Destined Martial God

Chapter 928: Reopened Dantian (four more)

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Green Flame Secret Realm!

After hearing the explanation given by Yu Haoran, Ta Ling's first reaction was disbelief.

The reason why the ancestral witches could have a place in the ancient times where the strong were lined up, even threatened the position of the ancient **** and beast overlord, by virtue of them being the strongest flesh in the world.

If it is the strongest body and can cultivate martial arts, then all living things are not under the rule of the ancestors, and even the danger of ancient destruction can be resolved by the ancestors.

But Yu Haoran obviously can't use this kind of thing to start joking with himself.

So, after being shocked, the towering spirit quickly calmed down, and began to think about the possibility of Zu Wu practicing martial arts.

"Yu Haoran, how did the strongest ancestor witch successfully develop Dantian?"

But no matter how he thought, Ta Ling couldn't think of the way that Zu Wu could develop Dantian, so he could only question Yu Haoran.

"It requires both high perception and the cooperation of three elixirs!" Yu Haoran answered with a smile.

"What three elixir?" Ta Ling asked quickly.

Being able to become one of the most powerful men in ancient times, the ancestral witch's perception need not be doubted, so Ta Ling wants to know the three elixir that can help to develop Dantian.

"Tenth rank and one rank meridian grass, ten ranks and one rank open Yangguo, ten ranks and one rank spinosa flower!"

Yu Haoran told the history of the three elixirs needed to open up Dantian.


Hearing the three kinds of elixir given by Yu Haoran, Taling paused.

If the three kinds of elixir needed to develop Zu Wu Dan Tian are the kind that are rare to see for millions, or even ten thousand years, and reach the first-order or more than the first-order god-order elixir, Taling can barely accept it.

But the three kinds of elixir that Yu Haoran just gave, in addition to the ten-order and one-grade meridian grasses, are slightly more precious, and the remaining Kaiyang fruit and thornthorn flowers are completely ordinary goods of the Tianxuan continent, A tenth-order, one-grade spirit stone is not worth it.

"Yu Haoran, are you sure you weren't kidding?" Ta Ling asked incredulously or unacceptably.

"According to the records left in Zu Zu's memory, it should be these three elixir." Ta Ling's questioning also made Yu Haoran confidently respond.

Although it is said that meridian grass, Kaiyangguo, and thornthorn flowers are all elixirs specifically targeted at Dantian and meridians, if the efficacy is too ordinary and the grade is too low, can it really open up Dantian in the body of the ancestor, No one can believe it!

"Yu Haoran, I remember that in the treasure trove of Enforcement Peak, you once got three ten-pin meridian grasses and five ten-pin yanggou."

Whether the memory left by Zu Zu is true, it only needs to be verified.

Moreover, with Yu Haoran's strength and his own means, even if the three common elixirs are harmful, they can be resolved in time.

"When my divine mind traced the whereabouts of Bai Li and the black python, I found that there were several tenth-order thorny flowers at the entrance of this valley."

"Well, try it now and see if you can successfully develop Dantian."

Although Ta Ling's proposal just made Yu Haoran very enthusiastic, considering that Bai Li and Zheng Xingqiang were around, he felt that he had better change to a place to open up Dantian.

"No. Next, I will use the divine mind to arrange a masking formation that no one can detect. You only need to open the Dantian with peace of mind." Shaking his head and rejecting Yu Haoran's proposal, Ta Ling commanded very arrogantly.


While nodding in agreement with Ta Ling's order, Yu Haoran planned to ask the descendants of the strong surname Zheng to help him pick the thornthorn flowers, but unexpectedly saw that Yu Ling had also rushed into the valley and directly asked her to shoot.

"Yu Ling, at the entrance of the valley, there are several thorny flowers of ten ranks and one grade. Please help me to get one, and I will use it urgently."

"I'll go now!"

The secret method of being able to tear the black python body directly will definitely have certain side effects.

The tenth-order thornthorn flowers may be the elixir to eliminate the side effects of the secret method.

Therefore, in response to Hao Ran's command, Yu Ling did not question the reason for collecting thornthorn flowers, and flew directly to the entrance to the valley.

"Master Yu, are you all right?" Zheng Zhengqiang asked with concern.

"I'm fine, I just need to adjust my breath for a while to recover!" Yu Haoran replied with a smile.

The area of ​​the valley is not large. The jade spirit, who uses flying, returns quickly, and uses the means of Yuanli to send the tenth-order one-pin thornthorn flowers to Haoran.

"Thank you!"

Reaching out to receive the spines and flowers, Yu Haoran thanked him and reminded Taling to immediately start the masking method, and then took out the tenth-order first-order meridian grass and the tenth-order first-order Kaiyang fruit from the storage ring.

Later, he closed his eyes and began to realize the process of using the three elixir to open up the Dantian in his memory.

Not very long, Yu Haoran remembered the whole process of developing Dantian.

Opening his eyes and reminding Ta Ling, after closing his eyes again, Yu Haoran directly mobilized the physical strength of the ancestral witch and began to converge to the position of Dan Tian in the abdomen.

After the location of Dan Tian in the abdomen, gathered a large amount of physical energy, with tenacity, perseverance, past and present life, and the experience of the development of Dan Tian in the memory of ancestors and witches, he began to compress the huge physical energy gathered in Dan Tian.

After spending almost half an hour, a milky white energy mass the size of a longan floated on the abdomen.

Take a deep breath to calm down your emotions completely, and then Yu Haoran directly swallows the meridian grass, the yangyang fruit and the spinythorn flower into the body.

When the three elixirs begin to exert their effect, the mind guides the force into the abdomen and blends into the physical energy of the longan.


As the black python was severely damaged, the beast that had been madly besieging human warriors began to silently lurk, and then waited for the opportunity to re-attack, which led to the extremely quietness of the entire Qingyu.

When the power of the three elixir blended into the physical energy of the longan, a deafening thunder suddenly sounded in the extremely silent green field.

With the deafening thunder, Yu Haoran's abdomen gradually developed a suction.

The suction that appeared at the beginning only pulled the pure aura in the whole valley.

However, as the suction of the abdomen continues to increase, the traction range of the pure Reiki begins to gradually expand, so that it finally spreads to the entire blue area.

"The source of pure Aura traction comes from that valley. I think it should be the strong man of human beings who used his feelings when he killed me, and his strength has been improved by leaps and bounds."

In a lake deep in the blue field, the black python who escaped with a half of his body was hiding at the bottom of the lake.

After experiencing the drastic changes in the aura of the entire Qing Dynasty, the python head quietly surfaced, and used the powerful divine thoughts to see the reason for the change in the pure aura.

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