Destined Martial God

Chapter 895: Ruyi Bell (second more)

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In front of the mountain!

"Yu Haoran, isn't it that for every grade upgraded by the Bronze Bell Artifact, you need to consume ninety-nine Artifacts of the same level!"

"Yes!" Nodded, Yu Haoran confirmed.

"Zi ...!"

After being confirmed by Yu Haoran, Ta Ling couldn't help taking a sip of cold air, and then reminded with some worry.

"Yu Haoran, the magical instruments at the level of Zongjing, Wangjing and Huangjing are okay. With our current strength, it is not difficult to collect them."

"But where do you and me find thousands of artifacts at the level of sacred, divine, and imperial realms?"

"Ta Ling, as the saying goes, there must be a road to the mountain before the car, and the boat to the bridge is naturally straight."

"Perhaps by the time the bronze bell instruments are promoted to the holy realm, honor, and emperor realm, you and I have found enough ninety-nine artifacts!"

Compared to Ta Ling's worries, Yu Haoran thought clearly, and felt relieved.

"Also, with the power that the Bronze Bell Artifact has just demonstrated, it may be able to have the power of the Emperor Realm when it advances to the highest level of Holy Realm."

"So why am I anxious to continue to improve its grade and power!"

Seeing that Hao Ran thought so thoroughly, Ta Ling could only shake his head with a bitter smile and didn't say much.

The low practice of the previous life led him to not know much about the Tianxuan continent. He did not know the true danger of the Tianxuan continent, and did not know that in the distant starry sky, some ancient, middle and modern times were hidden Some are old.

With the gradual improvement of the rules of heaven, some strong men who have long disappeared in the history will gradually appear on the Tianxuan continent, competing for the only front-line vitality.

"In the future, you can cover the sky when you grow up, and you can merge into the sand when you shrink. You have the world's strongest defense and unparalleled attack power."

Taking out the bronze bell instrument that was incorporated into the soul again, Yu Haoran was thinking fast while looking forward to the ability that bronze bell has in the future.

"Having such a perfect shape and ability is exactly what I want."

Having said that, Yu Haoran reached out and pointed at the bronze bell instrument, and said solemnly.

"From now on, you will call it Ruyi Bell!"

Hearing the name given by Yu Haoran, the bronze bell floating in the air immediately exuded a faint yellowish air.

Obviously, it is very satisfied with the name that Haoran just started.

However, the towering spirit in the sea knows for a moment, then ridicules with a look of contempt.

"Yu Haoran, you can also be regarded as a cultural man full of poetry, and even gave such a vulgar name to the copper bell magic instrument."

"The result of this will not only reduce your status as a Grandmaster, but also damage my reputation on the refiner."

"I am the master of my implements. I choose whatever name I want." Facing Taling's sarcasm, Yu Haoran retorted a little bit.

In fact, with his culture, whether elegant or overbearing, exquisite or prestigious, he can easily come up with dozens of good names.

But he had a thorn in his heart, a thorn that was once looked down on, and he wanted to use one of the clocks in his hand to completely remove the thorn that had hurt him.


In the face of the rogue Yu Haoran, Tower Reiki suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Hmm ...!"

It was when Hao Ran re-packed the Ruyi Bell, an angry roar suddenly came from the peak in front of him.

"It seems that the collapse of the mountain caused by the cave just now angered the true hegemon of this peak."

Hearing the angry roar, the spirit of Ta Ling swept away gently, then smiled and said to Haoran.

"Yu Haoran, if you don't want to do anything, it's best to leave here immediately."

Without any hesitation, Yu Haoran turned around and left directly, then headed straight for Peach Blossom Town, thousands of miles away.


Taohua Town, located 70 miles east of Guangling City, is a town surrounded by numerous peach trees.

In Taohua Town, not only the scenery is beautiful and the aura is abundant, but also the fragrance of peach blossoms is scattered throughout the town.

It is not so much a town as it is a sacred place for dignitaries to travel in spring.

Because the entire town is divided into different areas, each area is lined with courtyards, Xiquan lofts, a rich and glorious style, and it is not a place where ordinary people can afford.

March and April Peach Blossoms!

Yu Haoran, who hurried over, floated over Taohua Town.

Looking at the small town surrounded by countless blooming peach flowers below, his face suddenly showed a relaxed look.

"Yu Haoran, there are still six days before the opening of the mystery. You might as well stay in Taohua Town to cultivate your self-cultivation and eliminate the violent emotions in the body." Ta Ling, who was also attracted by the beauty of Taohua Town, could not help but suggest Road.

"If there are no accidents, I will rest here for a few days!" Yu Haoran said with some uncertainty.

Because no matter whether he is a broom star or a tower spirit is a broom star, anyway, wherever they appear, it often represents trouble.

Therefore, he did not dare to guarantee whether he could live in Taohua Town smoothly.

"Yu Shaoxia!"

It was when Haoran and Ta Ling discussed which courtyard to choose as the next place to cultivate, a surprise greeting came from their ears.

Looking through the gap of peach blossoms, Yu Haoran saw an elegant house in the center of the town. At first, he reminded him that the handsome young man who was competing in the competition was standing in the wind pavilion of the house and beckoning with him.

Frowning slightly, Yu Haoran flashed a hesitation in his heart.

But after seeing the look of expectation in the eyes of the handsome young man, he finally sighed and flew into the courtyard courtyard.

"Yu Shaoxia, I didn't expect you to be on time." Looking at Yu Haoran who was walking towards Fengting, the handsome young man said with a smile.

"There is a word, I don't know what to say!"

After walking into the wind pavilion, looking at the white and tender skin of the handsome young man, Yu Haoran finally decided to tell the truth after repeated consideration.

"Yu Shaoxia, please tell!" The handsome young man waved with a smile.

"On the Tianxuan continent, in addition to some special exercises and treasures, it can cover up the transition between different genders."

"Just by simply changing the costume and sound, not only will the intention of changing gender not be achieved, but it will only make people more peeping."

Looking at the self-righteous handsome young man, Yu Haoran directly revealed the true identity of the other party.

The smile on his face closed instantly, and a touch of murderousness filled the eyes of handsome young people.

"To be honest!"

Feeling the murderous spirit in the eyes of handsome young people, Yu Haoran shook his head and turned away from the pavilion, reminding him in good faith.

"Girl, peeping can easily inspire a certain thought in a man's heart, which brings unpredictable danger. It's far less generous to show people with a real face."

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