located.

Therefore, when Ta Ling prepared to kill all the people on the scene, he took the initiative to ask Ta Ling to temporarily let go of the Nalan Purple Marriage in Sanssouci Valley, the black dragon of the ancient demon tribe, the **** of the ancient **** tribe, and the ancient demon tribe. Devil and Devil.

Because he needs to use the threat of death to force these people to sign a contract with him that will never infringe on Baichimen and the mountain range where Baichimen is located, so as to ensure the safety of Baichimen and the horse house.

As for Hao Hao who temporarily let go of the ancient Hades, he wanted to get the **** **** dog in his arms, and used it to cooperate with the Yuantu Divine Sword to display the memory inheritance sword technique in the Destiny Stone Stele.

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