Destined Martial God

Chapter 948: The Complete Secret Method of Devouring (one more)

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Before crossing the mountains!

"Feier, Leng's little girl, do you know how dangerous your move is!" Looking at the stubborn daughter and the powerful Lin Mengyao, Qin asked, pointing at the barrier to enter the Hengduan Mountains.

"Isn't it the barrier that the Heaven Rule rules restricts the entry into the Hengduan Mountains!" The excitement of the bloodline belonging to his father allowed Lin Mengyao to make rapid progress, while the pride of the arrogant woman in the sky made her face the Qin Emperor's inquisitive tone Responded rather indifferently.


Lin Mengyao's indifferent reply made Qin Emperor suddenly wonder what to say.

If the person who replied was Qin Lingfei, he would yell loudly, but the Leng family behind Lin Mengyao is a powerful existence that the Qin Empire cannot temporarily provoke.

Therefore, after taking a deep breath, Qin Emperor solemnly reminded.

"The rules of heaven are inviolable!"

"Everywhere you dare to despise the rules, the result is not only bad luck, but also the possibility that the soul will die, and eventually the soul will disappear, and there will be no mark on you in the world."

After hearing the solemn reminder from Emperor Qin, Qin Lingfei and Lin Mengyao glanced at each other and found the fear in their eyes.

"Thank you, Father, for your timely help!"

"Thank you for your help in time!"

Subsequently, Qin Lingfei and Lin Mengyao quickly thanked Qin Emperor.

On the west side of the Hengduan Mountains, when Shi Fangling heard the consequences of offending the rules of heaven, the peerless beauties and Miaoling girls also looked at each other and quickly thanked Shi Fangling.

"I don't know how the two girls are called?"

Waving hands to signal that the beauties and wonderful young girls need to be polite, Shi Fangling began to inquire about their origins.

Perhaps it was because Shi Fangling's help just now helped them feel grateful.

Perhaps because of Shi Fangling's natural affinity, they made them want to be subconsciously.

Therefore, in the face of Shi Fangling's interrogation, the stunning beauty and young girl did not conceal their self-introduction.

"Bai Chimen Yujufeng Disciple's Sword has no trace, I've seen seniors!"

"Jiang Jingya, a disciple at the Baichimen Gongde Temple, has met seniors!"


With the running of the Secret Method, Yu Haoran found that the suction of drawing his own power in the sea of ​​blood began to gradually weaken, which made him rejoice.

Immediately afterwards, he began to speed up the operation of the Secret Method. While successfully offsetting the suction in the Sea of ​​Blood, he began to devour the energy in the Sea of ​​Blood in turn.

The sea of ​​blood is the blue wolf's rule of blood, and then uses all his own blood to be transformed.

The blue wolf is a quasi-respecting peak beast that has survived the calamity, and its blood contains unbelievable pure energy.

As the secret method began to forcefully **** the energy in the sea of ​​blood, Yu Haoran was pleasantly surprised to discover that his cultivation and physical grade began to increase rapidly at a rocket-like speed.

In less than a minute, the initial revision of Wuhuang Erpin successfully broke through the middle of Wuhuang Erpin.

The physical grade was also successfully promoted to the fifth stage of Wuhuang five minutes later.

As the power of engulfing mystery became more and more powerful, the blue wolf consciousness of the blood sea gradually realized that something was wrong. While forcibly extracting the pure aura of the mountains to make up the energy of the blood sea, the blue wolf consciousness began to check the loss of blood sea energy s reason.

When he saw that Yu Haoran was using the secret method he did not know to forcibly devour the energy in the sea of ​​blood, the blue wolf's consciousness could not help but change his expression.

Subsequently, it did not hesitate, mobilized the laws of blood and spirits, and began to stop the other side from devouring the energy in the sea of ​​blood.

The powerful soul power, combined with the means of blood law, began to be gradually limited to Hao Ran's engulfing of the sea of ​​blood energy.

"Yu Haoran, now I begin to teach you the real secret method of devouring."

Feeling that Hao Ran's devouring secrets began to be suppressed, he completely retracted the inner pity of the towering spirit, and restarted all-round consideration for Hao Ran.

"Talling, thanks!"

Even if you use all your strength to increase the power of devouring the secret method, you can't break the increasing suppression in the sea of ​​blood, which makes Yu Haoran gradually anxious. When you do n’t know how to deal with the increasing suppression, Taling helps in time Let him immediately thank him with excitement.

"Swallow like the sky, devour the sight, heaven and earth like a cage, devour like the sea ..."

Due to the limitations of the rules of heaven, Ta Ling cannot use the method of divine mind cohesion to directly transmit to Hao Ran's soul. He can only truly understand the secret method by word by word.

The simplified version of the mastery of the Secret Method, as well as the ever-increasing understanding, allow him to quickly comprehend every word and sentence spoken by Ta Ling.

With the realization of the real engulfing secret method, the power of the originally suppressed engulfing secret method gradually increased, and soon surpassed the suppressing power, and began to devour the energy in the sea of ​​blood again.

Consciously feeling that the swallowing power of Yu Haoran in the sea of ​​blood is getting stronger and stronger, the blue wolf has to use the method of overdrawing the soul power to increase the speed and quantity of extracting the pure aura in the traversal mountains.

However, compared with the power of several times and the power of engulfment increased by a dozen times, the speed and quantity of extracting aura by overdraft soul power are getting worse and worse.

"Gray old, help me!"

Knowing that by his own means of overdrawing the soul power, he can no longer suppress Hao Ran ’s increasing power of devouring. In order to be able to survive and to realize Yu Haoran once said that in the future, the first wolf emperor in the ordinary wolf family, Qing The wolf can only ask for help from the stronger gray fox.

Unfortunately, facing the wolf's help, the gray fox just looked at it indifferently and ignored it.

"Gray old, you do not need to intervene in my battle with the strong human beings. You only need to completely let go of the suppression of pure aura in the depths of the Hengduan Mountains. Let me use the pure aura to increase the power of the sea of ​​blood."

Seeing that the gray fox had no intention to help, the blue wolf immediately lowered his request.

But the gray fox's indifferent behavior ignored the blue wolf's heart and became desperate.

"Hai Lao, you have come up with a plan to encircle the human warrior elite with the help of the Green Flame Secret, and you have arranged the execution of the entire plan."

"Today, in order to carry out your plan, the eleven brothers of Lao Hei and Lao Lie have already sacrificed. Would you even give up my blue wolf!"

Facing the angry reprimand of the blue wolf, the gray fox suddenly stood up, a posture that was going to be shot, which made the blue wolf couldn't help but feel a joy.

However, the gray fox's next move surprised his heart just now and fell to the bottom of the valley instantly.

Because the gray fox suddenly stood up, neither took a shot against Yu Haoran in the sea of ​​blood, nor let go of the suppression of the pure aura of Hengduan Mountains, but suddenly shot and attacked the blue-throated peak tiger standing behind it.

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