Destined Martial God

Chapter 924: Urgency (five more)

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Green Flame Secret Realm!

Watching the wind wolf stunned by Ruyi Bell, thinking that he had almost died under its sneak attack, the jade spirit burning in anger, directly sacrificed his sword, and cut off the wolf head of the wind wolf.

Later, she turned around and looked at Yu Haoran. The excitement made her unable to bear tears.

"Yu Ling, how could you be here alone?" Asked Hao Ran, stepping towards Yu Ling, as he recovered Ruyi Bell.

"Yu Haoran, where did you go during this time?"

Thinking of Aunt Li and Zheng Zheng looking for Hao Ran bitterly, I hope he can kill the black python, but after searching for six days, he could not find his whereabouts, and could not help complaining.

"A little unexpected, went to a special place!"

Just looking for a reason to cope with the past, Yu Haoran continued to ask.

"Yu Ling, you haven't told me why you are here alone, your aunt Li?"

"Yu Haoran, hurry up, save my aunt Li!" Yu Haoran further asked, and Yuling suddenly thought of Li Ai who was going to delay the black python, and quickly rescued.

"Yu Ling, don't worry, tell me exactly what happened?" Reaching out and holding down Yu Ling's shoulder, Yu Haoran shook hard and reminded.

Taking a deep breath, forcing them to calm down, Yu Ling told them quickly what happened after they entered the Qingyu.

It turned out that Bai Li and Yu Ling appeared directly in the inner area of ​​Qingyu by means of suction at the entrance of the cave.

Compared to the numerous outer domains of Tiancaidibao, the top treasures in the inner domain are even more numerous, which has enriched Baili, Yuling and Zheng who are in the inner domain.

But unfortunately, the inner domain was only opened for one day. Bai Li and Yu Ling, as well as the strong and descendants of Zheng surname, were forcibly transmitted out of the inner domain and appeared in the outer domain of the green domain.

Originally, according to Bai Li's thoughts, since the purpose of entering the Greenland has been completed, then the remaining eight days can be used to cultivate Yuling and exercise her practical ability.

However, when looking for a strange beast suitable for training in the green field, Bai Li found that the strength of the strange beast in the green field was not normal.

Moreover, on the third day after the mystery was opened, a thousand kilometer black python that had just passed through the robberies appeared.

If it weren't for Bai Li and Zheng Zhengqiang being aware of the power of speed, I'm afraid they would have died under the attack of the kilometer black python.

Unfortunately, hundreds of warriors, warriors, and martial arts soldiers who entered the realm of the Qing Dynasty were almost buried in the siege of strange beasts in the Qing Dynasty and in the blood basin of the kilometer black python.

Yu Haoran did not pay much attention to the encounter between Bai Li and Zheng, and did not care how so many mighty beasts would appear in the youth area.

At this time, his real attention was on the point of time just mentioned by Yu Ling.

"Yu Ling, you just said that the time when Qingyan's mystery was opened has passed for eight days, hasn't it!" Yu Haoran asked with a serious look.

"Yeah!" Yu Ling nodded and confirmed.

"Ta Ling, what's going on?" Yu Haoran questioned Ta Ling in the sea immediately.

Because according to his time in Witch God space, it seems that it is less than one day, but eight days have passed in the Qingyan secret realm.

If the time for the opening of the Green Flame Realm has really passed eight days, then he must seize the last time and look for the enlightenment stone that can enhance understanding, the elixir used to strengthen the soul, and other treasures needed.

"It should be the twelve ancestors 'witch gods' space, which contains the power of auxiliary laws related to the law of time, which slows down the passage of time in witch gods space several times."

Combining the bodies of those ancestors and strange beasts on the edge of the battlefield of witch **** space, and his own understanding of the laws of time, Taling gave his own conclusion.

The conclusion given by Ta Ling made Yu Haoran immediately feel a sense of urgency, and quickly asked Bai Li and the black python's whereabouts, and planned to resolve the black python as soon as possible and find the treasure he needed urgently.

"Yu Haoran, I don't know the exact location, only I know that Aunt Li went in that direction!" After hearing Hao Ran asking the whereabouts of Aunt Li and Black Python, Yu Ling quickly pointed out the direction.

"Yu Ling, wait for me to check it with mystery!"

Signaled Yuling to wait for a while, Yu Haoran quickly closed his eyes, and instructed the tower spirit to use Wuzun nine pinnacles' peaking thoughts to lock Bai Li and the black python as soon as possible, and immediately called the second path in the domain tower.

"Ran brother, fusion!" Yu Haoran immediately reminded him when he saw the second clone appearing in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Nodded his head, and the second avatar passed through the spirits in the sea to complete the fusion of the flesh.

"Yu Haoran, in a valley three thousand miles southeast, Bai Li and the strong surname Zheng are fighting with a black python who has survived the robbery, but the results are not optimistic."

It is because after the complete integration of Haoran and the second avatar, the towering spirit traced by the divine mind also happened to find the exact positions of Bai Li and Black Python.

After merging with the second avatar, he was able to use the second avatar Dan Tian and Yuan Li, Yu Haoran turned his head to Yu Ling and reminded him, soared into the sky and went straight to the valley three thousand miles away.


"Brother Zheng, it seems that we are trying to escape today!" The black python just used the giant tail to sweep Bai Li in the sweep, and said with a wry smile to the strong and surviving Zheng who was also badly wounded.

A few days ago, the reason why I could use the power of the law of speed to fight with black pythons is because black pythons have just passed through the calamity, they have not fully adapted to the strength after the breakthrough, and the power gap between them is far from So big.

Now, after a few days of consolidation and familiarity, the black pythons have fully grasped the strength after the breakthrough, and their strength has been increased at least ten times, which has gradually flattened their speed advantage, so that they are now completely at a disadvantage.

"Yeah!" Looking up at the head of the python, there was no trace of emotional black python in the cold python's eyes, and the strong surname Zheng responded with a bitter smile.

"If only Master Yu could appear!"

Later, thinking of Yu Haoran who easily killed Shen Aoyuan, the strong surname Zheng could not help but prayed.

"Three brothers Zheng, don't think about it. You and I have searched the whole Qingyu area for the past few days, but I haven't found Master Yu's figure."

Hearing the strong surname Zheng mentioned Yu Haoran, although Bai Li raised a plea in her heart, she knew more clearly that this was impossible.

"I think, as the first person to enter the mysterious place through the suction of the cave, Master Yu should appear in another place in the mysterious place, a place that you and I can't find."

"Are you ready to die?" Seeing Bai Li and Zheng Zhengqiang, who had suffered severe wounds and had no resistance ability, looked up at the black python with a python head and asked coldly.

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