Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 1835: Inexplicable sighting

   Sunday, January 21, morning, Maori detective office.

   Yingyou bought a horse and reported back, and rejoined the work of sorting out the report, and the Maori transitioned to a horse racing state. It is estimated that with that kind of energy, I can get a lot of points in the university entrance examination.

   Conan read the manga boredly, while Lan watched the fire in the kitchen while reading the magazine.

  Lan said casually: "Hey, the next issue of this serial will be suspended. It's a pity, I still want to see what happens next."

   Hondō Eiyu has a lively atmosphere, "But, don’t you think this is a bit of an incident?"

   "How do you say this?" Yamazaki said casually.

   "Although I wrote about collecting materials, no one knows how it is actually." Hondō Eiyu said, "Actually, I may hate work and run away."

   Lan chuckles: "Maybe it was because of a cold that I decided to take a break."

   Conan said angrily, "Maybe he was kidnapped by someone, and where is he locked up."

   After Conan finished speaking, he was stunned. Isn't that the case with Shui Wuren? Although the other party is the Bureau of Investigation, Shui Wu Ren Nai this is considered to be a long-term detention without normal procedures. Strictly speaking, it is illegal detention by an official organization. Moreover, it is an official organization of another country. If it has law enforcement power, it will also be attacked. A big question mark, right?

   Conan Khan, if the news broke, would he be arrested? Is there any diplomatic immunity?

   Conan's expression, no one noticed, it was just a casual chat.

Maori casually said: "It's kidnapping. How can it be so exaggerated? Speaking of it, there was news a while ago. Six months ago, the actor who said he was going to recharge, has been missing. In fact, he was sick and went for treatment and waited. Come out again."

   Lan said, "By the way, that person is also the singer Itagaki, Yuanzi's favorite, suddenly disappeared when he said he was in a hurry."

   Maori said irritably, "It must have been hiding somewhere after making money and fooling around with women."

   Hondō Eisuke said: "Impossible. Although Itagaki is a popular musician since his debut last year, but he has just made his debut for less than a year, how could he leave suddenly? Something must have happened."

   "I was killed, that big brother, I saw that he was thrown off the bridge."

   A child ran in and said something that surprised everyone.

"Ah, sorry, I'm bothering you." A middle-aged man followed in, "I am the name of the column who called before. We shouldn't have come when you hung up, but my son Ah Qiao's words made me very disturbed."

   "Ah, it's okay, it's okay, please come in and talk." Mori hurried forward to welcome the guests, and at the same time asked Yamazaki, Eisuke Hondō, and Conan to free up the table for the guests and let Ran prepare drinks.

   Mr. Zhuna sat down and told the whole story.

   "When my son saw that Mr. Itagaki's advertisement on TV last night, he suddenly cried out and said that the uncle with the saw head was dead."

   Maori asked in surprise: "Saw head?"

"Mr. Itagaki's haircut." Mr. Zhuna said, "There is no news like this on TV or in newspapers, so I didn't believe it at first, but I called their studio and asked about it. I heard that he suddenly started taking a break. Up."

   "I also checked the Internet. The news about him was before the new year. There will be no news about him after the new year. It happened that the day my son said was the day when he visited the shrine in the new year."

   "So I feel a little uneasy, so I want to discuss with you a Maori detective. If there is anything, I can go to the police."

   Yamazaki said, "You should call the police directly for this kind of thing."

   "I wanted to call the police, but," Mr. Zhu Ming scratched his head awkwardly, "I don't remember the address, and I didn't see it at all. It was my son who saw the point. I can't win the trust of the police."

  Mouri looked at Zhu Mingqiao, "You can't lie, are you?"

   Zhu name cleverly called: "No, I really saw it."

   "I was sitting in my father's car, and I put a big bag at the person's feet. He kept looking at the river, then suddenly picked up the bag and threw it into the river."

   Maori asked, "That's it? How do you know what's in the bag?"

   Zhu Mingqiao said: "I saw it before he threw the bag down. It was exposed from the bag. The face was bloody. I did see the face of the saw head brother."

   Maori frowned and said, "How is this possible? Someone will notice when walking around with such a body."

   Zhu Ming Qiao said: "It may be because it was very dark at the time, and you won't be able to see clearly unless you look closely."

   Maori doubted: "Are you saying that the only thing you can't see clearly unless you look closely?"

Zhu Ming Qiao said, "I saw it suddenly. Maybe it was revealed when I picked up the bag, and after the man threw the bag down, he seemed to take out a lot from his own clothes. The thing came and threw it away, but it was blocked by his body. I didn't see what it was. Then it seemed to be looking for something and I touched it everywhere."

   "Touch everywhere on the body?" Maori had a toothache.

   Hondō Eiyu asked, "Did the person hold anything, such as a cigarette, in his mouth before looking for something?"

   Zhu Ming nodded cleverly and said: "Yes, there are cigarettes. That person is looking for a lighter to light a cigarette."

   Maori asked, "Then, did that person find the lighter?"

   Zhu Ming Qiao said, "I found it, but I threw it away after it caught fire."

   Lan asked, "Ah, then you must have seen that person's face?"

   Zhu Ming Qiao shook his head and said, "I don't know. He was facing back to me. I didn't see his appearance clearly, and he was wearing a hat."

   Maori asked, "So, that person is a man and a woman, tall and short, fat or thin?"

   Zhu Ming Qiao shook his head and said, "That person was wearing a hat, I don't know, then he immediately got into the car next to him and drove away."

   Hondō Eiyu asked, "What kind of car, do you know?"

   Zhu Ming shook his head cleverly and said, "The car is dark and you can't see it clearly."

   Maori asked with a headache: "Then what did you see, about that person's physical characteristics?"

   "I saw the tattoo," said Zhu Mingqiao, "the man's arm is drawn with a scary-looking nail."

   "A scary nail?" Maori was helpless, there was no way to find it.

   Yamazaki asked Mr. Zhuna: "Excuse me, where were you at that time?"

Mr. Zhuna said, "It was on a certain bridge on the way to visit the shrine in the New Year. Because the road was very blocked, the car moved slowly and intermittently. In addition, I was tired again, so I just followed the previous one. The car is walking, it doesn't remember the way at all."

   "I remember that when I was crossing that bridge, there happened to be fireworks."

   Yamazaki said to Mori: "Uncle, if there were fireworks flowers at that time, maybe it was dark under the lights. Everyone was paying attention to the fireworks, but the people around them were not paying attention, and the child had noticed."

   "How can there be such a coincidence." Maori said while looking at the notes. "And he just said that after everything happened, that person got in the car and drove away."

   "If this kid has been watching, it means that he was in a traffic jam at the time, how could he have left."

  Lan said, "Maybe it's another lane, one is up and the other is down."

   Maori said irritably, "Ah, his eyes are so good, he can see clearly from such a distance in the dark."

   Lan retorted, "I said it, there are fireworks."

   Zhu Ming Qiao said, "Ah, yes, at that time, I saw a big luminous hammer next to the car I was in."

   "Hair, shiny hammer?" Maori shouted angrily, "Saw, nail, and hammer, what tricks are you kid playing?"

   "Dad," Lan reminded.

   "Mr. Mao, Maori..." Mr. Zhu Ming was also taken aback.

   "No, you can't deceive adults, little brother."

   Maori was embarrassed, and someone else’s father was right there, which was too rude just now.

   Hondō Eiyu stepped forward, "It's rude." As he put his hand on Zhu Mingqiao's neck, "Your name is Aqiao, right? What you just said was a lie, right?"

   Conan's face changed. This action was that Shui Wurenai, Shui Wurenai did a polygraph on him that time.

   Zhu Ming Qiao did not understand Hontang Eiyu's actions, "I didn't lie to people, what I said was true."

   Hondō Eiyu smiled and said, "Maori detective, it seems that this kid is not telling lies."

   Mr. Zhu Ming asked: "Did you have a polygraph test just now?"

   Hondo Eiyu is Yes, I learned it from the movie. "

   Maori shook his head and said, "Idiot, it's impossible to detect polygraphs with heartbeat and blood pressure at all. At least it must be matched with brain waves."

   "That's what I said." Eiyu Hondō scratched his head, "but it should be enough for children."

   Lan persuaded: "Dad, you can help, let him get in the car and recreate the scene that day, maybe he will immediately remember it, maybe."

   Maori hesitated, but today there is Marseille.

   Yamazaki said funnyly: "Uncle, if it is true, the police and family members will definitely get a bonus. That's a star."

   "Also, well, let's go." Maori agreed immediately, for the bonus. ...

   Mori went to rent a big car, and loaded the pillars named Father and Son, Hondō Eisuke, Yamazaki, Ran, and Conan.

   "So, where are we going now?"

   Mr. Zhuna said uncertainly: "Um, yes, it should be Temuzugawa Cupdodan."

   "Should?" Maori had a toothache, "please, can you be more specific, there are three bridges in the Tsushima Tsugawa Cupdo section."

   "I don't know either." Mr. Zhuna said with a dry smile, "When I drove, I just followed the car in front. This is also the time I took to reach the shrine and calculated it back."

   Maori asked, "Don't you know at all, which bridge did you pass?"

   Mr. Zhu Ming smiled bitterly: "I'm really sorry, I usually cross the river when I go to work. I often choose which bridge to go according to the time and traffic jams. I really don't remember exactly which bridge I chose that day."

   "Dad, maybe you'll find out at the fork," Lan suggested. ...

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