Destiny Dominates

Chapter 282: cause

When Li Mochen returned to the dressing room, he found Louise Linden, who seemed to be waiting here. He noticed that the girl was still holding two bottles of champagne.


Louise Linden stuffed a bottle of champagne into Li Mochen's hands: "For your Rising Sun company, but also for your individual championship."

Li Mochen smiled dumbly, opened the champagne cork, and bumped into Louise: "I accept the Rising Sun Company, but the individual champion, we have to wait next week."

The girl in front of him is his opponent in the next round.

"No!" Louise shook her head slightly: "You are now the individual champion of the Atlanta High School. I have informed the race committee that the next round of the game is officially abstained."

"Abstain? Why?" Li Mochen looked surprised.

"The reason you understand, Amo. Will you treat me like Carol in the next game? I think since this is the case, it would be better to abstain, so that somehow can retain a little face."

Louise chuckled: "If it's a guided battle, we have a chance, there is no need to go to the ring."

Li Mochen suddenly understood that for Louise, the young lady of the Linden family, it was unacceptable whether it was a fiasco or a guided battle in the next ring. He was willing to sell favors to each other and put a little water on the ring, but for Louise, it was even more humiliating.

"Wow, I guess the NHSAA competition committee, as well as those advertisers and TV stations, they will definitely be angry, and the college board will not agree?"

He knows that the NHSAA Race Committee recently made a lot of money relying on his events, and part of the income will also be obtained by Linden College.

"But I don't need to care about their ideas, right?"

When Louise said this, she looked slightly suspicious: "It's time to say it's business. Tomorrow evening the college will prepare a gala ball for you. Do you have time to attend, busy people?"

This is where she is here, waiting for Li Mochen to return.

"of course."

Li Mochen was talking about this, and he saw Chu Siguo holding a mobile phone and hurriedly came from the aisle in front: "BOSS, there is your phone, I think you still listen to it. The other side said he was the Holy Blood Hunting Corps. Candela ’s deputy head— "

When Louise heard the word "Holy Blood", she couldn't help but stare slightly, but then her expression calmed down as before, and she waved to Li Mochen with a smile and signaled her farewell. Li Mochen answered the phone and walked into the locker room.

"Is Mr. Alexandra Candela?"

"It's me, little one."

The voice across the phone was hoarse and full of magnetism: "I think you should have received our letter, right?"

Li Mochen felt a little uncomfortable, and the other party was treating him as a junior, with free speech.

If it was like Franks of the Teutonic Cross, the elders who really cared for him were okay, but this Alexandra Candela-Li Mochen did not think that the other party was a person like Franks.

So Li Mochen ’s tone was aloof and cold: “I received it, Mr. Candela. But I ’m sorry, I ’m not interested in business on the mainland of Antonia. You should have heard that the five armed merchant ships left by my father have already Sinking, my Rising Sun company has also completely withdrawn from the sea trade industry, so there is nothing we can do. "

The other side of the phone was silent for half a minute. If it wasn't for a bit of rustling electronic sound, Li Mochen almost thought that the other party had hung up. He thought that the deputy head of Alexandra Candela must have been surprised and was pondering his words.

Sure enough, when the hoarse voice sounded again, it was a little more solemn: "Andrea, I think you should not understand the meaning of the friendship of the Holy Blood Hunting Group. As a friend of your father, I think I have It is necessary to inform you that the Alliance Wing Ship Corps organized by your father during his lifetime is selling all kinds of arms and various living materials to us every year, and the profit is more than 50 million golden shields. Then he gets it from us every year All kinds of magic materials are worth more than 1.5 billion. Even if he directly throws these things to those big groups, he can directly sell them for two to three times the price. And your father ’s partner and card Dia Hunter and Triangle Viking Hunter. Did you know? You can easily pull out a large ship group in Amerika by using our letter to you— "

"Mr. Candela, please forgive me for being rude. I have already done an investigation about the Alliance Wings and the Antolian continent."

Li Mochen interrupted Alexandra Candela ’s words: “This is indeed a very profitable business, but high profits also mean high risks, right? Mr. Candela, if you know me well , You should know that my career in Atlanta is flourishing and I am not short of money. What reason do I have to intervene in the mainland of Antalya to take the risks that should not be taken? I am grateful for the friendship of the Holy Blood Hunting Group , But now I really have no plans to inherit this career. "

"Andrea, don't rush to make a decision?"

Alexandra Candela didn't seem to know what to say, and his words contained a bit of different emotions: "So, I have now returned to Amerika, on the west coast of Amerika. After a while I will To meet you in Atlanta, I think we can openly talk about it. At that time, you will refuse me too late. "

After Li Mochen pondered a little, he agreed. Then he watched the mobile phone fall into meditation. The reason why he refused the Holy Blood Hunting Group was that he was not prepared and determined; second, he disliked the attitude of the other's charity; from the conversation between the two parties, The deputy commander of the Blood Hunting Regiment was more urgent than he thought.

What happened there again?

Li Mochen was puzzled, and then shook his head, preparing to change clothes. Because there was hardly any sweat this time, he did not intend to take a shower.

However, Li Mochen had just finished taking off his jacket and heard his mobile phone ringing again.

This time it was Edward Jeffries. The voice of this man was full of joy and enthusiasm: "Andre, are you free at night? We have to sign a contract now."

Li Mochen's spirit rose: "Contract? Is it Edward Jewellery Company?"

"Yes, I mentioned to you before, the most sincere company."

Mr. Jeffries laughed: "120 million to 20 million in two years ~ ~ In addition, there are special provisions. Edward Jewelry will create two exclusive products for you within these two years. Get four percent of that income. "

"There are so many? This is five times the size of Catillo."

Li Mochen couldn't help but be surprised, after all, the previous Catillo costume was only 12 million gold shields a year.

"This is different from Amo. Although Catillo is the top luxury brand in the apparel industry, they currently only deal in apparel. And Edward Jewelry Company, in addition to jewelry and other accessories, also operates including Auxiliary magic equipment such as jewelry, earrings, necklaces, brooches. "

Jeffries's voice was slightly proud: "So tonight, Amo, do you have to take the time to know anyway? Let's finalize the contract first. EMMM ~, we will hold a gala dinner, Norfolk The company's vice president will also be present, and he is also very interested in you. We may sign the next endorsement contract within a day or two. "

Li Mochen thought that today was really his lucky day, and all kinds of good things came one after another. And his choice is indeed correct, and Edward Jeffries's contacts and abilities are beyond doubt.

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