Destined Martial God

Chapter 855: Officially took over the left army (fourth)

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In the army account!

"Han Guangbei, Ben Ma has promoted you to be the captain of the guard, who is responsible for protecting the safety of Ben Ma, would you?"

Seeing that he was removed from the post of general, Han Guangbei not only did not have a trace of resentment, but was very grateful to himself, which made Yu Haoran admire his intelligence and ingenuity.

"Subordinates swear to protect the safety of Grandma."

He was just removed from office and was promoted to captain of the guard.

Although this captain may be a bare commander, the improvement of his status and the opportunity to become Yu Haoran's confidant may be more promising than being a general.

Therefore, in the face of such an opportunity, how can Han Guangbei be unwilling, how grateful, and how quickly he can show his loyalty.

"If anyone wants to hurt Master Ma, then they must step over my body of Han Guangbei." Eyes turned to Ji Qingyu and others, Han Guangbei's murderous threat.

"Captain Han, come behind me first."

Although Han Guangbei's deliberate provocations and threats against Ji Qingyu and others were not conducive to unity among the generals on the spot, he was able to raise his prestige, which was still very satisfactory to Hao Ran.

"General Lan Rong Lan!"

When Han Guangbei obediently stood behind and faithfully performed the duties of captain of the guard, Yu Haoran looked up at the middle-aged man in a light blue armor and asked.

"Lan Rong's subordinate, I've seen Grandma!"

Seeing Yu Haoran's sudden attention to himself, Lan Rong couldn't help secretly nervous while seeing the ceremony.

"General Blue need not be nervous."

Knowing why Lan Rong was nervous about Hao Ran, while chuckling and reassuring, he took a token out of the storage ring and explained it while throwing it to Lan Rong.

"The last two days, when Ben Ma passed Weishan City, he stayed in the city's main government for a while."

"When it was learned that Ben Ma was about to rush to the North Army, the Lord of the Blue City entrusted Ben Ma to say hello to General Blue."

After receiving the token that Hao Ran lost, Lan Rong already guessed that the relationship between Yu Haoran and Lan Weixiong was good.

Now, after hearing Yu Haoran's explanation, the relieved Lan Rong asked slightly excitedly.

"Master Ma, don't you know the Lord is good?"

"General Blue please rest assured that during the time that Ben Ma stayed in Weishan City, he not only talked with the blue city lords, but also worked together to kill and kill the two largest tumors in Weishan City."

"Today, Weishan City is prosperous, and the people live and work in peace."

Yu Haoran knew what Lan Rong really cared about, so he didn't conceal anything.

At the same time, it also deterred Ji Qingyu and others.

After all, the inspectors responsible for supervising military affairs have amazing powers and energies. Even city and county owners who are on the side of the battlefield dare not easily offend the inspectors, let alone kill them directly.

"Can it be?"

The two tumors that have been restricting the Weishan City Lord, one is the Dragon Gang that makes hundreds of people in Weishan City hate their teeth, and the other is that the inspection of the power of the City Lord may be carried out at any time to kill.

Therefore, when hearing Hao Ran's claim to be killing two tumors, Lan Rong's mind flashed through Lei Xingjun and slaughter.

"That's right, it's Lei Xingjun, the evil dragon's gang, and the inspection that killed him!"

"Lan Rong on behalf of the city owner, on behalf of the three million people in Weishan City, thank the grandma of the grandma!"

Although Yu Haoran said that he was joining forces with the city owner, Lan Rong who knows Lan Weixiong very well knows that it is Lei Xingjun and torture that Yu Haoran beheaded and killed alone. This makes Lan Rong who has always wanted to change the situation in Weishan City. Can't be touched.

"General Blue, you're welcome!"

He gestured to Lan Rong, Yu Haoran's eyes, and looked at the eleven generals at the scene one by one.

After seeing the ecstasy in the eyes of Lin Yuanxiang, Li Quanqing, Lan Rong, and two second-class family generals from Xianyang City, and seeing the dodge and fear in the eyes of Ji Qingyu and others, he knew that he had basically taken over the left. Army.

Next, we should consider how to break the Sixiang Ningshenzhen and straighten the Sixiang Sect.

He is fully prepared for this.

"General Lan Ronglan, General Li Quanqing and General Li, General Lin Yuanxianglin, General Yuan Shihai and General Qi Weixian remained, and the remaining six generals returned to their camp temporarily."

Under the introduction of Han Guangbei behind him, Yu Haoran knew the origins of the ecstatic generals in his eyes, and then convinced his generals little by little, and signaled these people to stay.

When leaving the tent, Ji Qingyu and others flashing dissatisfaction in his eyes, Yu Haoran directly chose to ignore it.

Because the five generals he left, and Han Guangbei behind him, needed to cooperate with him as an assistant to break through the Sixiang Ningshenzhen, not only to do their best, but also to faithfully carry out their intentions.

"Five generals, Ben Ma left you alone, mainly because ...!"

Later, Yu Haoran explained to Lan Rong and others in detail how to crack the Sixiang Ning Shen Zhen's ideas and methods.


Three days later!

In the open space that is usually used to practice the formation, a blue gown looks like the personable Yu Haoran, standing on a temporary platform.

Put your hands behind your back, and look back and forth at the 100,000 elite soldiers below, looking calmly like clear water.

He fired for almost an hour.

Only when some generals stood in front of 100,000 elite soldiers began to show a little impatience on his face, Yu Haoran began to speak.

Use Yuanli to wrap the sound so that 100,000 elite soldiers at the scene can hear their words.

"Some of you know me and some don't know me, but whether you know me or not, I will introduce myself first."

"My surname is Yu, my name is Haoran, and I have many identities."

"For example, the deputy head of the second-class sect of the Baichimen, when the most important pilgrimage to the pilgrimage, has the talent of top wicked practice potential, the master of the Dan Dao peak realm, the master of the Dao peak realm, and so on.

Having said that, Yu Haoran retracted the smiley face when he was joking, his expression was instantly solemn, and he shouted with his power to suddenly raise his tone.

"but now!"

"I have only one identity with Yu Haoran. That is the general of your left army. It is the benefactor who will lead you to break through the Sixiang Ningshenzhen, pacify the Sixiang Sect, and build your career."

Stopping shouting, Yu Haoran looked at the 100,000 elite soldiers under the high stage, his eyes looked expectant.

"The general is mighty! The general is mighty! The general is mighty!"

Lin Yuanxiang, who was born as a civilian child, knows best.

Yu Haoran cast a look to stop the expectations revealed in his eyes, what kind of thoughts he represents, he didn't need to think much to know.

So he took the lead and shouted.

"The general is mighty! The general is mighty! The general is mighty!"

Lin Yuanxiang took the lead in shouting, and the elite soldiers belonging to his family also cheered loudly.

Subsequently, under the influence of Lin Yuanxiang's elite soldiers, 100,000 soldiers at the scene shouted at the same time as the mighty general.

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