Destined Martial God

Chapter 880: See you again as my heart is great (second more)

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In front of the waterfall!

"Ta Ling, with the sly and cautious character of the seven-tailed white fox, I worry that Thirteen will not be able to accurately trace her trace, so I have to trouble you to use your own thoughts to help track down."

It was when Qin Shisan used the divine mind to trace the seven-tailed white fox, Yu Haoran hurried to the towering spirit in the sea for help.


He simply replied a word, and Ta Ling immediately radiated the goddess of Wu Zun's nine pinnacles, and began to shoot movements within a radius of five hundred miles.

Five minutes later, Qin Shisan, who had regained his mind, shook his head with a disappointed expression and was about to open his mouth to say something. The towering spirit in the sea suddenly reminded him.

"Yu Haoran, rushed directly into the waterfall!"

"Thirteen, follow me!"

Without questioning the situation behind the Taling Waterfall, Yu Haoran promptly reminded Qin Shisan and then transported all his strength and rushed directly to the waterfall in front of him.

There was also no slightest hesitation. Qin Shisan not only caught up immediately, but also used his mighty strength to separate the waterfall from the rapids, allowing him to easily cross the waterfall and appear in the cave behind the waterfall.

"How can it be?"

Having just stabilized his forward rushing body, Yu Haoran was immediately stunned by the black iron rod in front of a cyan rock.

Because the black iron rod inserted on the cyan rock is in the spiritual mist created by the fifth-tier Shangpin spirit vein in the blue moon secret realm, and it is as good as my heart to choose to leave him.

"Master Ma, what's wrong with you?" Qin Shishi asked in a puzzled way when he saw that Yu Hao's face suddenly changed because of an ordinary iron rod.

"It's nothing!"

Taking a deep breath, Yu Haoran dealt with the sentence casually, and then stepped in front of the black iron rod, asking in complex tone.

"If I like it, how are you doing this time?"

If it hadn't been brought out from the treasure house of Law Enforcement Peak, and used the blood of ape-like beasts to stimulate its sleeping consciousness, I am afraid it is still an ordinary iron rod without any consciousness.

However, it is also because of the instinct that awakened its sleeping consciousness that it gained the fighting consciousness of the monkey demon emperor in ancient times, so that it can grasp the power of the heavenly club that can exert the power of Zhunzun.

Therefore, at this time, when he was as good as my heart, his mood seemed so complicated.

In the face of Hao Ran's interrogation, like an ordinary iron rod, my heart stick slightly trembled, and then a golden light shot directly at his sea of ​​knowledge.

After spending time with each other, Yu Haoran knew that if my heart was great, it wouldn't hurt himself for the time being.

Therefore, in the face of the golden light coming from the fire, he did not dodge and let the golden light enter his own sea of ​​knowledge.

The golden light that melted into the sea of ​​knowledge instantly turned into a golden ape monkey wearing gold armor, wearing a gold crown, holding a gold rod in his hand, stepping on a cloud shoe, and being magnificent.


The golden ape screamed loudly, cooperated with the gold rod clasped in its hands, and instantly split up hundreds or thousands of golden ape monkeys, and then launched exactly the same attack on a few points in the sky.

As the golden light melts into the sea of ​​knowledge, it is closely linked to his spirit.

Therefore, every step of the Golden Monkey who just cast the stick method is deeply imprinted on his mind for every process of the magic power running.

After the golden ape monkey had performed the stick method, Yu Haoran also took advantage of this powerful stick method that was not lost to the sky.

"If I like it, it seems that you have made the final choice!"

After casting the golden ape monkey who turned over the river, he turned back to golden light, and then fully integrated into his consciousness, Yu Haoran opened his eyes.

Looking at the stick like my heart that continues to hold the shape of an ordinary iron rod, Yu Haoran already knew its choice and understood that the stick method it just gave away was to completely cut off the affection between each other.

Therefore, even if Hao Ran had accepted the overturned river without losing the way to the sky, Yu Haoran did not have any gratitude, said indifferently.

"That being the case, then you and I are passers-by!"

Later, he reminded Qin Shisan that he showed his body skills and went straight into the cave.

"Thirteen, that seven-tailed white fox is at the end of the cave!"

Turning his head and glancing at my heart, Qin Shisan's eyes flashed with doubt, but he didn't pursue it too much, and immediately increased his speed to catch up with Hao Ran.

The cave passage behind the waterfall is deep. It only took nearly ten minutes for Yu Haoran to come to the end of the cave.

Just stabilizing the body, a strong aura mixed with the aroma of lingering fruit came out.

"Yu Haoran, your opportunity is here!" It is because Haoran discerned the specific kind of spirit fruit through the fragrance mixed in the aura, and the towering spirit in the sea reminded with a smile.

"Ta Ling, do you know the origin of the spirit fruit at the end of the cave!" Yu Haoran asked in surprise.

"When the ancient world first opened, Chaos gave birth to three unique spirit trees."

Without answering Hao Ran's question immediately, the towering spirit recounted with longing.

"The first is a unique wind thunder tree."

"Wind thunder tree blossoms in one million years, yields in one million years, matures in one million years, and has only two ripe fruits."

"One is Fengguo, the other is Leiguo. It can ignore any restrictions. After taking it, it breaks through the Valkyrie and achieves the ancient god."


Although the growth cycle of the wind and thunder tree is too long, a wind fruit or a thunder fruit can break the mystery of life and death, and prove the eternal immortality of the Valkyrie realm. While Yu Haoran took a breath, he couldn't help asking.

"Ta Ling, do you know the whereabouts of the wind thunder tree?"

If he can get both wind and thunder, then he can fly with Qin Lingfei and stay away forever.


Yu Haoran was even more surprised, and Ta Ling knew the whereabouts of the Wind Thunder Spirit Tree.

"Talling, where is it?" The questioning voice trembled.

"In the dream!" Ta Ling replied teasingly.

"Ta Ling, don't make a joke!" Yu Haoran complained with dissatisfaction.

"Yu Haoran, you don't want to think about it. Today's heaven and earth environment is extremely difficult to break through the realm of Wu Zun. How can the rules of heaven and earth allow such an anti-sky existence as Fenglei Lingshu."

Perceived with the dissatisfaction of Hao Ran's complaining tone, Ta Ling did not continue joking and said truthfully.

"When the ancients were destroyed, the wind and thunder fruit trees were completely destroyed!"


Hearing that Feng Lei Ling Tree had been destroyed, Yu Haoran couldn't help but sigh.

Then he remembered that there were three kinds of unique spirit trees that Taling had just mentioned, and he continued to ask.

"Ta Ling, what are the other two spiritual roots?"

However, after seeing Qin Shisan, who also reached the end of the cave, Yu Haoran signaled that he waited for a while and then pretended to take a closer look.

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