Destined Martial God

Chapter 879: Chase (one more)

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Before the Four Elephant Sects!


At the same time as Ji Qingyu answered, he felt that something was not right.

Because in front of this strong man in the costume of ordinary soldiers can get the imperial edict, indicating that there must be a connection between him and the Holy Spirit.

With the strength he just showed, combined with the layer-by-layer control of the army by the Qin Empire, a terrible idea suddenly came to mind.

"Ji Qingyu, get down on your knees!"

The change in Ji Qingyu's look was clear to Qin Shisan.

Until I came up with the imperial edict, I vaguely guessed my true identity, such a slow response, so ignorant of how the heavens and the earth and the thick personality, how to fly up and down.

If Ji Qingyu stays in the army of the North Road, it is definitely a scourge.

At this time, Qin Shisan dozen internally agreed with Yu Haoran's attempt to take Ji Qingyu.

"Ji Qingyu continues!"

Ji Qingyu, who had already guessed Qin Shisan's identity, was afraid to continue his arrogance, and then kneeled on his knees.

"Chen Ji Qingyu continues!"

There is no need for Qin Shisan to open his mouth to read the will. On the imperial edict just opened by him, a golden yellow chopped word slowly emerged.

After cutting off the decree, the word slowly flew into the air.

Later, the typeface began to distort, and eventually condensed into a holy sword exuding a strong murderous spirit.

"Sin cannot be forgiven, cut!"

When the holy sword was fully formed, a majestic voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the holy sword quickly appeared on top of Ji Qingyu's head. When he wanted to open his mouth for mercy, the holy sword broke his head directly and destroyed his spirit.

"General Li, send someone to collect Ji Qingyu's body and return it to the Ji family in Xianyang City." After the holy sword beheaded Ji Qingyu, Yu Haoran couldn't help but sighed, and then turned around and told Li Quanqing behind him.

"Yes!" Li Quanqing shouted in response.

Although his relationship with Ji Qingyu was not very harmonious, and he kept arguing for some small heads, but suddenly he was beheaded when he saw his opponent who had been arguing with him for decades, and he was inevitably emotional.

"Beiguang, please come with five other generals. I have something important to announce."

When Li Quanqing arranged for his hand to collect Ji Qingyu's body, Yu Haoran instructed Han Guangbei.

"Yes!" When Han Guangbei gave a command, he immediately used the divine spirit to notify Wu Fanghua and others.

When Wu Fanghua rushed to Sixiangzong and saw the corpse being carried away, there was a trace of worries about the death of the rabbit.

Looking up at the eleven generals before the Four Elephants Sect, Yu Haoran took a deep breath, took out the imperial edict sent by Qin Shishi through a bell, and then slowly unfolded.

Seeing Hao Ran taking out the decree, whether it was Qin Shisan, or generals such as Lan Rong, or kneeling on one knee, or kneeling on both knees, they all shouted respectfully and lively long live long live long live long live.

Although he knew the decrees in Yu Haoran's hand, he wrote the candidate who would take over the position of general, but he did not know who Qin Shisan was, and looked at Yu Haoran with anticipation.

Lan Rong and others who did not know the content of the imperial edict had a look of doubt on their faces.

Looking up at Lan Rong with a doubt on his face, Yu Haoran signaled with a smile.

"Lan Rong continues!"


Suddenly letting himself take over the purpose, Lan Rong without any psychological preparation first froze.

But reminded by Han Guangbei, Lan Rong quickly got up, walked three steps forward, and then kneeled on his knees.

"Chen, Lan Rong will continue!"

"Carried in heaven, the emperor said: General Hu Wei Lan Rong, loyal and loyal, brave and resourceful, resourceful and devoted. He is sealed as a grand general, leading the 100,000 troops on the North Road.

Looking up at Yu Haoran, Lan Rong's reddish **** scratched Xie En said.

"Chin, thank Lord Long En!"

"General Blue, I hope you can lead the 100,000 elite soldiers on the North Road to the junction of the two domains and complete the aspiration of the Holy Kingdom's preliminary unification of the southern region."

When handing the imperial edict to Lan Rong, Yu Haoran also sent his blessing.

"Master Ma, thank you very much, everything will depend on your actions in the future."

The imperial edict in the handshake, although Lan Rong did not say anything about allegiance, but his firm expression expressed his inner gratitude for Hao Ran.

Reaching out and patting Lan Rong's shoulder, Yu Haoran turned in a storage ring into Lan Rong's hand, and reminded him by using divine thoughts.

"General Blue, Ben Ma has already collected all the treasures in the treasure house into this storage ring in advance before destroying the treasure of the Four Elephant Sects."

"Today, the Holy Lord has helped Ben Ma to balance the accountability of the Ministry of Military Affairs, the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Ministry of Ceremony, so you can accept it boldly and safely."

"The treasures in the storage ring were divided into seven in total. Except for General Qi Weixian and Qi divided into two, one of you."

After reminding Lan Rong by using divine thoughts, Yu Haoran nodded to Qin Shishi, and then straight into the sky, leaving Sixiangzong without any thought.

Qin Shisan looked at Lan Rong, and also rose into the air, speeding up to catch up with Hao Ran.

"Generals, follow this general to the main hall of Sixiang Zongzong Peak."

Looking at Yu Haoran, who left Sixiangzong without leaving any farewell, Lan Rong knew that he was giving himself the opportunity to take over the army on the North Road.

Therefore, Lan Rong holding the imperial edict exudes a strong and majestic command.


After flying away from the Four Elephant Sects, Yu Haoran turned back to the barracks, and according to the remaining breath in the barracks, he began to chase the seven-tailed white fox who abducted General Gu Yue.

Faced with the strange and strange behavior, Qin Shisan did not ask, but just followed closely, looking forward to locking the trace of the seven-tailed white fox as soon as possible.

Maybe the seven-tailed white fox had high self-esteem, or it was because she was delayed by some things. With the residual smell in the air, she only chased less than three thousand miles. .

"Booming ...!"

Yu Haoran frowned slightly, looking at the magnificent waterfall that flowed down three thousand feet in front of him.

"Thirteen, affected by the waterfall in front of me, the breath of the seven-tailed white fox disappeared."

"Master Ma, do you have no other means of chasing?" Qin Shishi asked anxiously.

"Don't worry!"

Turning his head to signal Qin Shisan not to worry, Yu Haoran continued to explain.

"Although the breath of the seven-tailed white fox disappeared, but based on the residual odor analysis at the scene, she should be in front of the waterfall that arrived half an hour ago."

"So, next, you need to use your powerful divine thoughts to check the range of hundreds of miles and see if you can find the trace of the seven-tailed white fox."

"Master Ma, wait a minute!"

After hearing Yu Haoran's reminder, Qin Shishi signaled a gesture, then closed his eyes, began to use powerful divine thoughts, and shot all movements within a radius of 300 miles.

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