Destined Martial God

Chapter 949: The last request of the blue wolf

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Hengduan Mountains!

The unprepared blue-throated peak tiger was directly anchored by the gray fox, and then the gray fox extended two sharp front claws and intervened in the forehead and belly of the blue-throated peak tiger.

"Star-staffing, this is the seventh-ranked star-staffing among the top ten secret ways of magic, and it is also one of the few evil secret ways that can enhance one's own strength by devouring the power of living beings.

Although the blue wolf asked for help, he did not startle Yu Haoran who used the secret method to devour the pure energy in the sea of ​​blood, but he alarmed the towering spirit who had been watching the sea of ​​blood.

When he saw the gray fox forcibly absorb the soul and demon power of the Blue-throated Peak Tiger, thereby enhancing its own strength, Ta Ling shouted uncontrollably.

Ta Ling's shouting cry immediately caught Yu Haoran's attention.

While the blue wolf was out of control and couldn't control the power of the blood sea, the **** of thought penetrated the blood sea directly and saw the gray fox with the front paw inserted in the forehead and belly of the blue-throated tiger.

Immediately afterwards, his expression changed.

Because by absorbing the blue-throated peak tiger spirit and the demon grey fox, the rising momentum is getting stronger and stronger, and there is a vague trend to break through the second quasi-respect and advance to the third quasi-respect.

The gray fox suddenly attacked his companion, and immediately caught the attention of the people who had been staring at the sea of ​​blood on the periphery of the mountain.

After seeing the gray fox using the star-absorptive Dafa of the top ten secret ways of the magic road, and began to absorb the spirit and demon power of the companions, everyone's faces suddenly changed.

"It seems that the blue wolf has used all his own blood and then used the sea of ​​blood formed by the law of blood to stop Haoran completely. This has made the old fox have to find a way to start desperately improving his strength!"

Seeing the area of ​​Blood Sea gradually shrinking, and the gray fox's act of absorbing fellow spirits and demons, Qin Emperor explained to Qin Lingfei and Lin Mengyao solemnly.

"Father Emperor, are you saying Hao Ran is this old fox's opponent?"

Qin Lingfei's explanation just made Qin Lingfei happy and worried.

Fortunately, the blue wolf who turned into the sea of ​​blood actively sought the help of the gray fox, indicating that Yu Haoran, who was enveloped by the sea of ​​blood, not only had no danger to his life, but gradually took advantage.

The worry is that the gray fox, which is already the second quasi-perspective, has absorbed the spirit and magic of the blue-throated peak tiger, and the strength is even more unfathomable. Yu Haoran is still not his opponent.

"Mayfair, you're really stumped."

Looking at the eyes that Qin Lingfei and Lin Mengyao were expecting, Emperor Qin could not lie to them by lying, and finally shook his head with a bitter smile.

"Grandpa, it seems that you are the most important horsemaster, I am afraid it will be difficult to escape today's death situation!"

As a quasi-military respecter who has survived the second calamity, a middle-aged man known as Lei Er has the deepest feelings for the improvement of gray foxes. He knows that the gray foxes that have absorbed the essence of the blue-throated peak tiger have improved their strength by at least ten Times.

Even if he used the martial arts skills inherited from the blood of the Zhang family himself, I am afraid he is not the opponent of this gray old fox.

Therefore, even if it would provoke Grandpa's discomfort, the middle-aged man who was called Lei Er had to remind him.

"Leier, I don't agree with you. Instead, I feel that this old fox's move just now will make it die faster!"

Faced with the results given by the middle-aged man, the old man with surname Zhang shook his head and gave different answers.

"Really, let's just wait and see!" Said Lin Mengyao, who looked cold and proud, and said a fascination flashed in the middle-aged man's eyes.

"Sister Fangling, will Brother Yu be all right?" Watching the growing momentum of the gray fox, the wind-tailed fox standing on his shoulders felt a bit of fear, Jiang Jingya asked while worrying while appeasing the wind-tailed fox. Road.

Jian Jian's worried eyes also looked at Shi Fangling.

"Little sister Jingya, little sister without trace, rest assured!"

Facing the worry of Jiang Jingya and Jian Wuzhen, she truly understood the origins of the twelve demon gods, and was relieved with confidence.

"Unless the strength of this old fox can truly break through the level of second-order esteem, otherwise, it is not an enemy of a mighty move at all."


In the sea of ​​blood!

"Talling, when the sea of ​​blood disappears, it is the beginning of the devil's body!" Yu Haoran said with a dignified look at the blue-throated peak tiger who saw the physical body dry up.

"I know!"

While nodding his head to indicate that he understood, Taling used verbal means to explain the details of the second avatar demon to enter the body to avoid errors when the demon enters the body.

Ignoring the Taling and the second avatar, Yu Haoran closed his eyes and continued to increase the power of devouring Dafa. With the pure energy in the sea of ​​blood, he quickly improved his cultivation and physical rank.

The gray fox will not help but the blue wolf will only feel sad and disappointed.

After all, relative to the indifference of human nature, the selfishness and selfishness among beasts is not lost to humans.

But the gray fox actually used the mysterious magic method to absorb the companion's spirit and demon power. This is the unacceptable result of the blue wolf.

Looking at the blue-throated peak tiger, which was completely sucked into a dead body, the blue wolf screamed angrily.

"Woo ...!"

After howling, the conscious blue wolf looked at the gray fox, threatened with a dark tone: "Old fox, you are forcing me!"

Then he turned to Yu Haoran in the sea of ​​blood and asked.

"The strong man, the blue wolf asks you for one thing."

"Senior Wolf, please tell me!"

No matter how fierce the confrontation was just now, they didn't care if the blue wolf wanted to use the sea of ​​blood to take his own life. Facing the request of the blue wolf, the respected Yu Haoran signaled directly.

"Anyway, let this **** old fox be so scared that its bones are gone!" Said the blue wolf fiercely.

"Senior Wolf, this is not a requirement." Yu Haoran shook his head and motioned.

"Because of the blood oath according to the rules of heaven, killing gray foxes must be done by younger people."

"Do not!"

The blue wolf shook his head, and said with a strong hate.

"My request is not for you to kill it directly, but to use all the torture in your human beings and let it taste the pain of death, and then end its life."

"Senior wolf, gray fox is too high-grade, too strong, juniors dare not take too much risk, and can only give a guarantee of trying!"

There is no need to take advantage of the torture created by human inventions. The secret method of torture in a site in his previous life is enough to let the old gray fox know what it means to die.

But the gray fox, which has absorbed the essence of the Blue-throated Peak Tiger, has reached the peak of the second quasi-respect, and has the possibility of turning over at any time.

Therefore, Yu Haoran did not want to put himself in a dangerous situation because of the request of the blue wolf.

"Human strong, please rest assured, the blue wolf will not ask you in vain, I will help you at the end of life."

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