Destined Martial God

Chapter 851: Chaos left army (five more)

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In the barracks!

No matter how high the level and strength of the white fox, as long as it has not been promoted to the second-order imperial realm, and has not achieved the ancestors before the nine tail, the body of the taste will never be removed.

As long as you use special secret methods to improve your sense of smell, you can definitely find that seven-tailed white fox along that scent.

With the power of the law of years, it is not difficult to kill the seven-tailed white fox.

But Yu Haoran was worried whether General Gu Yue, who had been abducted by the seven-tailed white fox, was still alive.

If he was already dead in the hands of the seven-tailed white fox, then what's the use of finding the seven-tailed white fox for himself, at best, it is revenge for him.

Therefore, after a short period of thinking, Yu Haoran finally decided to take over the army on the left first, and after pacifying the Four Elephant Sects, he decided whether to pursue the seven-tailed white fox.

"General Lin, I'm very sorry. Just now Ben Ma suddenly thought of a private matter, and I was a bit lost."

Seeing Lin Yuanxiang in doubt, Yu Haoran casually found an excuse to pass his strange behavior just now, and then stepped deeper into the barracks, he continued to question why the generals did not go out to meet themselves.

"Master Ma, speaking, his subordinates felt very ashamed, and they lived up to the grace of the Holy Ghost."

Facing Hao Ran's questioning, Lin Yuanxiang first pleaded guilty and then introduced in detail the strange things that happened on the left army since arriving at the Four Elephant Sects.

Knowing in advance the cause of the chaotic murderer of the left army, combined with Lin Yuanxiang's more detailed description just now, Yu Haoran suddenly found that the timing of the seven-tailed white fox appeared is not a coincidence, it seems to have a deep relationship with the Sixiangzong.

Thinking back to the previous understanding of the Sixiangzong, it seems that Sixiangzong has not found any connection with the Qingqiuhu tribe. This is something he couldn't figure out.

Since he couldn't figure it out, Yu Haoran didn't continue to struggle.

Anyway, after waiting for the Four Elephant Sects to be leveled, after the capture of the Four Elephant Sects and several elders, they must be able to find out their relationship with Qingqiuhu.

Therefore, temporarily suppressing the suspicion of the Qingqiu fox and the Sixiangzong, Yu Haoran continued to listen to Lin Yuanxiang to explain why the generals did not leave the camp to greet themselves.

After Lin Yuanxiang's explanation, Yu Haoran found that the reason was simple.

That is, with the disappearance of General Gu Yue and the strongest Huang Qingling seriously injured, the remaining eleven generals began to compete for control of the left army.

The reason why Lin Yuanxiang did not participate in the competition was because his own strength was slightly weaker, and because of the origin of the civilian children, he was neither capable nor qualified to participate in the competition.

"Where are they now?"

It is not good to rectify the military discipline. I don't want to know how to crack the Sixiang Ningshen array as soon as possible. I only know the internal struggle for power and profit. Yu Haoran's face darkened when he heard what the eleven generals are doing now.

"Back to Master Ma, now they are all in the army account."

Listening to the suppressed anger in Hao Ran's tone, Lin Yuanxiang couldn't help but cheer in his heart.

Affected by the origin of civilians, among the 13 generals of the North Army, Lin Yuanxiang is not only the lowest-ranking general, but also the one receiving the worst treatment.

All the hardest, most tiring, and most dangerous tasks in the army were all of Lin Yuanxiang's. However, on the rewards of merit and the cleanliness of the spoils, he couldn't even confide.

The unfair treatment these days has kept him angry, but has been unable to vent.

After all, the twelve generals of the North Army not only have their own strength, but also have a strong background behind them, which Lin Yuanxiang can't provoke.

However, Lin Yuanxiang, who is now a grandma, knew that although he was a child of his family, he was not treated even as well as ordinary civilians.

Moreover, he also knows that Ma Ye is a man who cares nothing and can't stand half wronged.

Because of the elusive nature of the eleventh general's nostrils, he will certainly not succumb to the repression of the grandma, and in the end conflict will definitely erupt.

If he can take advantage of the opportunity to suppress them severely, he can also export his evil spirits.

If it is better to directly kill one or two generals, it will not only be able to severely export evil spirits, but also be conducive to his position in the left army.

"take me to!"

Taking a deep breath, trying to make himself appear to suppress anger, Yu Haoran instructed Lin Xianglin.

At the same time, he also urged Tallinn to perform the appendage technique in case of accident.

"Master Ma, come with me!"

Lin Yuanxiang bent slightly and motioned, then strode Yu Haoran straight to the army's account.

"Ji Qingyu, when I was in the army, you were still peeing and playing with mud. What qualifications do you have to compare with Lao Tzu?"

Under the leadership of Lin Yuanxiang, Yu Haoran soon came to the front of the army.

Immediately, a rude insult came to my ear.

"Li Quanqing, who took part in the army early, played a fart. Lao Tzu's military achievements are several times yours. Of course, his qualifications are higher than you." Another general who was full of vitality responded rudely.

"Ji Qingyu, are your bones itchy again now? I want my old Li to help you soothe your bones."

Ji Qingyu's more rude counterattack made Li Quanqing stand up angrily and sneer and invited to fight.

"Did they do this every day recently?" Yu Haoran asked coldly, pointing to the wide tent in front of him.

Someone ca n’t say anything in front of the Chinese army ’s account. Otherwise, it ’s easy to be hated by some people in the tent.

Therefore, Lin Yuanxiang just nodded.

"Come and come, who is afraid of you."

"Ji Qingyu, relying on your triangle cat's work, I, Li Quanqing, will let you do three tricks first, lest others say I will bully new people by virtue of my qualifications."

"Enough, shut up!" Yu Haoran, who couldn't hear it, directly mobilized Dan Tian Yuanli, yelling like Hong Zhong.

Hearing Yu Haoran's applause, the tent suddenly quieted down.

But it was quiet for less than three seconds.

With a cursing voice, a middle-aged general in black armor stepped out.

"Which guy is not eye-opener, dare to yell in front of the army's account, I'm not **** ..."

However, when the middle-aged general in black armor saw Yu Hao's complexion, he immediately chose to shut up, while his salute appeared on his face.

"His subordinate Li Quanqing has met Master Ye, Master Ye Kang!"

It didn't mean that Hao Ran signaled to get up, Li Quanqing stood up, then rushed to him in three or two steps, and asked charmingly.

"Master Ma, why did you come to the barracks!"

"you know me!"

Being able to recognize yourself at first glance shows that the other party not only knows himself, but must have seen him.

But after thinking about it for a long time, Yu Haoran didn't remember that he had met Li Quanqing, who was a big five and three thick guy.

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