Destined Martial God

Chapter 926: Persecution

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Green Flame Secret Realm!

"Boy, you look for death!"

Yu Haoran's humiliating humiliation made the black python scream suddenly.

Subsequently, the python head and python tail directly tangled to Hao Ran, intending to use the tangle of entanglement to directly hang him to death.

Facing the rushing black python, Yu Haoran not only did not dodge and resist, but opened his arms and let it entangle himself.

"Master Yu, hurry up and hide. The horrible entanglement power of this black python can directly smash the divine level of magical instruments." Seeing Yu Haoran let the black python entangle himself, and personally experienced the surname Zheng The strong man could not help reminding loudly.

With a chuckle, he shook his head at the strong surname Zheng, and after Hao Ran closed his smile, he started to inspire the physical defense of the ancestors and witches.

The reason why he took the risk of getting the black python entangled himself was that when he practiced the ancestral and ancestral inheritance techniques, he found that the ancestral and witch body transformed by Wu Yuanguo was not perfect, and some subtle features still retained the original physical characteristics .

Although his practice will not be affected in a short time, with the improvement of his realm and strength, he will surely become a stumbling block for him to climb to a higher realm.

Therefore, he intends to use the terrifying entanglement of the black python to further stimulate the energy remaining in the body of Wu Yuanguo and further improve the ancestral and witch body.

A kilometer of python body soon entangled Yu Haoran from neck to thigh, and then began to shrink forcefully.

"Little black snake, the power is too small, haven't you eaten yet!"

As the python body began to shrink, a strong sense of suffocation, and the pain from the flesh, made the ancestral witch's instinct to begin to resist.

Feeling the tangling force of the black python carefully, it is impossible to stimulate the energy of Wu Yuanguo remaining in the body, Yu Haoran teased.


Yu Haoran teased with ease, making the black python savage immediately.

After hissing, it began to use the powerful physical power that the python had obtained just after the body robbery, and planned to directly twist Yu Haoran into flesh.

As the black python started to use its real strength, more severe suffocation and pain, and at the same time that Yu Haoran's face began to turn red, the energy of the witch element fruit remaining in his body was forced out little by little, and he actively sought out the unbearable The entanglement of power.

That is, the meridians and blood vessels still retain the original physical characteristics.


As the ancestral witch's physique was constantly improved, the feeling of suffocation and severe pain gradually began to weaken.

But in turn, the sensation of suffocation and acute pain weakened, and the persecution effect on physical potential began to weaken.

Feeling that there is still a hidden danger in the body, Yu Haoran can only pretend a happy expression, which further stimulates the black python.

"You forced me!" Black Python threatened cold.

Originally, as a quasi-respectable beast that has survived body robberies, the black python can use many methods to attack, and entanglement is only one of them.

Under normal circumstances, if the entanglement method does not work, then you can use the power of the perfect law to attack, you can also use the blood of the powerful martial arts heritage.

However, Yu Haoran's moan with full face enjoyment aroused the black python's pride as a quasi-respected beast.

At this moment, its life and death must also defeat its opponents by means of entanglement, in order to highlight the dignity of its black python quasi-respectful beast.

Soul power and demon power combined with the power of the perfect law, began to increase the entanglement power of the python body, and also let Yu Haoran, who just enjoyed his face, couldn't help but grunt.

Paining back pain, the sudden increase of the entanglement power, directly persecuted the physical body of the ancestral witch and began to explode the real potential, and also allowed the last trace of witch element energy hidden in the flesh to quickly separate, integrate and eliminate the last hidden danger in the body.


Experiencing the ancestral and witch body improved by Wu Yuanguo carefully, Yu Haoran excitedly howled and began to fight against the entanglement of the black python.

The power that Yu Haoran burst into the flesh instantly gave the python body that was forcibly supported, so that the black python could not help but change his face.

But with its proud dignity, it never thought of using other means to deal with Hao Ran.

Since soul power and demon power can't work together with the law of perfection, I will directly use the blood of the ancient ancestor's black dragon.

Suppressed by the ancestral witch's breath, the black python who can only mobilize the blood of the two into the black dragon's veins. After thoroughly stimulating the power of the blood veins, the entanglement power increased instantly by more than thirty times.

This also caused Yu Haoran, who had just relied on the powerful support of the perfect ancestor and witch body, to immediately receive a counterattack from the entangled force, and he was entangled tightly.

Feeling the entanglement of power increased more than thirty times in an instant, asphyxiation that could not breathe, and severe pain in the heart, made Yu Haoran's face unbearable.

The barely able to move left foot suddenly stepped on the ground, Yu Haoran further stimulated the physical strength of the ancestral witch.

However, compared with raising the entanglement strength more than thirty times, the barely increased physical strength is equivalent to a sloppy salary.

"Yu Haoran, this black python has used the bloodline power inherited from the ancestors. With your current strength and state, you cannot escape the entangled power."

Seeing Yu Haoran was in crisis and still did not ask for help, Ta Ling could only remind himself.

"So, now it's better to use the possession technique immediately, so that I can deal with it using the rules of the flowers."

As the strength of the entanglement became stronger, the bones in the body began to make a grinding sound. Yu Haoran knew that the ancestor and witch's body could not cope with the robbery and used the blood to inherit the power of the black python, and only nodded in agreement with Ta Ling. proposal.

However, when Ta Ling was about to perform the possessive technique, a powerful force suddenly burst into the physical body of the ancestral witch forced to the limit, allowing Yu Haoran to barely resist the constricted python body.

Within two seconds, a second powerful force erupted in the body, allowing his ancestor's physical power to gradually exceed the contracted winding power, and gradually began to support the python body.

Feeling the two powerful forces that burst out in Hao Ran's body, the proud black python, not only did not change the idea of ​​attack, but began to overdraw and inherit the blood of the black dragon, and continued to increase the power of winding and contraction.

But when the third powerful force broke out in Yu Haoran's body, the python body tightly wound on Hao Ran's body was directly stretched.

At the same time, subject to the consciousness of constantly erupting power, at the moment when the body of the python was stretched out, Yu Haoran stretched out two wide palms, holding the python's head and tail respectively, and then suddenly pull.

"Zi ...!"

As a quasi-respected beast that has survived the robberies, the black python not only possesses the horrifying entanglement that can directly smash the divine weapon, but the python body's defense is even more powerful.

Yu Haoran yanked his hands suddenly. Although he did not directly rip the black python in half, the severe pain in the body made the black python growl.

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