Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 1834: Accident in divorce

   Sunday, January 14th, in the afternoon, Beihu Hospital.

   Conan slipped over to see the water without mercy, and listened to the information from the Bureau of Investigation.

   Shui Wu Ren Nai has long been identified as a vegetative person, and now he is lying motionless in the hospital bed and moving to the United States has long since ceased.

  Vegetables are vegetative everywhere, and the medical technology in the United States does not have the slightest effect.

   Despite this, the black organization does not know this information, and believes that they are still tracking the whereabouts of Shui Wuxin.

   Whether it is to be exposed actively, or to continue to wait until the organization comes to the door, the investigation bureau does not have a unified argument, and it has been deduced.

   But no matter what, there is only one role left by the vegetative water without mercy, and that is bait. ...

   Outside the ward, Conan met Hideichi Akai and Judy from the Bureau of Investigation.

   "Hey, you're here again." Judy beckoned.

   Conan asked, "Anything new?"

   "I just found out her resume." Judy said with no effort, meaning there was no gain.

   "No problem is the biggest problem." Conan said.

   Akai Hideichi said: "Mizuno is 0, Reina's pronunciation is the same as 07, which is 007."

   Conan's heart moved, "Now, the resume is completely false, and I still can't find out the true or false."

   "I can't find out, all the schools she went to are gone." Judy shrugged, "It's completely hidden in history. We are looking for her classmates, hoping for some help."

   Conan asked, "What about college and high school, she doesn't always get together with school parties, right?"

   "I really didn't find out, anyone said it was her alumni." Judy said, "It stands to reason that there is a famous host classmate, this kind of thing shouldn't be right for no one to say."

   Conan was lost in thought. What does this situation mean? There was an idea in my mind, but I couldn't grasp it. ...

   A week later, on Sunday, January 21, in the morning, Maori Detective Agency.

   Mori is watching TV, Ran is organizing the kitchen, Yamazaki and Eisuke Hondō are writing and organizing reports, and Conan is watching.

  At this time, the phone rang.

   "Hey, this is the Maori Detective Agency..."

   Before he finished speaking, he took the receiver away. I thought it was someone who was going to entrust it, but it turned out to be the middle-aged fat woman’s client.

   She yelled at her on the phone, screaming at Maori and asking Maori to lose money.

  The gross profit is at a loss, and I don’t know what happened, but it is impossible to lose money.

   After finally waiting for the popularity of the former commissioner to disappear, Maori wanted to ask the whole story, but was hung up.

   Although I don’t know what went wrong, it must be the data given to the client, that is, the photos.

   It happens that there is a backup in the laptop, so it can be kept in case the data card of the mobile phone has a problem, and it is ready to be used now.

  Moori, Yamazaki, Conan, Ran, and Hondō Eisuke gathered together to look at the photos on the laptop, but they found the problem.

   There are many irrelevant photos in the phone data card of Eiyu Hondo, which he took randomly.

  It’s just that, there happened to be a picture of a fat woman. Although it was only a profile face across the glass, there was absolutely nothing wrong with that figure, body shape, and heavy makeup. It was the client.

   The fat woman was hooking up with a man, and was about to walk into a hotel's sightseeing elevator, which was built outside.

   The elevator is made of special glass, and the inside cannot be seen from the outside, but the two did not enter the elevator at that time, just behind the ordinary glass.

   If you look closely, you can still see that the man is spinning with a room card in his free hand.

   Needless to say, these two people are going to open the room.

   "Puff!" Conan and Lan couldn't help laughing. They sat down on the sofa with their stomachs and laughed so much that tears came out.

   "This hall..." Yamazaki couldn't laugh or cry. There is really no way to calculate the probability of this happening.

   "That..." Hondō Eiyu was unable to argue, his face flushed with embarrassment.

   Maori was a little bit internally injured. He pointed at Eiyu Hondō with trembling fingers, and trembling when he spoke, "You bastard, if the client wants to lose money..."

   "Yes, I will be all in charge." Hondō Eiyu bowed bitterly.

   "Dad!" Lan helped protest.

   "It's useless to call me." Maori said ruthlessly.

   "Don't worry," Yamazaki laughed. "Our commission was to help the client conduct a divorce investigation. We did it and gave her important evidence of her husband's problems."

   "She is so angry, it must be because she submitted all the data as evidence in order to save trouble, but the other party found out that she was unruly."

   "With this photo that can prove that the client also has a problem, the divorce lawsuit of the client's husband and wife, the division of property is really hard to say."

   "However, this evidence was not passed on by us, it was her own negligence, so it has nothing to do with us."

   "She must pay the commission fee to us according to the contract, and her property loss in the divorce lawsuit is her own problem and she must be responsible for it."

   "Yeah, that's right." Maori liked this, and he was in a good mood. Anyway, asking for money is absolutely impossible.

   Conan smiled and said: "So the client is willing to pay a lot of money to ask uncle, it must be her problem that was discovered by her husband."

   "Oh," Lan sighed, "It turns out that both of this couple have problems, and they both found out that the other has problems, that's true."

   Hontang Yingyou scratched his head and said, "It's okay, both sides have found the other half, and no one will be alone."

   "That's good to say, but..." Lan sighed again, with nothing to say.

   Conan understands that Lan thinks that the husband and wife should get along well and continue forever, but the reality is like this, so there is a divorce.

   "Oh," Maori stretched, smoking a cigarette, and exclaimed as he looked at the ceiling, "I wish I had been James Bond."

   "Ah, why?" Hondō Eiyu asked.

"He is driving a super sports car in brand-name clothes and carrying cutting-edge technology tools to investigate, but I drove a rented car in my only set of overalls, and secretly took pictures of the client's scene." Maori pulled out. Mouth, "And he is very popular with women wherever he goes, but I sit in this small room and listen to a fat woman's roar on the phone. That's too much difference."

   Conan rolled his eyes with a toothache. It's not that you don't have any money at all, but you have all the money spent.

   Lan gushed: "Really, what are the complaints about these, this is already very good."

   "Yes, come, please give me a cup of coffee." Maori pressed the cigarette out.

   "Oh, it seems I should be the one who complains." Lan went to the kitchen angrily.

   Yamazaki smiled and said, "Uncle, James Bond can only live in movies."

   "Why is this?" Lan stretched his head and asked.

   Yamazaki smiled and said, "Because of a very famous agent, he will live soon."

   "As soon as you become famous, your information will be known, and you will be hunted down 24 hours a day."

   "Phones, banks, all will be monitored and tapped, and all the food at the entrance may be poisoned. You can't tell which one is not poisonous."

   "Cars, doors, and even bathrooms can be bombed. You have to be careful when you open each door. You have to be cautious every time you drive, and you have to calculate again and again every time you go to the bathroom."

   "The sniper may be on standby. Be careful when walking in the open. You can't sit by the window or even the wall in public places. It's easy for a sniper rifle to pass through a normal wall."

   "The assassin who knocks the sap is on standby. Every corner may be fatal, and every person in contact with him may be given a poisonous needle or something."

   "Don't say it, it's impossible to live at all." Maori got colder and colder.

   "It's too exaggerated." Eisuke Hondō was writing

   "So, it's more comfortable to be a little detective." Lan offered coffee.

   Maori waited for the coffee to get colder, took a sip of the coffee, and sipped his lips happily, "Well, this coffee is really good today, isn't it a famous brand?"

"It's a pity that this is the kind of filter coffee that just started selling," Lan laughed. "I bought this from the supermarket with Conan, because the supermarket advertised that as long as enough points are collected, you can get it. To a cute coffee pot."

   Maori was discouraged, "Well, anyway, I only deserve to drink this simple thing."

"I said, if you have any comments, don't drink it." Lan dissatisfied with taking away Maori's coffee, and after waving his hand, he bumped the coffee cup against Yingyou Hontang's The remaining coffee in the cup splashed. Eiyu Hontang has a face.

   "Ah, so hot, so hot."

"Sorry, sorry, I didn’t expect you to come over suddenly, I didn’t pay attention, I’m sorry." Lan gave the tissues in tears and couldn’t help but rejoice. Fortunately, it’s winter now, and the coffee is not too hot. It’s a bad burn.

   "I'm just here to change the pen, I can't write it anymore." Eiyu Hondō took off his glasses and wiped her face aggrievedly, "So, my luck is very bad."

   Everyone shook their heads speechlessly, there was nothing to say about it.

   At this time, the phone rang again.

   Mori reached out to answer the phone, but Eisuke Hondō moved faster and moved closer.

   "Hello, this is the Maori detective office, hey, hey, it's weird, why is there no sound, is the phone broken?"

   Hondō Eiyu looked at the crowd suspiciously, but found that everyone was looking at the table. Lan also pointed his finger to give a hint.

   Eiyou Hondō couldn't care to wear the glasses that hadn't been wiped. He bent over and looked over and found that his finger was pressed on the phone and cut off the call.

   Hondō Eisuke raised his head and smiled, "Well, I didn't wear glasses, I didn't see it, huh..."

   "Asshole!" Maori couldn't help but planted a big mushroom on Eiyu Hondō's head. It was so easy.

   "Ah! It hurts..." Hondō Eiyu rubbed his head with pain.

   "Go, buy me a horse newspaper, and adjust it by the way." Maori put the money on the table weakly.

   "Oh." Hondō Eiyu wiped his glasses, put them on, then took the money, and went away dejected.

   Mori, Yamazaki, Conan, and Ran sighed together, there is really no way to take this guy. ...

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