Destined Martial God

Chapter 929: There must be his seat (five more)

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Green Flame Secret Realm!

Divine thought traced the direction where the pure aura finally converged. It was just the valley it had just torn away with that young man, and the black python's face immediately showed an extremely dignified look.

"In the state I am hitting hard, I am no longer the opponent of that young strong."

"Now, with his insights when he killed me, his strength has been improved by leaps and bounds, and I'm not even his opponent."

"It seems that the plan to encircle all human warriors in the mystery has failed. I hope that Bai Lao and Xiong Zun can prepare for the annihilation, and they must not let go of a human warrior."

After secretly praying in his heart, the black python's python head slowly sinks into the bottom of the lake, while waiting for the closing of the mystery while restoring the wound with the help of the thick pure aura at the bottom of the lake.


There is no need to use the divine mind to check, just by the act of madly devouring pure aura, Ta Ling also knows that Yu Haoran has successfully developed Dantian.

At this moment, Ta Ling was shocked by the strongest ancestor witch in ancient times, and he was able to create the anti-sky means to open up Dantian. At the same time, Yu Haoran was also happy for the successful opening of Dantian and the restoration of martial arts.

Although relying on the practice of the ancestral and witch body, Yu Haoran was also able to climb the peak of martial arts and achieve one of the top powers in the Tianxuan continent, but Wen Wu was the first and Wu Wu was the second.

If you want to achieve the unique existence of the Tianxuan continent, the way of martial arts is the right way.

Today, Yu Haoran not only possesses the most powerful ancestral witch body, but also possesses the most martial art potential of the top evildoers.

Ta Ling has been able to predict that the future hegemony of Tianxuan mainland will soon be in Haoran's seat.

With the strong suction generated by the abdomen, the milky white energy mass floating in the abdomen, when it began to absorb the pure aura in the green area frantically, not only did not become larger, but began to shrink.

Waiting until the milky white energy group shrank to the size of sand, it suddenly burst into silence.

Countless milky energies re-exploded a Dantian in the place where Dantian was originally destroyed.

Feeling the power of the pure aura transformed into Dantian, and then began to improve his cultivation frantically, while Yu Haoran was relieved in secret, a strong surprise suddenly appeared in his heart.

Because like Taling, he also thought of the advantages he now has.

The strong suction power, while madly pulling and devouring the pure aura of the entire Qingyu, the reopened Dantian also allowed Yu Haoran to repair and resume rapid improvement.

In just ten minutes, he started to practice as a martial artist, and has been ascended to the peak of the nine kings.

In just one minute, the bottleneck of the perfect state was easily broken, allowing him to successfully advance to the perfect state of the ten kings of martial arts.

Although the realm of breakthrough has not yet reached the limit, with the help of the pure aura in the Qing Dynasty, he has full confidence to directly break through the realm of Wuhuang. However, less than half a day before the secret realm is closed, he still decides to temporarily give up the opportunity for breakthrough.

After all, the realm of the realm has arrived, as long as there is sufficient energy, you can break through the realm of the Emperor at any time.

But if there is no rule to open the blue flame mystery, if he closes, he does not know if he will have a chance to enter the mystery in the future.

In case, the next time the Qingyan Mystery will be opened for more than a few decades, then relying on his own advantages, the treasures in the Qingyan Mystery may not be used anymore.

Therefore, after asking Ta Ling's consent, simply consolidating the breakthrough practice, and using the ancestral witch's practice method to restore normal height, Yu Haoran got up.

"Congratulations to Master Xiu Xiu for his breakthrough, and his strength has grown by leaps and bounds!" Looking at Yu Haoran who got up, Zheng Zheng and Bai Li quickly got up and said.

"Thank you!"

He nodded politely to Bai Li and Zheng, and Yu Haoran opened the door and asked.

"Senior Zheng, for some special reasons, the younger people were directly trapped in a special space when they entered Qingyan's secret realm, and they were barely released when they met Yu Ling just now."

"Now, I don't know if the enlightenment stones in the Qing Dynasty, Jiuqu Sacred Flower, Mulongshen, and soul fruit have already fallen into the hands of others?"

After hearing Yu Haoran's explanation, the strong surname Zheng couldn't help but glanced at Bai Li and had to admire her intelligence.

Feeling the attention of the strong surname Zheng, Bai Li nodded slightly.

Subsequently, the strong surname Zheng looked at Yu Haoran and said.

"Master Yu, a total of nine enlightenment stones have appeared in the Qing Dynasty."

"Except for me and Bai Li, each of the remaining seven enlightenment stones fell into the hands of the black python."

"Jiuqu Holy Spirit Flower and Mulongshen were also taken away by the black python."

"As for the soul fruit, I'm afraid it won't appear until the moment the mystery is closed."

After hearing the introduction of the strong surname Zheng, Yu Haoran immediately commanded to the towering spirit in the sea.

"Ta Ling, use the extreme gods to find out the whereabouts of the black python in the shortest time."

Of the four treasures he needed, three were in the hands of the black python. Yu Haoran, who wanted to cut the grass and root it, had one more reason to hunt it down immediately.

"Yu Haoran, the black python is now hiding in a lake about 27,300 miles from the southeast of the valley."

When the strong surname Zheng mentioned that Wu Daoshi fell into the hands of the black python, Ta Ling had begun to use the divine thought for tracing.

There are no restrictions on divine thoughts, so that the spiritual thoughts of the towering spirit can cover almost the entire green field, so in the shortest time, he found the hiding place of the black python.

"Senior Zheng, Bai Bai, although the black python was severely damaged by the junior because of the carelessness, but it has the black dragon blood lineage in it. As long as it has enough pure aura, it can be restored in a short time.

"So, cutting the grass needs to be rooted, and the junior will now hunt down the black python."

Seeing that Ta Ling had successfully locked the position of the black python hiding place, for fear of Ye Changmeng Yu Haoran, he made a direct resignation.

"Master Yu, wait a minute!" When Hao Ran was going to hunt down the black python, Bai Li hurried out to save the road.

"Senior Bai, what else do you have?"

To call a woman about the same age as her mother, Yu Haoran felt awkward.

Therefore, regardless of whether Bai Li agrees, he continues to call the other party his senior according to his own thoughts.

"Master Yu, it is only a small matter to hunt down the black python that has been hit hard. How we can survive the Hengduan Mountains is the most important thing."

Later, Bai Li explained her speculation about the beast encircling human warriors in detail.

After hearing Bai Li's speculation, Yu Haoran and Zheng Xingqiang looked at each other and found the dignity in their eyes.

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