Destined Martial God

Chapter 853: Next set (two more)

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In the army account!

"As General Han just said, my Da Qin Empire pays attention to equality before the law, and obeys the prince to violate the law and accompany the people."

In the face of Han Guangbei's slightly panic reminder, Yu Haoran shook his head, and then solemnly refused.

"Ben Ma does not need to ask the holy, and willingly accepts the punishment of the army stick."

"So, General Han will send someone to execute it!"

"Master Ma, do you really think about it?" Han Guangbei continued to question.

"General Han needn't say much, Ben Ma has already decided!" He nodded heavily, and Yu Haoran signaled a deathly attitude.

"okay then!"

Seeing that oil and salt did not advance, Yu Haoran, who would have to bear the punishment of a military stick, would have to relent, and raised his head and shouted to the account.

"Come here!"

Two soldiers, wearing cyan armor and holding blue spike swords, were ordered to enter the tent.

"Master Ma violates the military regulations and accepts the punishment of fifty army sticks according to the law. Now you take Master Ma to go to execution!" Han Guangbei raised his chin and ordered an unbearable expression.

"Observe!" After receiving the orders from Han Guangbei, the two soldiers holding Qingsui sabers went directly to Hao Ran.

"Slow!" But when the two soldiers were less than two meters away from him, Yu Haoran suddenly stopped.

"Master Ma, may you change your mind, intend to use the identity of the royal family to ask the Holy See." After hearing Hao Ran's voice, Han Guangbei immediately felt a joy in his heart and quickly asked.

"I don't know anything about Ben Ma, I hope General Han can dispel Ben Ma." He shook his head and signaled that he was not intending to use the identity of the Royal Mae, but asked with a doubt on his face.

"Master Ma, please tell me!" Han Guangbei signaled.

"General Han, Ben Ma needs to bear the punishment of fifty army sticks, because I violated the Yue Yue in the military regulations, right?"

"Yes!" Nodded, Han Guangbei confirmed.

Turning around and pointing to the exclusive general's tiger skin march, Yu Haoran continued to ask.

"The reason why the crime of overrun was violated was because Ben Ma was sitting on the tiger skin march which belonged to the general's position without permission, right?"

"Yes!" While continuing to nod, Han Guangbei was completely confused by Yu Haoran's question.

However, a general in light blue armor at the scene showed a look of complete realization.

Then he looked at Han Guangbei's eyes, showing a touch of pity and sneer.

"General Han, then Ben Ma wanted to ask you, did I sit on the Tigerskin Dragon?" After receiving the confirmation from Han Guangbei, Yu Haoran changed his face and asked.


Facing Hao Ran's somber expression, Han Guangbei didn't know how to answer.

At the same time, he gradually came to understand why Yu Haoran was willing to accept the punishment of the fifty army stick.

Originally he had been laying down his own suit, waiting for himself to jump inside.

"General Han, answer me!" Yu Haoran yelled loudly without taking a step forward.

"No!" Han Guangbei, who was completely flustered, replied subconsciously.

"Since Ben Ma did not sit on the tiger skin march, he did not violate military regulations."

Taking another step forward, Yu Haoran continued to ask with oppression.

"Since Ben Ma hasn't violated the military regulations, what right do you have to enforce military regulations on a horse that is loyal to the Empire."

"Master Ma, it was his subordinate's fault just now, and his subordinate was willing to admit punishment!"

Faced with Hao Ran's constant pressure of persecution, Han Guangbei took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed his inner turmoil. He planned to make a concession for the time being, and then looked for opportunities again.

"General Li, in accordance with the laws of our Great Qin Empire, what should we do if we commit the following offenses for personal gain?"

Seeing Han Guangbei's active confession, Yu Haoran slightly raised Yang at the corner of his mouth, then turned and asked Li Quanqing.

However, when looking at Li Quanqing, he did not hide the chill in his eyes.

"If you return to Ma Ye, according to the laws of my Qin Empire, the following offenders should be beheaded, use their powers for personal gain, and hang themselves."

Seeing the chill flashing in Yu Haoran's eyes, it seemed rude, but actually quite savvy, Li Quanqing, immediately knew his true thoughts, and quickly said the result of the most severe punishment.

"Li Quanqing, what do you mean?" After hearing the result of the punishment given by Li Quanqing, Han Guangbei's complexion changed, and his eyes flushed with screams.

Whether it is the following offenders or the use of power for personal gain, the crimes are of all sizes.

Just like the crime of overthrow, in the heavy case, it is directly launched to behead, and in the other case, it only needs to bear fifty army sticks.

And as far as he offended and offended Hao Ran just now, it was at most a deduction of half a year to one year.

But according to the punishment just given by Li Quanqing, Han Guangbei will surely die today.

"General Han, I don't mean anything, I just read the laws of the Great Qin Empire according to the original text!" With a shrug, Li Quanqing signaled an innocent expression.

"General Han, in the face of the crime of Yue Yue, Ben Ma can willingly accept the punishment, then in the face of the following crimes committed and power for personal gain, I do not know what you would do?"

He waved his hand to signal Li Quanqing not to continue talking, Yu Haoran turned around and looked at Han Guangbei, and while questioning, he secretly mobilized the power of the law with traces of years.

"Master Ma, can't you be merciless, and let me have Han Guangbei a way of life!" Han Guangbei, who also secretly used the power of the rules, asked with a chill in his voice.


Facing Han Guangbei's questioning, Yu Haoran couldn't help but sighed and said helplessly.

"General Han has fought for the country for many years, and he has made many military achievements, which has won him great importance."

"So, not only does Ben Ma don't want it, I am afraid that the many generals present also don't want you to accept punishment."

Immediately after, Yu Haoran's voice turned, and her voice was firm and firm.

"But the law is ruthless, so I'm sorry for General Han!"

"Haha ...!"

Sighing at Haoran's false feelings, Han Guangbei couldn't help but laughed.

He laughed for almost a minute, and suddenly recovered his laughter, with a slight scorn of irony.

"Yu Haoran, you can execute Han Guangbei on me, but I don't know who has the qualification and who has the ability on the spot."

"Han Guangbei, what do you mean?"

His complexion changed slightly, and while Hao Ran questioned loudly, he had begun to exert the power of the law of years.

"Yu Haoran, you are really vicious."

Let go of the suppressive momentum, watching Yu Haoran with a tense expression, Han Guangbei said with gritted teeth.

"Using the crime of overrun, this general will only let you bear the punishment of a fifty-arms club."

"But you!"

"But he used the insignificant sin and directly wanted my Han Guangbei's life."

"Since you want me to die, you don't want to live either."

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