Destined Martial God

Chapter 923: Secret changes (four more)

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Chapter 5 Wait a moment!

Green Flame Secret Realm!

He quickly looked up at the surrounding environment, and Yu Haoran found himself in a dense forest.

At the same time, a pure aura came towards me!

Looking at the tallest tree in the woods, he had just reached his shoulder. He knew that he had successfully left Witch God Space, and could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Then, the consciousness touched the mark in the sea, and Yu Haoran's body went directly into the domain tower.

"Talling, I intend to use the ability of the tower to accelerate time, and strive to cultivate the ancestral witch body to its normal height in the shortest possible time."


Without any hesitation, Ta Ling nodded in agreement, and while turning on the time acceleration ability of the domain tower, he also said sorry to Yu Haoran who stepped into the acceleration space.

"Ta Ling, when I accepted the instinctual memory of the Twelve Patriarchs, I already knew why we were so impulsive."

"So, the situation at the time neither blame you nor me, blame the special environment of Witch God Space!"

Turning his head with a smile and comforting Ta Ling, Yu Haoran stepped into the space where time accelerated.


"Aunt Li, are you okay!" Yu Ling asked with concern, looking at the blood flowing from the corner of her mouth, and her pale face.

"Yu Ling, I'm fine!"

Shaking her head, Bai Li turned her head and glanced behind her, her eyes full of fear.

Then she turned her head and handed a silver storage ring to Yuling, telling her.

"Yu Ling, Qingyan's mystery has been open for eight days, and at most only one day, the mystery rule will send everyone out."

"At that time, if you can meet Hao Ran, ask him to **** you out of the Hengduan Mountains, and then use the special jade charm to notify the strong family to come to you.

"Aunt Li, what about you?" Yu Ling asked in a low voice, watching Aunt Li as if she was entrusted with the future.

"Yu Ling, you are an extremely clever child. You should know that the black python that has passed through the body robbery will definitely not let me and Brother Zheng."

Reaching out for Yu Ling to sort out the messy hair scattered in front of his forehead, Bai Li said firmly.

"So, I just used Chuan Xun Yufu to get in touch with Brother Zheng, and decided that the two of us will hold the black python, so that you can leave the secret space smoothly."

"Aunt Li, can't we find a hidden place to hide and wait for the closing of Qingyan Mystery?" Yu Ling begged bitterly without receiving the storage ring handed by Aunt Li.

"If it is another strange beast, the method of evasion may be okay, but for that black python, the green area with little space cannot get rid of its deliberate pursuit," Bai Li explained with a wry smile.

Then she put away the bitter smile on her face and solemnly exhorted.

"Yu Ling, you also know how important the treasure in this storage ring is for the family. As long as you can successfully hand over the storage ring to the family, then Aunt Li's sacrifice is worth it!"

"Let's go!"

Seeing Yu Ling's intention to continue to persuade herself, Bai Li directly mobilized the power of the law to forcibly send Yu Ling to a dense forest hundreds of miles away.

Later, she swallowed several top healing elixir, and then turned around to return, intending to assist the strong surname Zheng to deal with the terrifying black python.


It took almost half a month, with the help of the blood-draining practice method, to finally refining the huge energy in the ancestor and witch's body to completely restore its original height.

"Ta Ling, how much time do I spend in total?" Yu Haoran asked, facing Ta Ling who was guarding outside the time acceleration space.

"Twelve days have passed in the space of time acceleration, and seven minutes have passed in the outside!" After a little calculation, Tallin gave an accurate figure.

"Then I will continue to practice for a while!"

Only seven minutes have passed since the outside world. After hearing the preparation time given by Ta Ling, Yu Haoran intends to continue to use the ability of time acceleration to appreciate the martial arts in the bloodline inheritance in order to improve his combat effectiveness.


In response to this, Ta Ling nodded in agreement, and began to try to see if she could leave the tower of the domain and check the situation outside.

Due to the special encounters of the Witch-God space, the towering spirit seemed very cautious at first.

When he realized that the outside world did not have the power to suppress divine thoughts, he was relieved to boldly spread the divine thoughts and was ready to check the specific situation of Qingyu.

But when his divine thoughts had just spread, he immediately found that the jade spirit, who was wearing a long white dress, broke into the dense forest.

Originally, Ta Ling didn't want to bother with Yu Ling, but when she felt the sad emotion of Yu Ling and heard Hao Ran lingering in her mouth, she could only helplessly wake up Hao Ran.

After hearing that Ling Ling mentioned Yuling's current state, Yu Haoran frowned.

According to the elder Zhang surname, although there are dangers in Qingyan's secret realm, there are not many dangers that can truly threaten the quasi-military respect.

So why did Yuling appear alone in the dense forest?

Thinking of this, Yu Haoran decided to leave Yuta for the time being.

After you have figured out what is happening in the Qing Dynasty, you will decide whether to continue to use the ability to accelerate time and appreciate the powerful martial arts in the bloodline inheritance.

Touching the mark on his mind, Yu Haoran, who had escaped from the tower of the domain, directly spread his thoughts, and soon found the jade with tears on his face.

Although there was no accident in the spirit, but the volley flight required the soul to cooperate with the power to perform.

Losing Dan Tian and Yuan Li, he had no choice but to use running means to find the jade spirit.

"Yu Haoran, according to the memory left by the previous Taling, it seems that the ancestor witch who maintains the normal shape can fly!" Looking at using running means to find the jade spirit, Taling asked in doubt.

"I know, but I haven't had time to practice yet!" Yu Haoran replied in a depressed way while speeding up.

Fortunately, even if he maintains his normal height, Zu Wu's special constitution allows him to run at a speed that is not inferior to top-level body skills.

Nine minutes later, Yu Haoran saw the disappointing jade spirit from a distance, staying under a big tree.

At a location less than five meters away, a sixth-order king of the realm, known as the Jungle Killer, was staring at her, looking for the best opportunity for a sneak attack.

"Yu Ling, be careful!"

Perhaps it was when Yuling was found out of sight and knew that it was the best time for a sneak attack. The back of the wind wolf suddenly strove hard and rushed directly to Yuling.

After hearing Yu Haoran's reminder, Yu Ling quickly awakened, the smile on her face was still in the future and blooming, and she was paled by the storm wolf that had rushed to the front.

Fortunately, it was discovered in advance that Hao Ran, who was attacked by the Storm Wolf in advance, quickly offered Ruyi Bell, directly blasting the Storm Wolf to the ground and knocking him out, and timely rescued Yu Ling.

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