Destined Martial God

Chapter 854: Conquer Han Guangbei (three more)

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In the army account!

Looking at Han Guangbei who was tearing his face, Yu Haoran raised his arm and said disdainfully.

"Han Guangbei, it's not that I don't know what you really think."

"But not only are you brave, but you are short-sighted."

"If the North Army is delivered to your hands, I am afraid that it will not take three days for the 100,000 elite soldiers to be wiped out."

Han Guangbei, who had already planned to do it, asked the questioningly after hearing Hao Ran's scornful evaluation.

"His surname is Yu, why is Han Guangbei incompetent and short-sighted?"

"Han Guangbei, since you want to take control of the entire North Army instead of General and General Huang, then you should boldly stand up and accept the challenges and questions of the generals, showing your courage and domineering.

"But how did you do it?"

"Hiding behind to provoke alienation and want to take advantage of the fisherman, but the courage to be a soldier is lost."

"Don't you have a courageous expression!"


After facing the accusation that Hao Ran gave up his insanity, Han Guangbei wanted to open his mouth to refute, but in the end couldn't say anything.

That's right!

With their qualifications, prestige, and strength, as long as they bravely stand up and accept the challenge of the generals, even Li Quanqing and Ji Qingyu may have to weigh a few points.

After all, in the face of all the generals, family situation is important, but it is more important to get the support and support of the generals.

"Han Guangbei, just now I marched near the tiger skin march and was willing to accept the punishment of the fifty army stick. Such an obvious trap, you not only did not see it, but jumped in with your own pride."

"Dare you say you have a plan!"

Han Guangbei knows he has nothing to say about the accusation of no intention.

After all, as Yu Haoran just said, in the face of such an obvious conspiracy, as long as it is not a person with a problem in his mind, he can definitely see that he is deliberately setting a trap.

And yourself!

"Han Guangbei, if anyone knows me a little bit about Hao Ran, don't know how to deal with me easily.

"Because they all know that I have the secret method to easily kill the quasi-military respecter."

"what about you!"

"Is it wrong to say you are short-sighted!"

"Master Ma, his subordinates are willing to accept punishment."

Yu Haoran's final reminder made Han Guangbei suddenly think of the two ancestors of the Wang family before the engagement ceremony with Princess Ling Fei, and forced Qin Baijun, the ancestor of the ancestral palace, to give up everything and flee the Great Qin Empire.

Even the ancestors of the royal family and Qin Bojun in Zhunzun's realm were not enemies of Yu Haoran, let alone one of the young generals at the peak of Wusheng Jiupin.

Moreover, when seeing Yu Haoran who had raised his arm and pointed his finger at him, he knew that the other party was ready to perform the secret method of beheading the Zhunwu Zunqiang.

If it were not for his own scorn and shameful questioning, I am afraid that now he has been broken down into countless pieces of meat, and then what he has done in this life is presented to everyone without any reservation.

Thinking of this, the sudden fear in his heart made him take the initiative to dissipate the power of the law just mobilized, and then a gesture of willingness to accept punishment.

Seeing Han Guangbei, who was active and aware of his mistakes, Yu Guang looked at the fear that flashed in the eyes of the three of them, such as Ji Qingyu, and Yu Hao suddenly changed his attention.

Slowly lowered the raised arm, signaled the towering spirit to disperse the secret method of possession, Yu Haoran sighed, then reached out and patted Han Guangbei's shoulder, said.

"General Han, as Ben Maoma said just now, is a general who has made great achievements like you and is loyal to the empire. As long as he does not betray Daqin, no one is willing to kill you.

"Now that you have realized your mistakes and are willing to accept punishment, the death penalty is avoided."

Yu Haoran abruptly pardoned his death and made Han Guangbei, who had already closed his eyes to wait for death, like seeing light in the dark, like sweetness in the desert, and immediately shook with excitement.

Then, he knelt directly on his knees, his voice a little bit hard to thank.

"The subordinate Xie Yunma does not kill, the subordinate Xie Yunma does not kill!"

"Han Guangbei, don't rush to thank me, I'm not finished!"

Raising his hand to signal to Han Guangbei, don't rush to kneel and thank him, Yu Haoran continued.

"Although capital punishment is exempt, living crime is inevitable."

"Master Ma, as long as it's not dead, any punishment can be willingly accepted by his subordinates." Han Guangyu, who stood up straight, patted his chest assured.

In this regard, Yu Haoran did not rush to make a statement, but instead turned around and walked towards the tiger skin march, which represented the position of general.

Ji Qingyu and others were slightly tempted, but then stared out of their minds.

In the case of Li Quanqing and Lin Yuanxiang choosing to ignore, Yu Haoran sat on the army with his knees bent.

Then, he looked up at the twelve generals in his account, and then waved at Lin Yuanxiang.

"Lou Majun!" Lin Yuanxiang, who walked up to Yu Haoran, looked slightly nervous.

"Look what this is?" Yu Haoran asked with a smile, taking out the soldiers Qin Shisan gave him from his sleeve.

"This is the imperial symbol that can control all the troops of the empire!"

Reach out to take over the soldiers handed over by Hao Ran. You don't need to observe carefully. As a general, Lin Yuanxiang knows that the soldiers in his hand are not only real, but also the highest-ranking emperors who can command the entire empire's million male soldiers.

"Subordinate Lin Yuanxiang, have seen the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Long Live, the Long Live!"

With his hands held up, Lin Yuanxiang hurried to his knees and shouted Long Live.

And Li Quanqing, Ji Qingyu, and others, after seeing Lin Yuanxiang's high-armed amulet, also looked dignified like Lin Yuanxiang, kneeling on his knees and shouting long live.

Han Guangbei, who has been kneeling, flashed a bitter smile and happiness in his eyes.

The bitter smile is because he has the highest level of imperial symbols, let alone Hao Ran want to sit on the tiger skin march, even if he wants to tear down the tent symbolizing the center, these generals dare not have any opinion.

Fortunately, fortunately, he chose to plead guilty willingly and confess punishment. Otherwise, there is no need for Hao Ran to order deliberately. The entire military camp belongs to his family, and the family members who stay in the city of Xianyang will also be subject to strain.

"Let's all get up!" Yu Haoran signaled slightly, taking the soldier's talisman from Lin Yuanxiang's hand.

"Han Guangbei, Ben Yima is now relieved of your general. Would you like to?"

Seeing that Han Guangbei didn't get up like Li Quanqing and they obeyed the instructions, Yu Haoran nodded secretly, then gave the result of punishment.

"Subordinates are willing!"

He was just removed from the post of general and there were no other losses. In the face of the punishment just given by Yu Haoran, Han Guangbei was not only quite willing but also grateful to him.

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