Destined Martial God

Chapter 878: Powerful Qin Shishi (make up)

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A chapter was owed yesterday, without explanation, just make up!

Sovereign peak, in the wind pavilion!

After listening to Qin Shishi ’s retelling, Emperor Qin wanted to ask for his opinion on taking over the candidate for General North Road, Yu Haoran considered it a bit, and then took a blank jade bamboo slip from the storage ring, and chose his favorite candidate And the reasons for the referral are recorded in the jade bamboo slips in detail.

"Thirteen, transfer this jade Jane to the Holy!" After throwing Jade Jane to Qin Shisan, Yu Haoran commanded.

After receiving Yu Jian and using the bell in his hand to teleport to Xianyang City Palace, Qin Shishi accompanied Yu Haoran for a while.

In a minute!

As the bell in his hand began to shake, Qin Shisan took out a decree from the bell, and sent it to Haoran respectfully.

"Master Ma, take your place in charge of the army of the North Road. Long live Lord has written on the decree."

After receiving the imperial edict delivered by Qin Shishi, Yu Haoran opened it and glanced immediately, a smile of relief appeared on his face.

Subsequently, he put away the imperial edict in his hand, and then waved to Lan Rong and others in the square.

"Thirteen, let's go!"

After the six of Lan Rong came to the pavilion, Yu Haoran gave a signal to Qin Shisan, and then rose into the air and went straight to the entrance of Sixiangzong.

"This lord, are you?" Han Guangbei, who was following Hao Ran's vacant air, approached Qin Shisan a little and interrogated softly.

"If you don't want to die, don't inquire about my history!" Turning his head to look at Han Guangbei coldly, Qin Shisan warned with a murderous tone.

Indifferent eyes made Han Guangbei feel his own spirit instantly, as if falling into an ice cellar, and he couldn't help shivering.

Then he took a few steps back in horror, avoiding Qin Shisan far.

"General Han, that adult is right, you shouldn't ask too much about what you don't know."

When Qin Shisan warned Han Guangbei, the kind of indifference in his eyes inadvertently let Lan Rong know that the origin of the other party must be very amazing.

For the sake of trusting each other, Lan Rong reminded kindly.

"I see!" Nodded his head, Han Guangbei said wistfully.


"Ji Qingyu, do you know the guilt?"

When arriving at the entrance of Sixiangzong, Ji Qingyun not only failed to guard the Sixiangzong with his family, but instead ordered his men to bring him a table and chairs, and then put on a few kinds of spiritual fruit, drinking a small drink with great joy. Humming Xiaoqu, a leisurely posture.

It didn't mean that Hao Ran spoke and suddenly rushed to Qin Shishi in front of Ji Qingyu, asking with a sharp tone.

Reaching out and picking up an eight-level and nine-grade Ziyunguo, threw it into the mouth, chewed and swallowed, Ji Qingyu raised his eyelid and glanced at Qin Shisan, and asked in a contemptuous tone.

"Which scallion do you count and what qualifications do you have to question General?"


Even Yu Haoran's confidant, Han Guangbei, was full of murderous threats. How could Ji Qingyu's contemptuous move not make the proud Qin Shisan feel angry.

While shouting loudly, Qin Shisan's body quickly raised an momentum, a powerful momentum that could shake the whole world.

Although he knows that Qin Shisan's strength is very strong, and Wu Sheng Jiupin's peak cultivation, he may have a quasi-military respecter who is not lost to the perfection of the rule, but when he really showed his momentum, Yu Haoran only discovered his Strength is even stronger than I expected.

"The rule of front, I did not expect that this person could realize the power of such a partial rule." The towering spirit, who was also awakened by the powerful momentum, carefully felt the breath of the power of the law in the momentum, and then a little surprised Road.

"Ta Ling, the rule of front, who is better than the law of killing?"

After hearing that Ta Ling knew Qin Shisan's sense of the power of the rule, Yu Haoran suddenly thought that when facing Xian of the Wang family in Xianyang City, he had used the handsome Shura condensed by the law of killing and quickly asked. .

"Yu Haoran, the rule of front must not be compared with the law of killing."

"Because the law of killing is a superposition of the law of killing and the law of killing into one."

"The law of fronts is just a single law."

Facing Hao Ran's questioning, Ta Ling explained in detail.

"However, if this boy can realize the law of benefit, or the law of mang, and then the two laws are combined to superimpose, then the boy's strength will probably exceed that of the ancestor of the royal family."

"So it is!"

After hearing Ta Ling's explanation, Yu Haoran, in addition to understanding the reasons for Qin Shisan ’s strength, was also full of infinite expectations and attached more importance to the power of his future rules.

After all, the laws of superposition are also strong and weak!

"So powerful!"

After also feeling the horror of Qin Shisan's ascension, originally there was a little dissatisfied Han Guangbei in his heart. At this time, he sighed with sincerity.

"Yeah!" Lan Rong nodded, but smiled bitterly inside.

Because he finally remembered the origin of Qin Shisan.

Of course, it is not the true origin of Qin Shisan, but his military status as a North Army.

Thinking of Qin Shisan's order as a patrol soldier and inspecting the barracks around, he had a little worry in addition to a bitter smile, whether Qin Shisan would hate himself.

"Bold, do you know who I am?" Ji Qingyu, sitting on the ground with a strong buttock oppressed by the powerful momentum, immediately asked angrily.

"Aren't you just an ordinary general of the North Army!" Qin Shisan replied disdainfully as he continued to use the momentum.

"Yes, I am an ordinary general, but I come from the Ji family in Xianyang City, and my sister is the longest favorite concubine of Long live, and has been registered as the Queen."

Since Qin Shisan could not withstand the powerful momentum emanating from Qin Shisan, Ji Qingyu simply did not resist and climbed directly on the ground to threaten him.

"You offend me, you are offending the queen queen."

"Offending the Queen Queen is offending Long Live."

"Boy, you're dead!"

"Ji Qingyu, I forgot to tell you that Long Live Lord has just revoked your sister Ji Fei's canonization."

In the face of Ji Qingyu's threat, Qin Shisan suddenly regained the powerful momentum that he radiated, saying with a joke.

"you're lying!"

Standing straight from the ground, Ji Qingyu retorted loudly.

"Yesterday I got a message from the family. The imperial edict that sealed my sister queen has been printed with jade seals. No one can change the meaning except the holy."

"is it!"

Qin Shisan sneered and asked a sneer, then took out a decree from the storage ring, shook it at Ji Qingyu, and asked.

"Ji Qingyu, do you know what this is?"


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