Destined Martial God

Chapter 863: The heart is like water (two more)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Destiny Valkyrie!

Affected by work adjustments, except for a chapter in the morning, the remaining updates are basically in the afternoon and evening.


Four Elephant Sects!

Utilizing Taling's deliberately remaining formation power, he continued to maintain Qinglong's transformed Yu Haoran, ignoring the dissatisfied glares of everyone behind him, and slowly flew into the Sixiang Sect.

As a heritage that has been passed down for more than 10,000 years, and has occupied the aura of heaven and earth with sufficient aura, the number of disciples of the Four Elephant Sects is far more than 100 feet, reaching an astonishing 40,000.

However, in the face of well-equipped and well-trained 50,000 elite soldiers, the disciples of Sixiangzong could not effectively defend and counterattack, and soon fell into the danger of being slaughtered madly.

Some talents and potentials are good, and under the **** of the elders of the division, the talented disciples who intend to forcibly break out are directly trained as some school captains who have reached the realm of Wu Sheng. Stunned.

Because some of these talented disciples with outstanding talents and potentials can be transformed into the people of the Great Qin Empire through transformation and persuasion, and then added to the army as a source of troops.

This is also one of the means to support war in the process of battle.

In the face of more than 50,000 well-equipped elite soldiers, in addition to the elders who have left the sect in advance and some disciples who have gone out to practice, the rest don't want to escape.

The destruction of the Four Elephant Sects has become a fact!

In the previous life, not only did they pass through the Zongmen Gate, they also saw the tragic situation of countless Zongmen Gates and their families, and their mentality was already numb.

Therefore, facing the Sixiangzong disciples who were being suppressed and hanged by blood underneath, Yu Haoran didn't feel a wave in his heart.

"Yu Haoran, it seems that Ji Qingyu intends to challenge your authority!"

It was because Haoran was controlling Qinglong's body, and when he was going to find Han Guangbei, who was guarding the treasure house, a voice of a towering reminder suddenly came from the sea.

"Sure enough, as I expected!" After hearing Ta Ling's reminder, Yu Haoran couldn't bear to sneer and said to himself.

After Han Guangbei's detailed introduction of each general, he knew that Ji Qingyu, with deep roots, would definitely not succumb to himself, and even faced with his intentional commands, Ji Qingyu would never obediently execute.

Therefore, when entering the Four Elephant Sects, he asked Ta Ling to monitor Ji Qingyu's every move to see if he intended to fool himself with Yang Fengyin.

The result was exactly what he expected.

"General Lin, select a dozen talented and potential disciples, and let them flee the Sixiang Sect in the north direction."

After Shixiangzong was completely destroyed, although he would surrender his soldiers and then break away from the North Army, he faced Ji Qingyu who provoked himself.

If he did not give a strong response, how could he safely put the North Army into his own hands.

After all, 100,000 elite soldiers will be a very powerful force, and they may be used in future battles on the spiritual path.

"Yes, Master Ma!"

Although I don't know why Yu Haoran deliberately let go of a group of Sixiangzong disciples, but Lin Yuanxiang, who has chosen to be submissive and loyal, must first execute the order.

Fifteen ordinary people who were a little older and had very high potentials were selected in person. Even if they escaped from the Four Elephant Sects, they would not cause any trouble afterwards.

Moreover, these disciples fled the Four Elephant Sects in the north direction smoothly under his personal arrangement.

Seeing Lin Yuanxiang's cautious approach, he won his own heart, Yu Haoran nodded with satisfaction, then swung the dragon tail, and slowly flew over the treasure house of Sixiangzong.

Dissipating the energy of matrix formation in Qinglong's body, Yu Haoran regained his original appearance, and slowly landed in front of the treasure house on the sixth floor.

"Master Ma!"

Seeing Yu Haoran falling in front of the treasure house, Han Guangbei immediately stepped forward and saluted.

"Good job!" Yu Haoran nodded in praise of the dozen or so corpses placed at the west of the treasure house, especially the three martial arts strong men dressed in elder costumes.

"It is precisely because of the forward-looking command of Master Ma, that his subordinates can ensure the safety and security of the treasure house." Facing Haoran's praise, Han Guangbei immediately gave a horse fart with a smile.

"Guangbei, let your confidante guard the treasure house. Come with me into the treasure house!"

Everyone is willing to listen to the nice words. Of course, Yu Haoran is not exempt, so he feels comfortable and directly invites Han Guangbei to enter the treasure house together.

"Thank you Master Ma!"

Entering the treasure house together to select treasures. After hearing Yu Haoran's instructions, Han Guangbei took three deep breaths in succession, which was regarded as suppressing the inner emotions.

After all, with Hao Ran's vision and value, the number of treasures that can be put into the eyes of the treasure house will not be very large, so can you take the remaining treasures and a lot of resources yourself.

Although those treasures may not be used by themselves, there are still many relatives and confidants behind him that need to be cultivated.

My stress has always been great!

Twelve henchmen were instructed to guard the treasure house, and Han Guangbei blasted the door of the treasure house personally, and then waited respectfully for Yu Haoran to enter.

"Let's go!"

Walked to the door of the treasure house opened, Yu Haoran gave a faint command, and then stepped into the treasure house.

Although the concentration of Reiki in the first floor of the treasure house has been completely gasified, for Yu Haoran, who has just experienced the baptism of the third-order top-grade Reiki pure and rich Reiki, there is no hint of surprise in his heart.

Go to the deepest part of the first floor of the treasure house, and use the strong wind to directly open the thirteen wooden boxes placed side by side in front of you.

Later, he found that all the high-quality spirit stones in grades five to nine were stored, and he nodded slightly satisfied, and then put all thirteen wooden boxes into the tower.

"Guangbei, Benma allows you to take one-fifth of the spirit stone from the treasure house."

Turning straight to the stairs to the second floor of the treasure house, Yu Haoran reminded with a smile when facing Han Guangbei, who showed his longing look.

"Thank you Master Ma for your gifts, your subordinates will definitely ...!"

If the number of spirit stones in the first layer of the treasure house is exchanged for the spirit stones of the ninth grade, the total amount may reach hundreds of billions.

One fifth of the hundreds of billions, and the horrible amount is more than 30 billion.

For Han Guangbei, this is a huge fortune that he has never seen and never thought of in his decades of practice.

Therefore, it was difficult for him to suppress his emotional excitement, and he vowed to be loyal to his knees directly.

However, Yu Haoran shook his head to stop his vow of allegiance, and reminded.

"It's faster to collect spirits. I'll wait for you on the second floor of the treasure house."

Later, Yu Haoran entered the second floor of the treasure house through the stairs.

Looking at the dozens of rows of special wooden stands in front of me, there were thousands of different types and grades of medicinal materials, and Yu Haoran, who had been astonished, had finally raised a little interest.

Anyway, there is plenty of time, and I don't rush to leave the treasure house immediately.

Therefore, Yu Haoran used the strong wind to open the wooden boxes on the wooden racks one by one, and then began to choose the elixir he liked.

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