Destined Martial God

Chapter 978: Unique heaven and earth (one more)

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Guangling City, in front of Heaven and Earth Chamber of Commerce!

Being able to resolutely abandon the territory occupied by the Huang clan shows that the ancestors of the Yan clan not only realized that the real crisis facing Guangling City was the upcoming Great Qin Army, but also understood their influence on the Northern Expedition force.

If you can get your own attention, then when the Northern Expeditionary Army attacks Guangling City, the Yan family can not only avoid the crisis of being destroyed, but also use the advantages of familiarity and understanding of the local situation to become the true ruler of Guangling City in one fell swoop. .

Therefore, it seems that abandoning the interests that are about to come, in fact, is to gain more gains and power in the future!

Of course, the Yan family's initiative to show goodwill, both for themselves and for the Northern Expeditionary Army, also has unimaginable benefits.

Therefore, Yu Haoran's attitude towards Yan Fenghua suddenly became gentle and close.

"Master Yu, Elder Fenghua, a few days ago, the Chamber of Commerce has harvested a good batch of iced tea from the Western Regions. How about two of them?

Affected by its own structure, the Yan family valued the gains of a city, and the Heavenly Chamber of Commerce valued the entire Great Qin Empire.

Therefore, when he saw the conversation between Yu Haoran and Yan Fenghua, Bian Shengrui admired the keen vision of the ancestor, and immediately made the same move as the Yan clan.

Use the divine mind to inform the deacon of the Chamber of Commerce to meet Haoran with the highest specifications.

After his men were ready, Bian Shengrui invited to Hao Ran and Elder Fenghua.

"Elder Bien, isn't it Snow Mountain Iced Tea known as one of the Seven Treasures of the Western Region!" Hearing Bian Shengrui mentioned the Western Region Iced Tea, he had traveled to the Western Frontier, and asked with a look of anticipation.

"Yes!" Bian Shengrui nodded and confirmed.

"Master Yu, Snow Mountain Iced Tea is known as one of the Seven Treasures of the Western Regions. Not only does it taste cold and smooth, but it can also eliminate the demon and improve your mood."

After being confirmed by Lian Shengrui, Yan Fenghua immediately explained to Yu Haoran the origin and efficacy of iced tea, and a feeling of emotion appeared in her heart.

As one of the three major chambers of commerce in Tianxuan mainland, the heavenly world, whether it is financial or overall strength, is far stronger than the five families of Guangling City.

As the number one elder in Heaven and Earth, Bian Shengrui never paid attention to the five big families.

Even if the patriarchs of the five major families came to the door in person, he would arrange at most one deacon to greet him, let alone bring out such precious and rare Snow Mountain Iced Tea.

Today, I was able to get hospitality that even the patriarch and his ancestors could not enjoy. It was completely absorbed in Haoran's light.

"Since it was the mind of the elders at the side, Yumou was not good at rejecting it, it just cost your chamber of commerce!"

Yu Haoran also heard about Snow Mountain Iced Tea, one of the Seven Treasures of the Western Regions. However, due to the desperate situation at the time, there has been no opportunity to taste this treasure that can satisfy the taste and improve the mood. Past lives have also been slightly regrettable.

Now, of course, he can make up for the regrets of previous lives.

What's more, like the Yan family, he knows the reason why Bian Shengrui showed good results in this way, and he also knows the tremendous help of the Heaven and Earth Chamber of Commerce for his future.

Therefore, in the face of Lian Shengrui's invitation, Yu Haoran quickly and politely promised.

"Please!" Bian Shengrui was pleased and quickly waved his hand.

"Elder Bi, please!" He Haoran stepped into the chamber of the Chamber of Commerce.

Different from Tianxiang Pavilion's elegant sense of elegance, Heaven and Earth is more focused on all-round enjoyment.

Therefore, the seemingly ordinary Chamber of Commerce from the outside, but the interior is decorated with golden walls, not only the tables and chairs for rest, all made of bright red gold, and even the ground is paved with gold stone , Giving a feeling of upstart.

In this regard, Yu Haoran did not have the slightest contempt.

Because he knows that this is a means of heaven and earth, a manifestation that I have great financial resources, enough to get the momentum of any treasure in this world, so as to attract more warriors to the Chamber of Commerce for consumption.

"Master Yu, Elder Feng, please here!" Walking through the hall, passing three corridors and a gate, and finally came to a luxurious private room, Bian Shengrui smiled.

"Rich Paradise!"

Looking up at the door sign on the door of the private room, Yu Haoran could not help but smiled and shook his head.

No matter how rough and reckless he usually is, accepting the Confucian thoughts from an early age has made him feel less interested in all the ways of heaven and earth.

As Bian Shengrui pushed open the door of the private room, a unique scent of silk scented towards him, while Yu Haoran couldn't help frowning, his eyes flashed a little discomfort.

Accompanied by the unique scent of silk, a crisp and harmonious greeting came from the private room.

"Welcome the three masters home!"

Through the open door, nine stunning girls with beautiful faces stood tall and slender.

Although she was unhappy, Yu Haoran knew that this was a major feature of the Chamber of Commerce in Heaven, so she took a deep breath and readjusted her emotions. Then she entered the private room with a slight smile on her face.

However, as soon as he stepped into the private room, he was attracted to a white girl who was kneeling at the tea table and devoted to making tea.

Be attracted, in addition to the peerless face that the tea-boiled girl has not lost to Qin Lingfei, it is also because she exudes a special breath that can make people calm and forget about troubles.

"Elder Bi, Guihui is really a big pen!" Pointing at the girl who was making tea, Yu Haoran sighed.

"Oh! Could it be that Grand Master could tell the origin of Xianger!" Being able to listen to the shock expressed in Hao Ran's sigh, Bian Shengrui was shocked and asked with a smile.

"Pearls spin the stars, and the flowers shake the dragons and snakes!"

Yu Haoran couldn't help but sigh, watching that the white girl hadn't been affected at all.

"Among the thousands of special constitutions in Tianxuan Continent, the 21st place is the ghost body!"

"It seems that Master Yu not only has remarkable achievements in martial arts, dandao, and formation methods, but his own experience and insights are probably far better than most people in this world."

Hearing Yu Haoran's scent from the white girl alone, she could see her special physique, while Bian Shengrui was deeply shocked, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Elders on the side, the ghost body is not only the world's top furnace, the effect of double repair is not inferior to Xuanyin's body, but it also has the anti-potential of impacting the emperor's realm."

Knowing that the girl in white has the ghost body, Bian Shengrui treats her like this, which makes Yu Haoran wondering.

"Now, you let her do something that should have been slavery. Yu doesn't know if your heaven and earth are rich and wealthy, you don't look at the genius with the ghost body, or you have an inexplicable secret.

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