Destined Martial God

Chapter 849: Take over the left army (three)

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With Qin Shisan detailing the encirclement of the Northern Expeditionary Army by the Four Elephant Sects, Yu Haoran, eyes closed, gradually frowned.

The Daqin Empire sent a total of six troops this time.

There are three main forces in each of the three directions from east to west, and the leading generals in each direction are close to the peak limit of Wusheng Jiupin.

And the North Road!

Due to the gradual approach to the Central Region, not only the heaven and earth's aura are getting denser, but also the number of masters is increasing, and the strength of the denominations and families is also getting stronger.

Therefore, the North Road sent a total of three army troops: the Chinese Army, the Left Army and the Right Army.

Among them, the Chinese army was led by the new Field Marshal from the Li family, who was led by Li Changyu, who had just broken through the realm of Zhun Wu Zun.

The encirclement of the Four Elephant Sects was the left army, which was led by the great brother Gu Yue, the younger brother of the clan chief of the first-class family of Xianyang City.

Gu Yue is not only a general who has served in the army for more than 30 years and has extensive battlefield experience, but also the law of killing, and can also consolidate half of Shura's true body.

According to Gu Yue's ability, it is not a problem to lead the army all the way.

but it is not the truth.

At the beginning, the left-armed army swept across the border with dozens of clan forces, and a dozen insignificant sects, which not only demonstrated the mighty strength of the Great Qin Empire army, but also made some generals become blind and confident.

Therefore, in the face of a long attack and no way to solve the Four Elephants Concentration Array, blind self-confidence has caused many generals to become more and more irritable. Not only they often beat the soldiers by hand, but also several martial arts Jiupin leaders returned. Played several times in private.

The above information is what Qin Shisan just described in detail.

"Thirteen, how did the general deal with the restlessness in the army?" Opening his eyes, Yu Haoran asked with a frown.

With the strictness of governing the army of the Great Qin Empire and the elite soldiers trained for hundreds of years, they were blocked by a matrix for more than ten days. They can be treated with ordinary heart. It is impossible to produce irritability, and it is impossible to develop The general's private engagement.

Moreover, with the military and military capabilities and wrists of Gu Yue for many years, it should be able to find out in time, and find ways to appease the spread of this emotion.

Why did Qin Shisan just talk about nothing about Gu Yue, this is where Yu Haoran frowned.

"The general is not in the barracks!" Qin Shisan replied.

Although the tone of Qin Shisan's reply did not change much from the previous moment, Yu Haoran still felt a hint of irony.

"Where has Gu Yue gone?" Yu Haoran asked, his face sinking.


Qin Shisan, who had always been indifferent in his appearance, finally mentioned a trace of Gu Yue's whereabouts, a look of irony and disdain.

"As a general who has been in the army for more than 30 years, Gu Yue didn't know that during the battle, he absolutely prohibits men and women from loving each other. Is he impatient?"

He Haoran was shocked to hear that Gu Yue left the army as a reason to be a beautiful woman, and a hint of badness rose up in her heart.

It seems that since the left army reached the Sixiangzong, the entire army began to become abnormal.

"Who knows!" Shrugged, Qin Shishi responded indifferently.

"Thirteen, after Gu Yue left, who is in charge of the left army?"

Not paying attention to the indifference Qin Shisan showed just now, Yu Haoran lowered his head and considered it carefully, and then continued to ask after looking up.

"Huang Qingling from the first-class Huang family!"

Qin Shisan just gave a name for an agent in charge of the army.

Immediately, a sneer of sneer appeared on his face.

"But three days ago, General Huang forcibly attacked the Sixiang Ningshen array, and the white tiger, the beast condensed by the formation method, was severely wounded, and has remained unconscious until now."

"Qin Shisan, according to what you just said, the army on the left is now in a state of no heads, so what do you do if you don't know who you are?"

Qin Shisan's attitude of being too far away from the situation made Yu Haoran feel a strong dissatisfaction, he could not help but question.

"Master Ma, his subordinate is just a big man in charge of inspections. Even if he wants to do something, he has neither power nor potential." Qin Shisan waved his hands helplessly and retorted.


Taking a deep breath, suppressing the depression that had just appeared when Qin Shisan rebutted, Yu Haoran continued to ask.

"Is the situation of the left army reported to Holy?"

"As early as General Gu Yue left the barracks without permission, his subordinates notified the livelihood as soon as possible by special means."

Having said that, Qin Shisan took out a piece of golden light from his sleeve, carved a five-pronged golden dragon on the front, and engraved a large soldier character on the reverse side, then handed it to Yu Haoran.

"Long live the Lord's purpose is to let the Lu Majun temporarily take over the left army, and lead the left army to break through the Sixiang Ningshen array and level the Sixiang sect."

"You go back first!" Yu Haoran waved his hand solemnly after reaching out to take over the soldier's talisman.

"Subordinates leave first!"

Shake the spear in his hand, Qin Shisan instantly disappeared at the peak.

"Holy, you don't count much!" Looking up at the direction of Xianyang City, Yu Haoran complained with a look of depression.


Xianyang City, in the palace study!

"How's it going?"

Slowly put down Chuan Xun Yujian in his hand, Qin Emperor stood behind the desk and asked a middle-aged man in a black robe.

"If I return to Viva, I don't find too many clues for the time being. I only know that the woman who led away General Gu has stayed in Sixiangzong for a few days." The middle-aged man in black and black robe was slightly hoarse. Replied.

"Check, keep checking, I don't believe General Gu Yue can be obsessed with a woman to forget the laws of Qin Kingdom, and forget his responsibilities as a soldier." Emperor Qin slammed the desk and said with a dark face.

After nearly ten days of tracing, no valuable information was found.

If it weren't for the middle-aged man in black and black robes in front of him, it was his indispensable right arm and left arm, which had already been pushed out and cut.

"Long live, my subordinates plan to go to Sixiangzong in person to trace the origin of that woman!"

Being able to feel the suppressed anger in the tone ordered by Emperor Qin, the middle-aged man in black also felt very urgent, and even moved the thought of going in person.

"No, you must accompany you to the center of the battlefield, and keep track of the movements of the Sixth Army." In the face of the request of the middle-aged man in black, Emperor Qin did not even consider it and shook his head to reject it.


Qin Shisan, who can supervise the left-wing brigade, is already one of his most powerful men.

Even Qin Shisan could not trace the origin of the woman, so no matter who he sent to investigate next, the results were the same.

Therefore, when the middle-aged man in black planned to continue to persuade Emperor Qin, a bell hanging around his waist suddenly made a noise.

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