Destined Martial God

Chapter 896: Dongfang Ting (three)

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Taohua Town, in the courtyard!

"Yu Shaoxia, please stay away!"

Looking at Yu Haoran who turned around and left the pavilion, the handsome young man hurriedly kept.

"Girl, since Yu Haoran's debut, whether it is a strong person in Zhunzun state, or an ordinary person without a chicken, as long as he is a person who dares to kill the heart."

"Today, they have all turned into a pile of loess."

After hearing the retention of the handsome young man, Yu Haoran stopped, a hint of chill reminded in the plain tone.

"Looking at three days ago, you took the initiative to remind me of Shuangjie's love, and today I will suspend you for a living."

He then rose into the air and planned to leave the courtyard.

"Yu Shaoxia, Miss Ben was wrong, I apologize!"

Seeing Yu Haoran planning to leave, Junmei youth gritted his teeth and stomped his feet to take the initiative to admit that he was wrong.


Hearing the other side's initiative to apologize and apologize, Yu Haoran sneered, and then returned to Fengting.

"Who are you?" Jing Zhi sat squatting on Feng Tingshi, Yu Haoran asked lightly.

"My surname is Dongfang, with a single name Tingzi!" Seeing Yu Haoran, who was sitting on his own initiative, without waiting for his host's active invitation, Dongfang Ting introduced himself suddenly.

"Among the Tianxuan mainland surnames, there seems to be only the Nanling Mountains and the Chaoyang Peak in the Eastern Region.

After hearing Dongfang Ting's introduction, Yu Haoran raised a brow slightly, then pretended to think, and then pointed out two places where the other person might come from.

"I wonder if you are from the Southern Region or the Eastern Region?"

"you're so dumb!"

In the face of Hao Ran's interrogation, Dongfang Ting couldn't help but rolled a white-eyed satire.

"How can a little monk in the realm of the Seven Kings of the King in our district, directly across the entire central region, appear in Taohua Town in the southern region."

Ignoring Dongfang Ting's irony, Yu Haoran sneered.

"This kind of thing is uncertain."

"After all, who knows that the Eastern family in the Eastern Region is not only a well-known inheritance family, but also one of the few sacred places in the Tianxuan continent that can control the transmission matrix method."

"You, you, how do you know the Eastern family in Dongyu so well?"

Dongfang Ting, who had already sat down, immediately stood up in shock when he heard Yu Haoran's evaluation of the Dongfang Oriental family.

And just as Dongfang Ting stood up in shock, a middle-aged man at the peak of Wusheng Sanpin appeared in Fengting and looked at Yu Haoran with a grimace on his face.

"Put away your inner anger, otherwise, I will let you enjoy the treatment of the seven martial arts sages in the Yuanzong!" A cold glance at the middle-aged man, Yu Haoran threatened aggressively.

Thinking of the pictures of the seven martial arts sages of the Yuanzong dynasty being decomposed and evolved throughout their lives, a flash of fear emerged in the eyes of the middle-aged man.

"Wang Hua, retreat!" Dongfang Ting, who was finally shocked, finally calmed down. When he found that Wang Hua broke into Fengting and clashed with Yu Haoran, Dongfang Ting hurriedly reprimanded.

"Yes, son!" Wang Hua responded quickly, and then lightning left the pavilion.

However, when he stood next to a flower bush about twenty meters from the wind pavilion, he found that his back was already wet by cold sweat.

"Say it!" Yu Haoran opened the door and watched as Dongfang Ting, who was sitting down again, signaled.

"Yu Shaoxia, what do you mean?" Dong Fang Ting asked in a confused moment, Dongfang Ting pretending to be confused.

"Dongfang Ting, I'm a quick-tempered person, and I like to keep going straight, so if you have any issues, you'd better not turn corners, otherwise, things that could have helped you would be rejected because of feeling unhappy." Like reminded.

The words reminded by Yu Haoran are so thorough. If he continues to pretend to be stupid, he may be as self-defeating as he said.

"I want to bet with one person. The bet is that each side sends a strong one to fight. The winner wins, and the loser loses."

"If you say that, you want me to be your thug!" Yu Haoran sneered and said.


Staring at her eyes, Dongfang Ting reminded deliberately.

"It's a helper, not a beater. There is a fundamental difference between the two."

"Three questions!" Raised his left hand, pointed out three fingers, and Yu Haoran signaled.

"Yu Shaoxia, please come in!"

Seeing that Yu Haoran did not immediately refuse his request, Dongfang Ting hurriedly listened carefully.

"Who is the person betting against you?" Withdrew a finger.


"What is the bet?" Retracted the second finger.

"A fragmented map!"

When he heard that the bet was a fragmented map, Yu Haoran flashed a flash of light in his eyes.

Fortunately, Dongfang Ting who focused on asking questions did not notice.

"My reward!" Retracted a third finger.

"A fifth-ranking and nine-pinning spirit pride!"

"Miss Oriental, leave!"

Hearing the remuneration given by the other party was just a five-tier, nine-pin Qi Qidan, Yu Haoran slammed the stone table, then got up to leave, and walked out of the pavilion without hesitation.

"Yu Shaoxia, we can continue to discuss the matter of compensation."

Seeing Yu Haoran who suddenly turned away and left Fengting directly, Dongfang Ting was terribly hated, but she had to keep it immediately.

"Miss Oriental, I forgot to tell you another level of identity." He stopped, but did not look back, Yu Haoran said, forcibly suppressing anger.

"My Yu Haoran is not only a master of the highest realm of Dan Dao, but also Paniedan who can refining fourth and seventh ranks."

"You take out a fifth-order elixir that I usually use to feed the pets of animals, do you want to take the opportunity to humiliate me in Haoran!"

Having said that, Yu Haoran rose into the air and flew out of the court without paying attention to Dongfang Ting's retention.

Before hearing Hao Ran's departure, revealing his identity as the master of the peak of Dan Dao, Dongfang Ting was completely in situ.


"Yu Haoran, in fact, you can use the opportunity of shame to exchange the requirements of the incomplete matrix method with the other party." Looking at Yu Haoran who did not hesitate to leave the courtyard, the towering spirit in the sea could not help reminding.

"Ta Ling, things are not as simple as you think!"

While dealing with the problem of the towering spirit, Yu Haoran observed the situation around him, and finally fell on a peach tree with a diameter of more than two meters.

Slowly fell to the top of the peach tree, then sat down with a bent knee, and continued to explain Talling's problem just now.

"In the previous life, I have worked in Dongyu for a while, and I have also touched the Oriental family of Chaoyang Peak. I know their inheritance time and their heritage. They are not lost to the Guliang family."

"And Dongting Ting, I have heard about it a bit in previous lives. I know that this woman is not only the only daughter of the Patriarch of the Dongfang family, but also a woman who is good at conspiracy and deception."

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