Destined Martial God

Chapter 889: Legacy Family (Part 1)

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By the lake!

"Let's go!" Yu Haoran signaled impatiently, waving his hand.

In fact, the reason for letting go of the enemy screen and Huang Ziwen and killing the seven martial arts lords of the Yuanzong sect is just one aspect of eliminating the murderous spirit that has emerged from the heart.

The main reason was that Ta Ling was willing to disclose the secrets of Tianxuan Continent, which made him feel good at the moment.

"Yu Shaoxia, if you pass by Guangling City one day, you must go to the Huang family to take a guest. I Huang family will show you the highest sincerity to treat you." Before turning and leaving, the enemy screen enthusiastically invited.

"Look at the opportunity!" Neither Hao Ran faintly replied, nor agreed.

"Yu Haoran, could you go to Guangling City?" Yu Haoran's ambiguous reply made Taling, who was familiar with him, couldn't help guessing.

"If I have time, maybe I will go to Guangling City." Yu Haoran replied with some feelings as he looked at the quickly leaving enemy screen and Huang Ziwen.

In this regard, Taling did not continue to question.

Under normal circumstances, Yu Haoran showed a feeling of expression, indicating that there were not only enemies that made him hate, but also tenderness that made him unable to face him.

And this tenderness is likely to be related to a certain woman.

"Ta Ling, now you can tell me some secrets about inheriting the different grades of the family!" Putting away the emotions, Yu Haoran sat down with his hands bent on the knees, and then signaled with a smile.

"Yu Haoran, after you've dealt with that woman, it's not too late for me to speak." Ta Ling motioned mockingly.

Turning his head, Yu Haoran found that the beautiful girl who shared a boat with Huang Ziwen was slowly walking towards herself.

"Anything?" Yu Haoran asked with a frown.

"The slave family wants to talk to the son!" Pulled the placket on the chest, straightened the twin peaks of the chest, the gorgeous beauty said with endless temptation.

"Go!" His face sank, and Yu Haoran snapped sharply.

In order to be able to hear Ta Ling's secrets about the inheritance family as soon as possible, he could let off Huang Ziwen who offended himself, how could he have the mood to chat with each other.


I didn't expect Yu Haoran to be so rude and rude, so rude and rude, the beautiful beauty suddenly didn't know what to say.

"I count to three!"

Ignoring the fatal temptation of the other side due to extreme anger and exacerbation of breathing caused the double peaks on the chest to jump up and down, Yu Haoran threatened indifferently.

"If I count to three and you don't disappear in front of me immediately, then you will stay here forever."

The first-class sect of Wu Shengqiang said: "Kill and kill." The beautiful beauty knows that the other party's threat is not a joke. If she continues to forcefully stay, she will be miserable.


But thinking of countless young Toshihiko, all addicted to their charms and couldn't extricate themselves. When the beautiful girl turned and left, she left a humiliation unacceptable to all men.

As a master of the highest level of physical power of Dawu King Jiupin, not only is his physical quality not inferior to that of the strongest beast, but it is also extremely powerful in that respect.

Without mentioning two words, it has nothing to do with him!

Now, he is being talked about by a gorgeous beauty, how can Yu Haoran accept this insult!

But he didn't know how to refute.

Could it be a three-hundred-thousand round battle with that gorgeous beauty, letting her know how powerful she is, but she must be sorry for Qin Lingfei.

Looking at the charming beauty leaving her waist, Yu Haoran, who was extremely depressed, almost bleed blood.

Fortunately, as an instrumental spirit of the domain tower, the towering spirit neither knows nor is interested in lifting and not lifting, so there is no chance to make fun of it.

Taking a deep breath, soothing the depression that erupted inside, Yu Haoran tried his best to shift his attention to the family secrets that Ta Ling had started to tell.

"Most of the first-generation inheritance families only passed on the bloodlines of Emperor Wu and Wu Zun, and they can gradually awaken the ancestor consciousness in the blood by virtue of the continuous improvement of their cultivation and strength."

"Most of the time this family inherited the family was only between 100,000 and several million years."

Hearing the first inheritance family told by Ta Ling, Yu Haoran nodded.

"Talling, a family of inheritance of this grade, I have had many contacts in previous lives, knowing that not only do they have the heritage of the ancestors' blood, but most of them also have the ancestral instruments left by their ancestors.


Nodding to indicate that Hao Ran's supplement was correct, Ta Ling continued.

"Yu Haoran, with your current cultivation speed and strength improvement speed, and the auxiliary means I have, like the first type of inheritance family, there is no need to worry too much."

"If they dare to provoke you, just kill the killer."

"Because the true heritage of the first type of inheritance family is nothing more than the ancestral instruments left by the ancestors, the remains of the ancestors, etc."

"And these methods can only be really used when the family is facing a crisis of extermination."

"So, as long as you don't rush them or kill them directly into the other's family, they can't do anything about you."

Although Ta Ling despised the first inheritance family, Yu Haoran, who had had a lot of contact with them, did not dare to take the slightest care.

"Taling, are there the hidden Wu Zun and Wu Di strong in the first-class inheritance family?"

"do not know!"

Facing Hao Ran's questioning, Ta Ling thought for a while, then gave an uncertain answer.

"However, according to my knowledge of the first inheritance family, the longer the inheritance, the more likely there is a hidden Wu Zun strong in the family."

"As for the powerful Emperor of the Emperor Wudi, with the heritage of the first line of inheritance and the limitations of the blood line of the ancestors, the probability of the emergence of Emperor Wudi is too low, which is basically low to neglect.

"So it is!"

Ta Ling's further explanations allowed Yu Haoran to better understand the first inheritance family he had contacted in previous lives, and also allowed him to let go of some fears completely.

"The second-generation inheritance family is a small part of the heritage of the Valkyrie Strong. It can also gradually awaken the ancestor consciousness in the blood through cultivation and continuous improvement of strength."

Speaking of which, Ta Ling suddenly said solemnly.

"Yu Haoran, like the second-level inheritance family, try not to provoke the second-level family until your own cultivation has not reached the limit of Wuzun Jiupin's peak, or you do not have the mastery of the superior quality of Emperor Realm. successor."

"Ta Ling, is there a second-class family with a hidden Emperor Wudi Powerful!"

The tone of Ta Ling solemnly telling Yu Haoran immediately guessed the true details of the other party, and quickly asked for evidence.

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