Destiny Dominates

Chapter 318: Fundraising

Just as Li Mochen and Angela rode on the 'Norfolk Holy Power' walking on the viaduct, a black man wearing sunglasses was using the sight on the sniper rifle to track the entire journey on the high building three kilometers away. Watching.

"Mr. Maeda Takumi, do you really want to give up action? I feel today is a rare good opportunity. This shooting distance, even if it is the enhanced version of the" Norfolk Holy Right ", my gun can penetrate the back door of the car. I can Responsibly say that as long as we join forces, the death rate of that Andre Lee Wiltonstein exceeds 80%. "

"No! I don't think it's a good opportunity now. We still don't know what kind of defensive power is around him. Can you penetrate the 'Norfolk Holy Power' and can you penetrate the holy weapon on him?" Class defensive armor? Is n’t this impossible? Is it not too much for Nathan to attach importance to him, and he has holy equipment at his level. "

In the headset of the man in black, there was a cold voice: "Yvonne, according to our current investigation, this person really has some good hands, and he can even defeat Cardiwin overnight. Group. 'Iron Thorns' Emo Bertram and 'Magic Mind' Deron may also die in his hands. This is an opponent worthy of our careful consideration. Behind him, there may be extremely powerful power."

"An opponent worthy of caution? Maybe."

The black man's lips and lips showed a disdainful smile: "It's not the same thing to assassinate and fight head-on, Maeda! I think you think too much."

"The assassination is indeed very different from the frontal combat, but the premise is that you can't fight the snake."

Maeda Takumi responded with a strong tone: "The latest information is that Miss Angela's side is likely to have a legendary level of power, so I suggest you do not look at it again, you don't want them to be alert, right? "

"You just don't trust my ability? If I want to, even the legendary strong, it is difficult to perceive my existence. It is the two of you, but the possibility of being discovered is greater."

Although the man in black said so, he still moved his right eye away from the scope: "When will it work? When he returns from the Hilde Hotel?"

"we'll see--"

This time Maeda Takumi's answer is somewhat helpless: "Did there not be a warning above? The premise of our hands-on is that you can't hurt the daughter of Mr. Medici, and must not destroy her father and teach us ~ ~ Send cooperation. The timing is also very inappropriate. Within the scope of the Great Devil Array, you understand. "

"Understood, it is difficult for us to escape afterwards."

The man in black smiled sarcastically: "The problem is that this guy, who has been hiding in that apartment for the last few days, rarely goes out. It is really not easy for us to find a suitable action opportunity. Maeda, you are going to stay in Atlanta When?"

"I don't think we will wait too long."

Maeda Takumi's tone is yet full of murderous opportunities: "Since our cooperation, have there been any examples of failure? No! So listen to me, Yvonne, we have to be a patient hunter."


The celebrities in the conference hall on the fourth floor of the Hilde Hotel are gathering together, and the power is gathering.

Li Mochen sat on a seat on the left side of the third row, listening to the speeches of the politicians above. Even the Controller, Ms. Elizabeth Isalt, could not say anything nutritious at this time. It is nothing more than preaching the recent achievements of the Citizen Party, looking to the future, and then attacking the political views of the election opponents, hoping that all of you here will be generous.

This opening fundraising speech is only formalism, and the real focus is actually the self-service reception afterwards. Candidates of the Citizen Party will use this occasion to communicate face-to-face with the participating chaebols, businessmen, stars, farmers, or union representatives. The cups are interleaved to determine whether these people support or not, and the strength of the support.

At this time, around Li Mochen, people were constantly casting strange sights on him. Some people were puzzled, some were puzzled, some were surprised, and some were disdainful. It seemed that he was watching a villager who suddenly broke into the supper banquet.

Replacing it with ordinary people may be fidgeting, but Li Mochen is still complacent and doesn't care what others think of him.

But a white-haired old man next to him couldn't bear it. When a city councillor came to power and began to speak, the frowned frown asked Li Mochen: "Hey! Imp, can you tell me? Who are you? Invited? "

"Ms. Isalt."

Li Mochen replied bluntly: "Is there any problem? Mr. Isaac."

——He saw the sign on the old man ’s chest. If he remembered correctly, this man should be Utrecht Isok, a planter in the suburbs of Atlanta.

Due to the rapid expansion of Atlanta City, the assets of this name are also growing rapidly at an exaggerated rate. In addition, this farmer in the suburbs also has a great influence.

"The problem is not there, but, I have heard of some of your situation, was rejected by the Wiltonstein family? But you can sit here now."

The old gentleman looks strange: "Or am I outdated? Now a fighting star, not even a professional player, has such a high status in the eyes of those politicians?"

"Mr. Wiltonstein won the Georgia Post and the Atlanta Laborers Daily."

Interrupted is a middle-aged bald man ~ ~ This man sitting on the other side of Li Mochen: "You won the Georgia Post and the Atlanta Laborers Daily, they don't know it yet, your Confidentiality work is done well. But I guess after three or five days, everyone who should know should know. Ms. Nanette Drew has a natural spotlight effect, as early as her first day in Atlanta , Has been concerned by many political elites and even consortium leaders. "

The man extended his hand to Li Mochen while speaking: "Let's know, Ferguson Cultural Media, Mandivin Ferguson."

Li Mochen couldn't help raising his eyebrows. He knew this person, and Carl mentioned it to him. Dwight Payton personally recommended his manga to the man, but the result was not so beautiful.

But since the other party showed him his favor, Li Mochen would not rudely refuse. He is actually very grateful to this man. Without this opportunity, he would not think of acquiring the Atlanta Laborers Daily, nor would he have the opportunity to win the Georgia Post.

"You should know that I have heard from Mr. Payton, and we regret that we failed to reach cooperation."

After the two shook hands, Mandevin Ferguson's smile was brighter: "To be honest, I am not optimistic about your comic content. I want to make some money for the first one in the name of Mr. Wiltonstein. Money is worth the risk. But our company ’s sales strategy is like this. If you set a precedent for you, you will not be able to talk to the painters of the comic book society in the future. But I did not expect that you would buy Richard Publishing directly. The company, and then snatched the Georgia Post that we have been staring at for a long time. "

Li Mochen's reaction was dull: "But I guess that Mr. Mottdall, from the beginning, didn't think of selling the shares to you, did he?"

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