Destined Martial God

Chapter 864: Consciousness trapped (three)

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Sixiangzong, treasure house!

When passing Weishan City, the owner of Weishan City Lan Weixiong, because of excessive self-blame and guilt, caused the heart demon to bite back. When he had to remedy a lot of Qingxin Dan, he found a small hidden danger.

That is, although their own medicinal reserve is very complete, the amount of storage is too scarce, and most of them can only be made one.

In the future, if you encounter this situation, especially those closest to you. Because of the lack of reserves of medicinal materials, I can only watch my relatives accidentally. Would I not regret it?

What's more, with the domain tower and several storage rings, there is no shortage of storage space.

Therefore, although most of the tens of thousands of medicinal materials in the second layer of the treasure house are not of high quality, Yu Haoran did not give up all of them.

But based on the elixir capable of refining different effects, he has selected nearly 3,000 medicinal materials before he can finish the selection.

"Gwangbei, Benma allows you to choose a thousand kinds of medicinal herbs."

To Han Guangbei, who had just entered the second floor of the treasure house, Yu Haoran reminded with a smile, and then entered the third floor of the treasure house through the stairs.

Looking at the third wooden shelf of the treasure house, there are thousands of bottles of Dan medicine stored in the bottle, Yu Haoran closed his eyes directly, and then used the spirit to check the Dan medicine grade and origin marked on the bottle.

It is a pity that although the number of Dan bottles is more than a thousand, but there are very few Dan medicines that can really make him feel good.

In the end, he only selected two bottles to improve his mood, two bottles to help improve the physical grade, and three bottles of high-quality elixir for healing.

Turning his head and glancing at the stairs leading to the second floor of the Treasury, Yu Haoran found that Han Guangbei had not yet come up, so he stood there and planned to wait for him for a while.

But at this time, the towering spirit in the sea suddenly reminded.

"Yu Haoran, immediately went to the middle of the nineteenth row, marking the front of the Dan bottle of the refining Dan."

Can feel the hint of surprise in the tone of the reminder of Ta Ling, Yu Haoran immediately flashed in the middle of the nineteenth row, and quickly found the Dan bottle that marked the refined Dan.

"Yu Haoran, there is no danger, you can directly open it for inspection." Seeing Yu Haoran who did not take out the dan bottle, Ta Ling knew what he was afraid of, and he reminded him.

Remove the Dan bottle from the wooden stand and open it directly.

There is no need to pour out the elixir in the dan bottle. With only the faint danxiang, Yu Haoran knows why the surprise that Taling just reminded.

Because the Dan bottle marked with Refining Dan is not the Refining Dan, but the Xiu Dan that can strengthen the foundation and enhance the potential.

Among the tens of thousands of elixir medicines that assist martial arts practitioners, there are both meridians and blood veins, bones and internal organs, and even elixir specialized in hair.

There is only a lack of elixir for bone marrow.

In previous lives, he ran through countless ruins and dangerous places, and obtained thousands of Danfang, but there was no Danfang specifically targeted at the bone marrow.

Although the exercise of the bone marrow does not affect its own foundation and potential, but the perfect body can have unexpected benefits in the future.

Xiu Shen Dan is just for bone marrow hidden in the bone.

"Taling, please check the remaining bottles and see if there is any wrong medicine in them." Yu Haoran reminded expectantly when he put away Xiu Shen Dan.

"Yu Haoran, don't think of good things, you can be satisfied if you can get Xiu Shen Dan accidentally!" Ta Ling who had used God's mind to look at all of them once, felt depressed and couldn't help criticizing.

"Hey, isn't this the unexpected ecstasy that evoked inner greed!" Facing Ta Ling's criticism, Yu Haoran smiled twice indifferently.

At this time, Han Guangbei entered the third floor of the treasure house.

"Guangbei, Benma allows you to choose three hundred bottles of different elixir." Pointing to the elixir on the wooden stand, Yu Haoran reminded.

Then he stepped up the stairs to the fourth floor of the treasure house.

Even after experiencing the impact of the spirit stone and medicinal materials, Han Guangbei, who has been greatly tempered in his mind, was still very excited after seeing the reward of elixir.

After all, the effect of spiritual stone-assisted cultivation is far from comparable to that of elixir.

Before the medicinal materials were refined into elixir, they were not even as effective as the spiritual stone.

Entering the fourth floor of the treasure house through the stairs, a scent of books rushed towards the face.

After divinely scanning hundreds of minds, martial arts and secrets placed on more than ten bookshelves, Yu Haoran walked to the jade Jane placed on the deepest bookshelf while reminding Ta Ling to help him check if it suits him , Or suitable for training the mind, martial arts and secret methods of the class.

The number of jade bamboo slips on the deep bookshelf of the treasure house is not many, only seven in total.

Reached out to pick up a jade bamboo slip, first looked at it with divine thoughts, and then used telepathy a bit. After making sure there was no danger, consciousness entered the jade bamboo slip.

Just three seconds later, a look of joy appeared on his face.

The jade slip I just read is neither a shocking heritage or a top-level anti-sky martial arts skill, but a ancestor of Four Elephants who likes to travel around, leaving what he saw and heard during the tour.

Yu Haoran is not short of top-notch mentality and martial arts. He urgently needs to improve his experience.

And this one records the travels he rarely visited in the previous life, which can not only enhance his experience, but also help him with unimaginable future experience.

The ancestor Xixiangzong who likes to travel to reach the peak of Wusheng Qipin, has visited a lot of places in his life, and left a lot of experience.

Therefore, Yu Haoran forcibly withdrew from his consciousness, and then rejoiced to put away the jade Jane, and turned his attention to the second one.

In the same way, after confirming that there is no danger to Yujian, consciousness enters Yujian.

In only three seconds, Yu Haoran quit his consciousness and discarded Yu Jian at random.

Because the jade bamboo slip recorded the spiritual practice of the high-level stage, it was of no use to him.

Using the same method, after confirming that there is no danger to the third jade slip, consciousness immediately entered the jade slip.

But as soon as consciousness entered Yujian's space, the telepathy, which had no response at all, immediately issued a warning of extreme danger.

It is a pity that when the consciousness felt the warning from the soul, the space in Yujian had been completely blocked.

Forcing yourself to quickly calm down, and then quickly sense the second clone in the domain tower.

Fortunately, although consciousness cannot leave the completely blocked Yujian space, it can be connected with the second person.

Immediately let the second avatar tell Taling that he is now in danger, and let him find a way to open the blockade of Yujian space.

Later, he instructed the second person to leave Yuta, temporarily replacing himself, so as not to be caught by Han Guangbei, who subsequently entered the fourth floor of the treasure house.

After the arrangements were made, Yu Haoran began to carefully examine the blocked space.

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