Destiny Dominates

Chapter 281: 100

At 3:30 in the afternoon, Li Mochen stood on the platform of Stormwind Stadium again, while the auditoriums on the left and right sides were still crowds like mountains and seas, and even the aisle was full. However, compared with the previous two weeks, this time there have been some changes in the audience structure. Almost a quarter of them are women, and there seems to be an organization. A large group of men and women in blue costumes occupy the three grandstands on the left. They are very conspicuous in the gymnasium, and they have also formed a lot of momentum.

But at this time, Li Mochen's opponent, Brud Carroll, was very excited. He is constantly launching offensive with a pair of swords and shields in his hands, and various combat skills are displayed skillfully.

This is the 99th round, and Carol has seen hope of defeating his opponent. In his eyes, this Andre Lee Wiltonstein's line of defense has been crumbling.

But at the next moment, when Carol's sword, once again slashing at Li Mochen's neck with the "powerful chopping" warrior skill, his sword collided with the "Holy Thunder Verdict" in Li Mochen's hands.

With a thunderbolt, Carol felt a paralysis in his right hand, and then his sword flew out after a few spins. Then his left arm, holding the round shield, didn't have time to block Li Mochen's unusually cunning slash from the angle, and was hit hard in the chest.

"Fight hard, five points!"

When the referee waving a red flag next to him, Brud Carroll frowned deeply and looked at his opponent with disappointment. He felt that he was careless and did not guard against the opponent's thunder magic.

The second fight soon began, and Carol had been replaced with a double sword. In front of Li Mochen, he set off a violent storm and continued the oppressive offensive.

He had the feeling before that he could break Li Mochen's defensive position only a little bit and win in this individual match, but in the end he was defeated by the weapon. And this time with a double sword, he must be able to cut Li Mochen's tortoise shell and pull back the score of both sides.

But to Carol ’s surprise, after his 80 consecutive rapid recuts, Li Mochen ’s “Sheng Lei Judgment” is still firmly in the middle house, the sword speed is not slow, and the sword power is mediocre, No surprises, his defense seemed to be crumbling, and he could forcibly break apart with only one breath. No matter how hard he tried, Carol no matter how he used his skills, he was eventually defeated by the opponent.

This situation made Li Mochen's supporters on both sides of the stands worried and nervous; while the rest of the audience, full of excitement and anticipation, could not wait until the spillway broke open, allowing them to vent their emotions.

At this time, everyone in Box No. 4 had another impression.

"Unbelievable, he is always using the ability of the fourth-level magic swordsman to fight against this Carol."

"It's perfect, it looks ordinary, but in fact, the effect, timing, strength, angle of each sword are the best. Only in terms of the speed and strength that Andre uses, there is nothing better than this. . "

"That poor fellow, I think his strength has increased fivefold, and there is no possibility of breaking through Andre's defense. I mean the latter is still only using level 4 strength."

"But Andrea, he is already at level seven, right? His opponents in the future can only be those monsters on the east and west coasts. According to his age, those monsters may not be able to compete with him."

"No, probably not just level 7, I suspect he already has a part-time job as a dragon master."

"You still underestimate him, everyone! This is a guiding battle. If that Carol, if he can calm his mind, he will find Andre is guiding his swordsmanship, how to exert force, choose the angle. "

In the middle seat, Edward Jeffries's lips were slightly picked, showing a satisfactory color.

"How is it? Ms. Lillard, I think my client should satisfy you?"

"of course."

This is a woman with white hair and elegant clothing: "The consultants I invited all gave high marks. But Edward, the contract period you can accept is too short. Two years, I have a hard time accepting it. You have to know, if we sign him from Edward Jewellery Company, how much resources do we have to invest in him afterwards? I have investigated, this kid, he is facing many troubles. It ’s his security expenses, it ’s a lot of money. This is not a small contract for Edward. If he has any accidents, our tens of millions of gold shield funds will become bubbles. "

"You are investing resources well, but you will also get more rewards. Andrei has shown his appeal on the Lucky Bracelet product, and he has begun to realize his talent."

Edward Jeffries ’lips are slightly picky:“ Ms. Lillard, more years are impossible, but what about priority signing rights? Just like the Nathan Group, two years later, you have to work with other jewelry companies Bid together. At the same price, Andrea can only choose your company. However, our contract amount needs to increase by another five million gold shields a year. "

"Barely acceptable."

Ms. Lillard tapped the armrest with her finger: "But the price is a little higher, and the number of attendances at the event, I hope to increase it. I cannot explain the number of such events on the board of directors. What kind of talent he is, he does not understand his meaning. Edward, we are old friends-- "

At this time, in the ring, Brud Carroll suffered another setback. When this man finally sobered up and stood in front of Li Mochen again, he was full of anger.

"Are you humiliating me? Shit! My coach told me that you can easily knock me down ~ ~ You shit, you did it on purpose."

The referee next to him couldn't help smiling, this coach is not too incompetent.

"No such meaning, just the needs of TV stations and advertisers."

Li Mochen carried a sword and told the truth: "If you think it is humiliating, Carol, then I will try to defeat you as quickly as possible, like James Lanster, and Cardio Rod. However, it must be mentioned that the events I face in the future will be the same as today. I have to wait at least 100 rounds before I will knock down my opponent. So, Carol, you decided to let me go all out. right?"

As a result, Brud Carroll hesitated for a while, or honestly, as before, madly attacked for a hundred rounds. He sinks his heart this time, and finally finds Li Mochen's intention of pointing. The other party really does not mean to humiliate him, but only condescends and guides his swordsmanship with him. This made Brud Carroll's mood even more frustrating. After the game, he didn't even want to talk to Li Mochen.

Li Mochen understands his mood very well, no one wants to be ugly in front of the TV. And this Carol classmate also has a sponsorship contract, but everyone has self-esteem, and Carol classmate is no exception.

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