Destined Martial God

Chapter 888: Secrets

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888, fafafa!

In the lake!

Utilizing the power of the law of years, Yu Haoran immediately looked at the real purpose of the opponent's entry into the southern region when he decomposed and evolved his opponent's life experience.

But the result was nothing!

Because the other party was always behind the strongest man behind the scene, he didn't know the real purpose of entering the southern region.

I turned my eyes to questioning my history just now, but after learning that he was only from the second-tier sect's Baichi Gate, he looked disdainful at the top of Wusheng Jiupin.

Seeing Yu Haoran's eyes turned to himself, the strong man in Wusheng Jiupin's realm was suddenly startled, and instinctively wanted to turn and run away.

After all, the rules of the years that Yu Haoran had just cast were too scary.

But he forgot!

In order to prevent the black bears from continuing to escape, the momentum of the seven of them is united.

Although this can increase the power of the momentum several times and restrict the black bears from using the secret method to escape, it also keeps them trapped in the momentum and cannot easily get away.

"Hurry up and lift the momentum of the union!" When he found himself trapped in the momentum of the union, the strong man at the peak of Wu Sheng Jiupin reminded his companion quickly.

"The years are marked!"

But at this time, a sound of indifference like death was heard, and the strong man in the peak state of Wu Sheng Jiu Pin found his body and spirit, and was instantly split into countless pieces by a strange power.

"How is it possible!" Yu Haoran shouted incredulously when he saw the monarch of Yiyuanzong and explained the task to Wusheng Jiupin Peak Powerhouse.

"It's impossible!" And the Taling in the sea was also shocked with a look on his face.

Later, Ta Ling, who was the first to wake up from the shock, reminded Yu Haoran.

"Yu Haoran immediately killed the owner of Yiyuanzong to ensure that the secret would not be leaked."

"it is good!"

After being reminded by Ta Ling, Yu Haoran, who barely recovered from the shock, immediately stretched his fingers at the five remaining monarch Zongwu Shengqiang at the scene.

"The years are marked!"

"The years are marked!"


The power of exerting the five-year-old rule in succession is a great drain on both Hao Ran and Taling.

If it wasn't for Yu Haoran's realization of the law of life in advance, it would greatly reduce the consumption of the power of the soul by the law of the years.

Otherwise, if the power of the soul consumes too much tower spirit, I am afraid to end the secret method of possession immediately.

After decomposing and evolving the life experience of the five martial arts strong ones one after another, Yu Haoran discovered that the martial arts strong one who was very familiar with and understood the strange beast also knew the real purpose of entering the southern region.

"Ta Ling, what shall we do next?" After gathering the storage artifacts of the seven Wu Shengqiangs, Yu Haoran couldn't suppress his excitement.

"Yu Haoran, don't ask or don't intervene!" After pondering for a while, Ta Ling gave an opinion that Yu Haoran would not accept.

"Why?" Yu Haoran asked, puzzled.

"Because we are neither qualified nor able to compete for this sacred animal cub." Ta Ling said with a grin.

"Ta Ling, if we don't have the qualifications and ability to compete for it, then why did you just let me slaughter everyone in the Yuan Clan?" Yu Haoran continued to question.

"Because I was out of my mind at that time, I only wanted to help you get the cub of the beast, but I forgot that there was a blood relationship between this cub of the beast and a certain horrible inheritance family." Ta Ling explained with a grin. Road.

"Legacy family!"

After hearing the reminder of Ta Ling's bitter smile, Yu Haoran's expression instantly dignified.


Signaled Hao Ran to return to the lake again, trying to find a way to settle the black bear that has been restored, Ta Ling explained in depth.

"The Lu family, one of the oldest families in Tianxuan's continent, the time of its true origin is not even known to me, even the last instrumentalist."

"Lu Wu, one of the mythical beasts second only to the nine kings in ancient times, contains the blood of the white beast king and the dragon."

"Lu Wu, not only has the unparalleled attack power of the white tiger of the king and beast, but also inherits the amorous nature of the dragon of the king and beast."

"Yu Haoran, you can guess the relationship between the two!"

"The people of the Lu family have the blood of the beast Luwu in their bodies." Taking a breath of cold air, Yu Haoran guessed with some incredulity.

In previous lives, although he had contacted some inherited families, most of them were only those who had the blood of the Emperor Wudi. The highest level belonged to the guardian family.

However, the origins of the guardian family are too mysterious and have their own principles of action, so he has only contacted some peripheral personnel.

"Yu Haoran, in fact, the inheritance family of Tianxuan mainland is divided into three levels."

Thinking of Hao Ran in the realm of Wu Wang, he had successfully realized the law of life. Although limited by the influence of his own soul, the law of life cannot be used for the time being, but the strongest foundation has been laid and he has the opportunity to soar into the sky.

Therefore, Ta Ling decided to give him some secrets of Tianxuan Continent.

"Talling, wait a minute!"

It seems that Ta Ling is finally willing to reveal some secrets of Tianxuan Continent, Yu Haoran is very excited, but after seeing the black bear floating on the lake, he can only find a way to settle it.

There are many people watching by the lake, so it is not suitable to put the black bear into the tower. At the same time, there is no large-scale ship as a holy place for young men and women to love each other.

In desperation, Yu Haoran could only use the blood of a strange beast to transform into a strong diamond ape, then hug the black bear to the lake, then lay it flat on the green grass, and give it some top healing heals. medicine.

"The old man's enemy screen, with his family son Huang Ziwen, pleaded guilty to Yu Shaoxia!"

It was because Haoran had just given the black bear an elixir of healing, and was planning to lean on it, listening to Ta Ling telling the secrets of the inherited family. The silver-haired old man came to his side with a young man in a Jinyi clothes and sincerely asked for sin.

"Kneel down!" Seeing Yu Haoran turning around, the silver-haired old man shouted at the young man in Jinyi immediately.

"Yu Shaoxia, Zi Wen's mistakes are all Zi Wen's fault, and Ren Wen punished Zi Wen with no complaints." After hearing the enemies' screen screaming and reprimanding, Huang Ziwen immediately knelt on his knees, and pleaded guilty. Road.

Gaze shifted from Huang Ziwen's body to the silver-haired old man's enemy screen, Yu Haoran said indifferently.

"Originally, in accordance with the character of Yu Haoran who must report, like Huang Ziwen's provocation just now, I must destroy his soul."

Seeing Huang Ziwen's face pale instantly, Yu Haoran sighed and said indifferently.

"However, the seven martial arts lords of the Yuanzong era have already eliminated my murderous heart, so you can not die today, but also thank the seven martial arts lords of the Yuanzong era."

"Thank you Shaoxia for not killing me!" Hearing that he could not die, Huang Ziwen hurriedly gave thanks.

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