Destined Martial God

Chapter 856: Disappointed (five more)

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In the barracks, on the platform!

Hearing the high platform, the 100,000 elite soldiers were mixed, without a shout of passion, Yu Haoran was very disappointed.

Originally, he thought that by virtue of his seemingly humble, but rather quite eloquent remarks, he could gain the recognition and trust of the 100,000 elite soldiers on the scene, so that he could quickly raise the momentum of the entire army.

But now it looks!

The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is very skinny.

I did n’t have a child at all. In the stories narrated by the elders, the protagonists possessed the spirit of Wang Ba, and they did not have the shock of a tiger. All living things immediately gave in to the charm of kneeling.

Fortunately, this situation had been expected in advance, and my inner disappointment lasted only a few seconds, and Yu Haoran completely returned to normal.

Raising his hands to signal the scene to be quiet, Yu Haoran continued.

"Some of you should have heard of me at Hao Ran, knowing that I am a person who has no regrets and does not like to adhere to moral theory."

"So, originally, some of the nonsense that should encourage morale, encourage you to bravely kill the enemy, and serve the motherland, I don't want to say more now."

Yu Haoran behaved like a gossip, so that some of the soldiers who did not agree with him suddenly became interested, and also caused their attention to focus a lot.

"Next, I just briefly talk about the plan for the battle."

Seeing that the success had aroused the interest of many soldiers at the scene, Yu Haoran did not continue to chat happily.

"Ben Ma has just said that, among my many identities, there is the identity of the master of the formation."

"Although the Sixiang Sect's guardian formation is very powerful, it is easy for Ben Ma to break through it."

Lian Xiu, a general close to the realm of Zhun Wu Zun, had no choice whatsoever to take the four elephants and condense the formation.

Moreover, General Huang Zongling, the strongest, was defeated in the Sixiang Ningshenzhen formation, causing him to remain unconscious and unable to preside over the whole situation.

Therefore, everyone was not only convinced that Hao Ran was confident that he could break the Sixiang Ningjinzhen, but some people who could not get used to his posture showed a look of ridicule.

"Of course, before you really broke the Four Elephants Condensation Formation, I know you must have thought that the horse was just bragging."

How could the changes in everyone's eyes and breath be concealed too much? For the unconvincing of everyone, he didn't care, and still talked like a chatter.

"It's ok!"

"Because Ben Ma neither expected you to believe, nor did you need to help break through the formation."

"The only thing you need to do now is to stand honestly in front of the formation and watch how the Benma horse and the five generals easily break through the Sixiang Ningshen array."

"Okay, let's say so much for now!"

"As for the other words, after breaking through the Four Elephants Concentration Array, I can see that Ben Ma is in the mood."

I didn't get the support of the 100,000 elite soldiers in the imagination at first, and then a pledge to follow, so that Hao Ran had originally prepared a stomach to mobilize the atmosphere of the scene, and suddenly lost the desire to continue.

Now, his only idea is to take Han Guangbei and others to break through the Sixiang Ningshen array as fast as possible, and use the most shocking scenes to fan the eyes of these rats. Heavy slapped.

"set off!"

He waved his hand, and gave a random command, Yu Haoran rose into the air, and then went straight to the Sixiang Sect, a hundred miles away from the barracks.

"Master Ma, you don't need to be angry. The reason why those soldiers are not so enthusiastic is because they have never seen your true means."

Seeing Yu Haoran, who was not interested, as the captain of the guard, Han Guangbei, quickly chased him, and then explained carefully.

"After you use the thunder method to break through the Four Elephant Condensation Formation, you will surely make 100,000 elite soldiers convincingly and sincerely follow you from now on."

"Guangbei, you don't need to explain. I know in my heart and I won't blame those soldiers."

After dealing with a few sentences of Han Guangbei's explanation, Yu Haoran suddenly speeded up and went straight to the Sixiang Sect that had appeared in sight.


Looking at Yu Haoran speeding towards the Sixiangzong, Han Guangbei could not help but sigh.

Then, he turned to look at the army behind him, looking at Ji Qingyu and others who led the army forward, and there was a flash of cold light in his eyes.

At a young age, he can achieve amazing achievements in martial arts, dandao, and fronts at the same time, as well as the style of doing whatever he wants. The amazing performances of Yu Haoran are precisely those who are not high in cultivation and are eager to change their destiny through their own efforts Idols of the soldiers.

Facing the encouragement of idols, they should burst into great enthusiasm.

The reason why they treated Haoran so indifferently must be related to the secret provocation of Ji Qingyu and others.

If it wasn't for the moment when it was time to break through the Sixiang Ningshenzhen and flatten the Sixiang Sect, he would definitely teach Ji Qingyu and others fiercely to let them know that some people cannot afford to offend.

Looking at the Four Elephant Sects who didn't have much change in their eyes and memories, Yu Haoran's eyes showed strong hatred.

In the previous life, when he fled the Great Qin Empire for the first time, by chance, he encountered two masters of the nine emperor Wu Pin who had all died together, and accidentally got two storage rings left on their bodies.

But what is unfortunate is that just after he picked up two storage rings, he was discovered by the master of Sixiangzong.

At the time, his master was only the peak of Wuzong Sanpin, not a master of Sixiangzong at all.

Therefore, in order to keep his own life, he did not wait for the master of Sixiangzong to ask for it at the time, so he surrendered two storage rings on his own initiative.

However, what he never expected was that the master of Sixiangzong who got the storage ring didn't let him go, instead he caught him in Sixiangzong.

It was precisely because he was arrested in the Sixiangzong that after 20 days of inhuman torture, he knew the treasure owned by the Sixiangzong.

"Master Ma, General Blue they are ready."

Han Guangbei, who arrived later, interrupted Yu Haoran's memories and let his sights re-enter the Sixiang Ningshen array, which is gradually opening.

"Let's go!"

A reminder to Han Guangbei, Yu Haoran accelerated to the front of Sixiang Ningshenzhen.

Looking at the Four Elephant Sects that were gradually shrouded in cyan, red, white, and gray energy, Yu Haoran quietly swallowed the essence of the blue magpie, and then looked for the opportunity to integrate into the formation.

"General Han, as the saying goes, nothing more!"

Just when Haoran was looking for the opportunity to integrate into the formation, the voice of the four-sect monarch's indignation came from within the formation.

"The first time you attacked Sixiang Ningshenzhen, we just expelled General Yue from the array without hurting him for half a point."

"The second time you attacked the Sixiang Ning Shen Zhen, we only injured General Huang, and did not take his life."

"Now, for the third time, you have come to attack the Four Elephant Sects. Do you think that the Lord is afraid to kill?"

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