Destined Martial God

Chapter 979: Drug repair (two more)

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Chamber of Commerce!

"Master Yu, please sit down!" Face asked Hao Ran, Bian Shengrui didn't answer immediately, pointing to the soft collapse paved by Yun Simian.

Leaning comfortably on the soft collapse, while enjoying the treatment of the three girls hanging their shoulders, rubbing their legs, and feeding Linguo, Yu Haoran looked at Bian Shengrui, waiting for him to give the reason for treating the white girl .

"Master Yu, I don't know if you've heard of the poison of Ghost Eater!"

The girl who waved to feed Linguo for the time being stepped down, and Bian Shengrui glanced at the white girl who was devoted to brewing snow mountain iced tea. She looked sad and helpless.

"Have heard of it!" Nodded his head, Yu Haoran signaled.

In fact, he has not only heard of it, but also had the poisonous effects of ghosts and soul eater some time ago, and his memory is quite profound.

"Her surname is Yun, Mingxiang is the only daughter of our three elders Yunruo Chamber of Commerce in Heaven."

As the master of the peak of Dan Dao, Yu Haoran was able to know that the poison of Ghost Eater was normal, so Bian Shengrui nodded, and pointed at the girl in white to introduce it.

"Nineteen years ago, when Elder Yunrou went to Nanjiang to preside over the branch's business, he was attacked by an enemy, and the ghost was venomous."

"At that time, Elder Yunrou was pregnant with Rokko. In order to protect the life of the fetus in his belly, he chose to separate the mind from the soul and soul, so as to resolve the poison of the ghost and the soul."

The complete separation of ideas and spirits is equivalent to self-defeating. From the high above the strong, they fall into ordinary people without the power of a chicken.

In order to save Yun Xiang's life, Yun Hao admired Yu Haoran sincerely.

"Using the method of separating the mind from the soul, although they have successfully saved the lives of two people, they already have the fragrance of the soul, but they have been eroded by the ghost's soul eater, resulting in her being ranked 21st in Wanwu's special constitution. The ghost body is an ordinary person who cannot be cultivated. "

Speaking of this, Bian Shengrui looked at Yun Xiang's eyes, showing a touch of fatherly kindness.

"Although Xianger is an ordinary person who cannot be cultivated, she is still the beloved bead of all of us in the heavens. No matter what she wants, or maybe what she wants to do, we will follow her heart."

Turning his head to look at Yu Haoran, Bian Shengrui asked with a grin.

"Master Yu, now you know the reason why she appeared in the rich heaven private room!"

While nodding to indicate that he understood, Yu Haoran closed his eyes and considered for a while, then opened his eyes and asked.

"Elder Bien, can you check me on Yunxiang's body?"

"Yes!" Nodded his head, Bian Shengrui agreed flatly.

Whether it ’s Yunxiang ’s ghostly holy body or her favorite character, since she was found to be unable to cultivate, the Heaven and Earth Chamber of Commerce, with sufficient financial resources, has visited all the top Dan Dao masters and teachers in the entire Tianxuan continent. Guru, including the grain master and elder from the Valley of Medicine King.

He even went to the Five Drugs Education, which specializes in poisoning.

But the result was helpless, which also made the people in heaven and Yunxiang completely give up and give up.

Therefore, Bian Shengrui did not expect that Yu Haoran would have a solution.

Yu Haoran got up and left the soft collapse, and went straight to Yun Xiang's face.

"Girl Yunxiang, offended!"

"My son, please!"

Yun Xiang, who has been examined by numerous Dan teachers and doctors since he was a child, has long been accustomed to and adapted to this situation.

So, in response to Hao Ran's reminder, Yun Xiang agreed indifferently.

While condensing the godly thoughts into Yunxiang's body, Yu Haoran also signaled that the towering spirit should use the powerful godly thoughts to assist the inspection.

From head to toe, from inside to outside, after Yu Haoran inspected it three times, Shen Nian quit Yun Xiang's body, then closed her eyes and discussed with the towering spirit in the sea.

"Ta Ling, tell me your way!"

Facing Haoran's direct command, Ta Ling said with a smile.

"Yu Haoran, I'm just the towering spirit of Yuta, not the omniscient true god. In the face of the poisonous infection of ghosts, I can't do anything."

Frowning slightly, Yu Haoran could not help asking.

"Is there really no way?"

"There is really no way," Taling nodded strongly.


Even the omniscient and omnipotent Tower Spirit had no solution to Yun Xiang. Yu Haoran couldn't help sighing, and there was a hesitation in his eyes.

"Yu Haoran, maybe you have a way!" The hesitation flashing in Yu Haoran's eyes didn't hide Ta Ling, he could not help asking.


Nodded his head, Yu Haoran obviously hesitated.

"But I don't want to hurt her."

"What the **** is the way to make you hesitate." The tone that Yu Haoran knew so clearly, but had been reluctant to speak out, aroused Ta Ling's great interest and quickly urged.

"Poison repair!"

One glance at Ta Ling, and another glance through the boundless cognition of the sea has completed the tea making process, Yun Yunxiang is preparing to pour tea, Yu Haoran finally said the solution.

Just mentioning the word poison repair, Ta Ling knows that he wants Yun Xiang to use the ghost infected in his body to bite the soul and turn to poison course.

However, whether it is a poisonous practice or a Fuxiu practice, at the beginning of the practice, it is necessary to open the meridians in the body through the absorbed aura to open up the Dantian that stores the power.

And Yunxiang's current situation is that the absorbed aura can't get through the meridians in the future, and it will be directly corroded by the poison of the ghost's soul eater. Then how can she open a martial arts path through the way of poison repair!

"Using the poisonous Dan that can inspire the ghost to eat the soul, and using the poisonous spirit of the ghost to open the meridians to open up the Dantian!" Facing the question of Ta Ling, Yu Haoran gave a solution.

"No wonder you just showed such hesitation. This method is definitely cruel for a girl."

Unleashing the meridians with the poison of ghosts and souls, and opening up Dantian, will not only make Yunxiang's cultivated power contain poison, but even Dantian will become a poisonous field.

In other words, using the method provided by Hao Ran to cultivate, Yun Xiang will completely change from a poisonous person who cannot be easily approached.

For a woman, a girl who is 28 years old, a girl with a peerless face, and a girl full of fantasy in love, the word cruel may not describe the consequences of practicing poisoning.

However, just before examining Yun Xiang's body, Ta Ling felt a faint sense of death from her apathy.

Perhaps born in forces like heaven and earth, the heavy pressure brought by the inability to practice cannot be lost to the consequences of practicing poisoning.

Moreover, Yun Xiang is wearing a ghost body. If her martial arts journey is started with a poisonous cultivation, she may reach the peak of martial arts.

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