Destined Martial God

Chapter 922: Fusion of the instinctive memories of the twelve ancestors (three)

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Witch God Space!

After half an hour!

As Yu Haoran's height shrank from nearly seven hundred meters to less than one hundred meters, the twelve ancestors and witches violently tortured, and the shadows of the nine gods and beast kings gradually calmed down.

Immediately afterwards, an indifferent eye emerged from the space above the Witch God space.

When the one-eyed eye of the Witch-God space appeared and looked at the ancestor witch with the strongest repair strength on the scene, the ancestor's phantom exploded directly.

Countless phantoms were blown up and reintegrated into the murderous spirit of the battlefield, so that the weakened murderous spirit of the battlefield center was renewed and strengthened.

Just after the first ancestor witch exploded, the one-eyed sight was cast directly on one of the ancient nine gods and beast kings in the center of the battlefield, repairing it as the most powerful ancient dragon.

Like the first ancestor witch with the one-eyed attention gathered by the law, the ghosts of ancient dragons exploded directly, and then countless ghosts merged into the murderous spirit.

In the following tens of seconds, the phantoms of eleven ancestors and eight ancient beast kings all exploded under the one-eyed gaze of the rules, and then merged into the murderous force in the center of the battlefield.


Just before the last ancestor witch exploded in the center of the battlefield, Yu Haoran, who had shrunk to 88 meters in height, immediately opened her eyes and an excited smile appeared on her face.

By just integrating the mysterious energy separated from the twelve ancient ancestors of ancient times, he knows that the ancient ancestors of the ancient ancestors did not pass through the jade and books.

But through the inheritance of blood, master the ancestral witch's practice methods and martial arts.

The mysterious powers that just melted into the giant of the murderous coagulation giant are some instinctual memories of the twelve ancestors.

After instinctual memory helped him to open the ancestral and witch blood lineage transformed by Wu Yuanguo, the remaining memories were transformed into their former spiritual insights.

Nowadays, there are not only complete techniques and martial arts inherited from the bloodline, but also twelve ancestors and witches who have the most cultivation and strength.

Yu Haoran knew very well that even if Dan Tian was destroyed and repaired as waste, in the future martial arts journey, he would not be inferior to his former self, and he would not lose to the guardian and inheritance of the top wicked genius of the family.

Slowly spit out the stale gas accumulated in the chest, Yu Haoran got up directly, and then turned away from the battlefield of Witch God.

Because when I just accepted the instinctual memory of the twelve ancestors, the giant body of the murderous gas condensed clearly felt that the fierce murderous gas in the center of the battlefield had begun to spread outward.

With his current strength, he can't bear the impact of fierce murder.

He quickly trotted into a trot, and eventually became a run. When the aggressive murderousness reached three meters behind him, Yu Haoran jumped over the stream in time and returned to the safe opposite bank.

Feeling at least dozens of times thicker and murderous on the other side of Xiquan, Yu Haoran breathed a sigh of relief, then turned and strode back to the roots of the trees that could condense Wu Yuan fruit.

In the instinctual memory of the twelve ancestors of fusion, there is information about the root of the tree that is more than ten thousand meters in diameter.

Ancestral tree, this is the name that ancient ancestors used for giant trees over 10,000 meters in diameter.

The ancestral tree is not only the spiritual symbol of ancient ancestors, but also the source of energy for them to obtain great strength.

Although the broken ancestral tree lost its ability to provide a source of energy, it was still able to soothe the injured ancestor.

Moreover, more importantly, the root of the ancestral tree is also the only way to leave Witch God space and return to the secret place of Qingyan.

Nowadays, successfully opening the lineage of the ancestral witches and gaining the spiritual insights of the twelve ancestor witches, there is no benefit to staying.

Moreover, just before the murderous condensed giant giant shadow accepted the twelve ancestor's instinctual memories, he vaguely felt in the space of the witch god, as if a pair of feminine eyes had been staring at himself.

This feeling made him very uncomfortable.

Therefore, he intends to leave the Witch God space as early as possible through the ancestral tree.

Utilizing the ancestral witch method just obtained, he recovered the height of nearly 700 meters, and Yu Haoran strode back to the ancestral tree.

But when he was less than a hundred miles away from the ancestral tree, he accidentally saw a gray mouse more than one kilometer in length and was chasing the tiger madly.

From the spotted wounds of the spotted tiger, Yu Haoran knew that the grey mouse was playing with the tiger, otherwise, relying on the strength of the grey mouse, he could have killed the spotted tiger.

Kilometer body!

According to the division between the ancestral witch and the realm, the gray mouse is a witch beast that has just broken through the realm of Wu Sheng.

Although there is a big gap between them, Yu Haoran has no fear at all.

Utilizing the bloodline inheritance martial arts just acquired, to mobilize the huge power belonging to the ancestral witch's body, a note that seems simple, but in fact contains a heavy punch of unimaginable power, directly smashing the mouse head of the gray mouse into the meat mud.

The colorful tiger that escaped from the dead looked at Yu Haoran who was back in front of the ancestral tree. The nervousness was relaxed instantly, but the result was to faint.

Some distressed shook his head, Yu Haoran bent over and picked up the tiger, and then quickly returned to the root of the ancestral tree.

Put the spotted tiger on the root of the tree, and then take out more than a dozen elixir from the storage ring, all stuffed into the tiger's mouth.

After the ancestral tree had condensed a longan-sized Wu Yuanguo, Yu Haoran smashed his fingers while letting Wu Yuanguo into the mouth of the tiger, allowing blood to drip onto the roots of the ancestral tree.

When Wu Yuanguo began to repair the tiger's injury, the roots of the ancestral tree with blood gradually appeared a vortex.

When the wound was half recovered and the sense of fainting was gradually awakened, the dreadful tiger looked at Yu Haoran standing beside the vortex and opened his mouth to yell a few times.

But Yu Haoran shook his head at it and told him.

"Little tiger, practice well, and strive to have the strength to enter the opposite side of Xiquan one day earlier."

"When you can open the lineage of the ancestral witch, you will know how to leave this space of witch gods."

"At that time, you will be able to go to the outside world to learn and have a chance to find me!"

"My name is Yu Haoran, the Great Qin Empire from the Southern Region!"

After leaving a good-bye admonition, Yu Haoran jumped into the vortex directly.

"Alas ...!"

Looking at Yu Haoran, who jumped into the whirlpool without hesitation, the multi-colored tiger roared a few times, and originally talked about the godless tiger's eyes, gradually becoming bright and firm.

It is because Haoran has just left Witch God Space. On a giant tree branch about a thousand miles away from the ancestral tree, a white fox with eight tails flashes a cold light in the scarlet fox's eyes.


The ancestral witch body can be said to be the most powerful body in the world. Even how powerful the rotating force in the vortex is, Yu Haoran can still maintain a sober consciousness.

Meditation time in my heart!

When he thought about the number of ten silently, he suddenly felt that the power of rotation disappeared, and a pure aura of heaven and earth came to his face.

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