Destined Martial God

Chapter 850: The culprit is the white fox (four more)

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Xianyang City, in the palace study!

Reaching for the bell and holding it in my palm for a while, the middle-aged man in black reported it.

"Long live, Qin Shisan just sent a message, saying that it was Li Maye who had reached a mountain hundred miles away from the left army barracks."

"Qin Yi, immediately asked Qin Shisan to hand over this soldier to Yu Haoran, and he replaced Gu Yue in charge of the army on the left, and was responsible for breaking the Sixiang Ningshen array and pacifying the Sixiang Sect."


After the order was heard, Qin Yi took the soldier's talisman handed by him, and Qin Yi directly buckled the soldier's talisman under the bell.

By the time he picked up the bell again, the soldiers had disappeared.

"Holy, about that woman, subordinate ...!"

Thinking that the previous request had not been finished, Qin Yi was interrupted by raising his hand when he planned to continue persuasion.

"Qin Yi, with Hao Ran's strength and means, will undoubtedly trace the woman's origins while leveling the Four Elephant Sects."

"So, you just need to let Thirteen cooperate with Haoran."

He got up and left the dragon chair, walked to the window sill of the study, and looked at the direction of the Four Elephant Sects. Qin Emperor said with confidence.

"I believe that with Hao Ran's intelligence, she can trace the origin of that woman!"


"Ta Ling, it looks like we are going to stay in Sixiangzong for a while!"

Putting the soldier's amulet into his sleeve, Yu Haoran both felt extremely depressed, and said in a rather helpless manner.

"It's okay, anyway, from the opening of the mystery, and almost a month, it is enough for you to deal with Sixiangzong."

Being able to control 100,000 elite soldiers is also a very good means of training for Hao Ran.

Therefore, in the face of unhappy Yu Haoran, Ta Ling quickly smiled and relieved.

"After the Sixiangzong has been flattened, I must move the entire treasure house of the Sixiangzong, and even a tenth-level spirit stone will not be left to him."

Ta Ling's relief relieved Yu Haoran's inner depression slightly, but thinking that he was actually calculated by Emperor Qin, he was going to revenge fiercely.

In this regard, Ta Ling just smiled and said nothing.

The distance of hundreds of miles is only a few minutes for Yu Haoran, who is in order to reach the level of Wu Wang.


Just when Hao Ran had just landed in front of the barracks built by the temporary tower, the four soldiers in the realm of Wu Zong immediately shouted loudly.


Seeing the four soldiers in the battalion, no matter their spirits or vigilance, they were very good, which made Yu Haoran nodded with satisfaction.

Putting his right hand behind his back, he quietly drew a picture to one of his companions, and then asked the soldier stepping forward as the highest soldier.

"who are you?"

"When Hao Ran Ma Yu Haoran!"

In front of the soldier's small movement just now, Yu Haoran did not fail to notice it, but instead of stopping it, he was very satisfied with his response.

Because from this it can be seen how good the quality of the Sergeant of the Qin Empire.

"Muffin is Yu Haoran, who was just engaged to Princess Ling Fei!"

Whether it was refining the five-destined Xuanmendan and Paniedan, or the ongoing engagement rituals, and nine shocking engagement gifts for the guests who were on the scene, everything that Hao Ran had done, caused a great deal in the Qin Empire sensation.

Today, I dare not say that everyone in the entire Qin Empire knows Yu Haoran, but at least the Six Route Army who fought in the Quartet has few people who do not know him.

"It's Ben Ma!"

He smiled and nodded. After Hao Ran took out the engagement ceremony, the general manager Jiang gave him the token that symbolized the identity of Ma Maye, so that the soldiers in front of him looked at it.

"Subordinates have seen Master Ma!"

Seeing the horse-horse token taken out by Yu Haoran, the three soldiers in the battalion immediately bowed on their knees to salute.

"No need to be polite, get up!" Yu Haoran said mildly.

"Master Ma is a little wait. Just now Zhao Si has already invited General Lin and should be here soon!" Seeing that Yu Haoran not only did not have a trace of Master Ma, but was very easy-going, the leading soldiers signaled respectfully.

"It's okay, Grandpa Ben will wait for a while."

While responding with a smile, Yu Haoran started chatting with the three soldiers, hoping to learn more information from their mouths.

Unfortunately, due to the influence of identity and strength, they know far less than Qin Shisan knows.

"Lin Yuanxiang has met Master Ma, Master Ma Ankang!"

It was when Hao Ran talked and laughed with the three soldiers in the barracks that a general in silver and white armor came quickly to the barracks.

"General Lin doesn't need to be polite, please hurry up!"

Originally, according to Lin Yuanxiang's identity, especially now that the armor is on his body, he only needs to hold a fist to salute, without having to kneel to salute at all.

But since he did so, he showed respect for himself. I'm afraid the situation in the barracks is not good. He needs someone who can shake the scene to solve it.

"General Lin, why are you alone coming out to meet Ben Ma, are all other generals going to attack the Sixiang Ningshen array!"

After Lin Yuanxiang got up, Yu Haoran immediately put away a smile, and asked a little unpleasantly.

After entering the barracks and truly understanding the situation of the army, he will directly take over the 100,000 elite soldiers of the left army with his soldiers.

But before that, he needed to know the attitude of the thirteen generals who led the army on the left, regarding his sudden arrival.


Facing Hao Ran's unpleasant questioning, Lin Yuanxiang was hesitant. After glancing at the three soldiers in the camp, he quietly proposed.

"Master Ma, talk as you go!"

"Cultivate well, you will not have no chance to become a general in charge of tens of thousands of soldiers in the future." Before stepping into the barracks, Yu Haoran turned his head and encouraged the three guarded soldiers.

"The subordinates are determined to work hard, and they will not disappoint Ye Ma's teachings!" With respect to Hao Ran's encouragement, the three soldiers assured him with excitement.

"General Lin, please!"

Giving a signal to Lin Yuanxiang, Yu Haoran stepped into the barracks.

But after less than five steps, he frowned.

Later, he signaled that Lin Xiangyuan waited for a while, then quit the army palace, and smelled it carefully.

Immediately afterwards, he stepped into the barracks again and sniffed it again.

Taking a deep breath, Yu Haoran said solemnly to Ta Ling in the sea.

"Ta Ling, I'm afraid I already know who the woman who abducted General Gu Yue!"

"Who is it?" Ta Ling asked immediately.

"Qingqiu White Fox, who is proficient in charm."

Yu Haoran said word by word.

"Moreover, I can be sure that this is a white fox with seven tails, which reaches the stage of accomplishment."

"Yu Haoran, what do you want to do?"

For nearly a year, the Ling Ling knew that since Hao Ran dared to be so sure, he must have found sufficient evidence to prove that the culprit for the abnormality of the left army was the green fox with a charm.

Therefore, he now needs to know Yu Haoran's idea of ​​whether to continue to take over the army on the left or to track down Bai Hu and rescue General Gu Yue.

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