Destined Martial God

Chapter 927: Memories of ancient ancestors (three)

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Green Flame Secret Realm!

While screaming in pain, Black Python knew that he had made a arrogant mistake.

In the face of this human being with an unknown physique, it is not wise to physically confront him.

Therefore, Black Python intends to change the means of attack.

But at this moment, Yu Haoran burst out with a fourth powerful force.


The four powerful forces erupting in the body made Yu Haoran feel that his ancestor and witch's body was about to explode. While he couldn't help roaring in the sky, he clenched the hands of the python and pulled it hard.


With the splash of two blood, the kilometer-long black python was torn directly in half.

As a quasi-respected beast that has survived body robberies, the black python has a very powerful vitality, and its body is suddenly torn in half. Although it suffered an unimaginable damage, it did not directly demand its small life.

Using a long snake letter attack, forced Hao Ran to let go of his defense, the python head with the upper body of the python body, fled directly to the depths of the Qingyu.

In response to this, Yu Haoran not only did not take advantage of the pursuit, but instead sat down with his knees bent, and began to examine the reasons for the four powerful energies erupting in his body.

Looking at Yu Haoran, who still maintained a height of more than 700 meters, Bai Li and Zheng surnamed looked at each other, and found shock in their eyes.

In Bai Li's eyes, in addition to the incomparable shock, there was a hint of hesitation.

To stop Yu Ling from pursuing Yu Haoran, it is not because Yu Haoran is not good enough, but because he is from a small family.

As a child of the inheritance family, Bai Li showed a sense of superiority in her bones, a kind of look down on people other than the inheritance family.

Even if Yu Haoran's potential is outstanding, even his Dan Dao and the formation of the magic of the formation have reached the peak of the master.

But in Bai Li's eyes, he is still a lowly untouchable.

However, Yu Haoran just relied on the body that was enlarged by the secret method. Not only was she able to withstand the entanglement power of the black python moving with the blood of the ancient **** beast, the black dragon, but she was also able to tear the black python's body out of nowhere, which changed her thinking .

Dalits go to Dalits!

If this pariah has the potential of Jackie Chan, then he can be worthy of a child who has the heritage of the family.

"Aunt Li, are you okay!"

Just when Bai Li was considering whether she agreed with Yu Ling to pursue Yu Haoran, Yu Ling's caring greeting came suddenly.

In order to get rid of the black python as soon as possible, so that he could hurry up to find the treasures that were needed in the green area, Yu Haoran not only did not bring the jade spirit, but also forgot to tell her the exact route when he rushed to the valley.

This caused Yuling to spend more time before he was in the valley.

"Thanks to the rescue of the Master, we are no longer in danger of life!" Looking up at Yu Haoran, who was examining her condition, Bai Li explained gratefully.

Sure enough, it is because of Yu Haoran!

After hearing Bai Li's words of gratitude, Yu Ling quickly turned to look at Yu Haoran, and was stunned by his huge body.

"Yu Ling, this is Master Yu's secret method in order to deal with that black python." Seeing the stunned Yu Ling, Bai Li subconsciously explained for Hao Ran.

"The law of years can easily break down and evolve the strong in the realm of Zhun Wu Zun."

"The rules of the end of flowers can make the quasi-wuzun strong who has passed through the soul robbery die quickly."

"The huge body transformed into several hundred meters is even more able to directly tear the body of a quasi-respected beast who has survived the calamity."

Looking up at Yu Haoran, sitting on a bent knees, Yu Ling said with shocked expression.

Then she turned around and looked directly at Bai Li and asked.

"Aunt Li, Hao Ran is still out of the category of our younger generation?"

"Yuling Little Girl is actually in the realm of Grand Master Ludan Road, and he no longer belongs to your younger generation."

Facing Yuling's interrogation, Bai Li could not help but fall into meditation, but the simple-minded Zheng surname took the initiative to answer for her.

"Today, Master Yu who is able to use two kinds of rules and transform into secret methods, I am already a strong man of our generation."

Turning his head to look at Yu Haoran, the strong surname Zheng couldn't help but sigh.

"There are talents coming from the rivers and mountains, each leading the way for thousands of years!"

Yu Haoran, sitting on the floor with a bent knee, did not hear Zheng's evaluation of him just now.

Because of the ongoing changes in his body, he was ecstatic.

"Yu Haoran, what happened just now?"

Feeling the ecstasy in Hao Ran's emotions, he always thought of Ta Ling who knew the reason for the sudden burst of four powerful energies in his body, and couldn't help asking.

"Ta Ling, the four energies that erupted in my body just now are the traces of energy that remained in the instinctual memory of the ancient four ancestors in the body on the battlefield of Witch God Space."

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the ecstasy, Yu Haoran explained in detail.

"Originally, these energies are the basis for maintaining the existence of the ancestor's instinctual memory."

"If I hadn't found them, not only would these energies gradually disappear, but the memories belonging to the ancestors would also slowly dissipate."

"The energy of the four ancestors just erupted just because my ancestor was physically fatal and because of the blood of the ancient dragon and black dragon inspired by the black python, which caused the instinct anger of the twelve ancient ancestors.

"Yu Haoran, as you say, in order to continue to inspire the remaining eight ancestral witches' memories and energy, both the ancestor witch's body is in danger, and the powerful beast with the blood of ancient gods and beasts will anger the ancestor Indignation in instinct. "

After hearing Yu Haoran's explanation, Ta Ling was also pleased, and began to consider the next practice plan for him.


Nodding his head, Yu Haoran's tone turned, and the joy that he had just adjusted through breathing, said again in an instant.

"The energy and memory of the ancient ancestors are still second, and what really makes me feel ecstatic is the memory of the ancestor of the twelve ancestors who is the most powerful and powerful."

Having said that, Yu Haoran asked suddenly.

"Ta Ling, do you know the king of the nine ancient beasts, why did they lead the army to slaughter the entire Wu tribe?"

"I don't know!" Shaling motioned, shaking his head.

If according to the memory of the previous Taling, the nine ancient gods and beast kings killed the Wu tribe because the existence of the tribe may affect their supremacy.

However, the experience of Witch God Space made him think that the ancient nine gods and beast kings were for the ancestors of the witch clan refining, so they chose to kill the entire witch clan.

However, Yu Haoran's so serious interrogation showed that he and the previous Taryn's speculation were not correct.

"That's because Xiu Wei and the strongest ancestor witch have successfully developed Dantian and cultivated Yuanli." Yu Haoran clenched his fists and said with a trembling tone of excitement.

"This is impossible!"

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