Destiny Dominates

Chapter 319: Covet

"Ms. Isalt does not trust us Ferguson Media."

Ferguson shrugged: "So I want to ask Mr. Wiltonstein, can I resell the Georgia Post? Even if I sell some equity to me, 15% will not harm your majority shareholder Status. And Mr. Wiltonstein, you will gain the friendship of Ferguson Media. "

"I didn't plan to sell."

Li Mochen looked at this person: "I know that the Georgia Post has at least 22% of the shares, concentrated in the hands of an overseas offshore company. Although my CIO has not yet investigated the holders behind the scenes, But I guess it ’s about Ferguson Media? "

"In the hands of my friends."

Mandevin Ferguson's tone is relaxed: "Mr. Wiltonstein, I guess you know nothing about the media world? Ms. Nanette Drew is the top political editor, but she may not be able to run two newspapers. And Ferguson Media, which has been well-known in the industry for decades, has a strong team and rich experience, as well as unparalleled resources within Georgia. If you want, Mr. Wiltonstein can enjoy it and Ferguson Media guarantees that it will meet every year. Provide you with generous dividends, and also ensure that your will can be reflected in the two daily newspapers. "

Li Mochen was a little impatient: "I'm sorry, I didn't intend to resell the shares, and I would not disappoint Ms. Isalt's hopes. Mr. Ferguson, let us end this topic OK?"

Then Mandevin Ferguson ’s eyes flashed: "Mr. Wiltonstein, Ferguson Media is a powerful media group that covers the audience and readers of 11 million people in Georgia. Would you not think about it again? ? Even if it is only for your future in the fighting world, and your personal career, such as Rising Sun? "

Li Mochen's complexion also froze in an instant: "If you can do it, you can try it."

Mandevon Ferguson stared at him for a moment, and finally chuckled, looking at the podium forward with a focused look again.

At this time, the old man with white hair on the left smiled and extended his hand to Li Mochen: "Meet Utreid Isok, a farmer. It must be mentioned that I and my employees, I really like the Atlanta Laborers Daily in your name. That is to say, will the operation of this daily newspaper be run by Ms. Drew? That Drew from the Abraham Post? This is really good news. I look forward to it. I have enjoyed reading the editorials and reviews she has written since three years ago, and it is the same now. "

"Also, don't sell the Georgia Post in your hand. That's the only reason you can sit here. I don't think you will be regarded as a traitor by the Citizen Party?"

The Ferguson next to him couldn't help but twitch his lips slightly, then shook his head slightly and continued to listen to the speech. The media in their hands are usually helpless to such big landlords, especially the highly respected riches such as Isaac.


When entering the self-service reception, Ms. Isalt introduced several people to him, mainly candidates for the city of Atlanta. Then, after a brief exchange, Li Mochen promised more than 300,000 gold shields, and also guaranteed the support of these two lawmakers in his two daily newspapers.

Only then did Li Mochen and Angela get together. It is worth mentioning that although she is Michelle's daughter, this fundraising meeting was arranged in the seventh row.

This is the difference between personal power, wealth, and social influence. Although Angela is famous, she has not yet been involved in the management of the Michelle Group. In the presence of Michelle Medici, the Citizen Party paid limited attention to her.

"Your sister Jennifer, she is sitting in the seventh row, not far from me. She has been looking at the back of your head just now."

Angela took Li Mochen's arm and said with some sympathy: "I guess she must be very dissatisfied with you now, and you haven't washed your father's blood. But then again, I heard that she has been in the situation recently very bad."

Li Mochen couldn't help looking at her sideways: "Why is this bad? Tell me about it?"

He was actually more curious about why Angela knew the situation.

"It's for sure to be excluded within the Wiltonstein family, then she ran a 300-member hunting group, a monster farm, and a semi-permanent base in the dark world, and the recent operation is in poor condition. . "

Angela Sulong explained: "Originally, she signed a good magic material purchase contract with the Plentin Group, but the Plentin Group found that the materials she provided were defective when receiving the goods, and your sister's company was eliminated. The list of suppliers is out. Then the goods were sold together by other companies. "

Li Mochen immediately frowned: "I don't think she looks like someone who can do this kind of thing."

He looked away and found Jennifer Wiltonstein among the crowd. Li Mochen found that the woman seemed to be in a state of isolation and exclusion. Obviously, she was in a party where the cups were staggered, but Jennifer had no one in her body, nor was she able to join any circle of conversation.

However, Li Mochen did not see any frustration in this face, still maintaining a lonely, elegant posture, standing by the glass window and drinking alone.

"Never smart people will do this ~ ~ This is probably a trap. Your sister seems to also believe that the Prentin Group's test results are wrong and is preparing to sue the latter. But I guess she even Winning the case may also be useless— "

Angela rolled her lips: "They just have to drag on, as long as they can't pronounce a sentence within a year or two, your sister has a great chance of going bankrupt directly. Just like what your sister did to you in the first place. She is under great financial pressure, but recently hired two magic professionals who are close to the legendary level. She is expected to spend hundreds of millions of shields a year in the company ’s salary. Now the entire Wiltonstein family, the entire city, Are waiting to see her jokes. "

"Do you want me to help her?" Li Mochen heard Angela's subtext.

"She is your sister after all."

Angela blinked: "I actually know some things about your sister. After all, I and her sister were born in Xingmai Noble Academy. I think it's only after experiencing such things that she has a big temperament. Change. Maybe your parents did n’t tell you, but your current power position, just a little inquiries will tell you what happened. "

Li Mochen couldn't help but fall into a deep ponder: "I will let people inquire about the situation, but the help is still forgotten, she can only think it is my humiliation to her now."

He was talking about this, and he heard a laugh from the rear: "Hey, Angel! I heard people here say that you have transferred to Atlanta and it seems true."

The two looked sideways and found that it was a teenager wearing a sky-blue suit, and behind this, a group of boys and girls followed.

Angela didn't recognize it at first, and suddenly froze for a moment, "Dacia? Why are you here?"

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