Destined Martial God

Chapter 848: Blue Heart's Pursuit (two more)

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Weishan City, the gate of the city!

"Miss Blue Heart, please stay away!"

Looking at the blue heart that had been sending himself to the city gate nearly three miles away, Yu Haoran could not help but smile bitterly and stopped.

"Haoran, let Xin'er take you some distance, OK?"

Faced with the suppression of Hao Ran's bitter smile, Lan Xin whispered a few traces of her forehead, and asked in an unusually tender tone.

In the face of this tenderness, he couldn't bear to refuse again and again, and was able to say the past.

If she continues to indulge herself and be touched by her tenderness, she will not only delay the time to go to the Sixiangzong, but also let Lan Rou get closer and closer, which is not conducive to her rediscovery of her own happy future.

Therefore, Yu Haoran put away the smile on his face and signaled indifferently.

"Miss Blue Heart, I really don't have to give it away, I'm leaving now!"

Later, when he directly mobilized his soul power, when he was about to rise to the sky, Lan Xin suddenly raised his hand to signal that he still had something to say.

"Miss Blue Heart, what else?"

Now that you've decided to leave heartlessly, you can't make a mess.

Therefore, in the face of Lan Xin's beckoning gesture, although Yu Haoran did not leave immediately, his feet had left the ground to express his attitude towards leaving.

"Yu Haoran, just now my father has promised to give Weidao Lake to Xin'er, and Xin'er intends to build an elegant courtyard by the lake, and carefully study the various methods of the three-tailed fish."

The movement of Yu Haoran's legs off the ground did not make Lan Xin feel the slightest dissatisfaction. She still raised her head tenderly to remind Hao Ran.

"So, Xiner hopes you can give me a time agreement, when you plan to return to Weishan City, so that you can taste Xiner's skills and truly understand what kind of woman Xiner is."


Building an elegant courtyard and studying cooking skills, Lan Xin's current appearance is no different from the woman in love, but she has not given her any promise.

Facing Lan Xin's enthusiasm, Yu Haoran couldn't help sighing, but he knew he couldn't reject the enthusiasm.

What's more, the agreement with Lan Yan made him have to return to Weidao Lake in the future.

Therefore, when rising into the sky, Yu Haoran also gave his time guarantee.

"Lan Xin, I will definitely return to Weidao Lake after two months and a month."

"At that time, I will not only enjoy the three-tailed fish you carefully developed, but I will also give you a rebirth."

Although Yu Haoran finally gave an agreement on time, but two years and a month, it seemed to Lan Xin that it was too long and too long, and she felt that she could not bear such a long thought.

Therefore, she also intends to stand up to the sky and pleads with Hao Ran to shorten the time.

But at this moment, Lan Weixiong suddenly appeared in front of her, reached out and held her shoulder, and shook his head to remind.

"Heart, emotional things must not be rushed, otherwise it will be counterproductive."

"Father, the two years are too long. I really have to worry about some unforeseen changes in the middle."

His father's persuasion, the savvy Lanxin knew very well, and knew that doing so would make him very frivolous.

But she knew more clearly that an excellent man like Yu Haoran would surely attract many beautiful and outstanding women to pursue.

She didn't want a third woman to step in before the two had a real relationship.

"Xin'er, I have a way to see Yu Haoran a year in advance, but it takes your hard work to achieve it."

What could his daughter worry about, could Lan Weixiong not know, but he also knew better.

A genius like Yu Haoran, who has the potential of top evil spirits, wants to gain his approval and always stay with him. Beauty and family are the most important.

The most important thing is to be able to follow his pace in martial arts.

After all, the higher the cultivation, the longer the life span. It is impossible to find a woman with a life span of only five hundred years when he has a life span of five thousand years.

"Father, you said it was a battle for the Qianlong list in Qianlong City one year later!"

Desperate cultivation is to improve cultivation and strength!

So, what is the purpose of promoting Xiuwei and strength?

Blue Heart, who had been concerned about the situation in the southern region, quickly guessed his father's approach.


Lan Weixiong was relieved and regretted that his daughter was different from ordinary people's wisdom.

If Lan Xin is a man, then with his potential and wisdom, I am afraid that their Lan family will have great hope to settle in the capital, and then participate in the luck battle of the Quartet in the next battle of the Qin Empire.

"Father, I'm going back to the city first!"

Thinking of participating in the Qianlong list for Xiu Wei and strength requirements, knowing that he is still far from the blue heart, after saying hello to his father, immediately turned back to return to the city's mansion.

"Yu Haoran, the battle for the Qianlong list is not only a battle of reputation, but also a battle of luck, and I don't know if you can rush into the hundred or less, and then represent the luck of the southern region to divide the entire Tianxuan continent."

Ignoring Lan Xin, who suddenly returned to the city's capital, Lan Weixiong looked up at Yu Haoran's direction and whispered to himself.


Gathering the blood of the blue magpie and the accidental fainting of the black bear have delayed a lot of time, so after leaving Weishan City, Yu Haoran and the black bear used the alternate flying method, and finally spent half a day and one night, successfully reaching the distance four On a mountain about 100 miles away from Xiangzong.

Sitting on a blue rock on the crest of a mountain with a bent knee, he took out a spell of summons sent by Emperor Qin when leaving Xianyang City.

After using Yuanli to stimulate the Chuanxun Charm, he then took out a few elixir and spirit stone, while using the elixir and spirit stone to restore the soul and elemental power consumed by the starry night, while waiting for someone to come.

It's not very long, it's less than five minutes.

An ordinary soldier in a light gray military uniform and holding a spear appeared like a ghost in front of Haoran.

"Qin Shisan, I've seen Master Ma."

Facing Yu Haoran, who was sitting on the blue rock with her knees bent, she held Changsong's ordinary soldiers. Not only did she not kneel and salute, but in the tone of greeting, there was no sense of respect.

In this regard, Yu Haoran did not care at all.

Because the Qin Shisan wearing ordinary military uniforms is not only a strong man who has reached the peak of Wu Sheng Jiu Pin, but also Qin Emperor's absolute confidant.

Not to mention that he is just a horse, even when facing Qin Tianze, Qin Shisan has the same attitude.

Throughout the Great Qin Empire, only Qin Emperor would let them kneel and yield.

"What's the situation like now?" Yu Haoran closed his eyes and asked again, continuing to restore the soul and power.

"The situation is very bad!"

Also turning a blind eye to Hao Ran's overly casual attitude, Qin Shishi began to detail the situation of the Northern Expeditionary Army encircling the Four Elephant Sects.

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