Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 2063: Concert conjecture

   April 29th, Tuesday, evening, hotel.

   Belmode is having a headache, so if the headache is going to leak the gin plan to Shi Feng’s security, you know that both Yamazaki and Meidaizi will go. If they both die, the trouble will be out of control.

  It’s just that Belmode has already talked with the boss, but there is a plan to support the gin, and use the knife of the real murderer to kill, the best plan.

   As for the real murderer, kill him as long as he shows up. If he doesn't have a chance to do it, don't care about him. He has committed a capital crime. No one will believe his words. If you believe it, you will not doubt the organization.

   It doesn’t matter if Shi Feng’s security comes to the door because of suspicion. It’s really not clear. It can be said that someone else did it, such as the Intelligence Bureau or the Bureau of Investigation.

   A full-scale war started based on an uncertain suspicion. No matter how angry, Shi Feng would not do it because it would benefit the fisherman.

   Say so, but Belmode really doesn't want to do it, because Yamazaki and Mei Daizi are dead, and Shi Feng's preservation will definitely not give up. It will be a mess by then, and it will not benefit the organization at all.

   What is the point of doing this kind of thing that really hurts others and disadvantages oneself?

   And if there is a mistake, the fun of the organization will be great.

   But the above doesn’t listen, and Belmode can’t do anything about it. He can only consider the way of releasing news.

   But after thinking about it, Belmode didn't dare to do it, and felt it was wrong, because the gin plan was a secret, and if the secret was revealed, there would be only one person who would do it, and that was Belmode.

   When the time comes, Gin will never let her go.

   Wait, Belmode's heart was raised, and people stood up, because now she is alone, that is, there is no alibi.

   If, by any chance, there was a mistake due to an accident, Chianti and Cohen would count the matter to her Belmode, and say that she collided with the enemy, then she would not be able to explain it clearly even if she did not do it.

   With the temperament of gin wine, nine out of ten will trouble her. Although there is no real evidence to kill her, she will not be allowed to be so free in the future.

   No, I can’t stay here, I have to live with Gin and them, I hope it’s not too late.

   Damn, you can't live in a luxury hotel, you have to live in a one-family-built guest room, what is this? ...

   Wednesday, April 30, at around 7:30 in the morning, at Dr. A's house.

   Before Mei Daizi got up and it was time to travel, Yamazaki came to visit.

   "Dr. Aka, morning." Yamazaki greeted him and said to Dr. Aka who came out to get things. He was holding two bottles of milk and a morning paper.

   "Ah, it's Yamazaki, please come in." Dr. Aka recognized Yamazaki through his voice.

   In the room, Hui Yuan is still lying in bed. She slept late and got up late.

   However, Haibara was already awake, and when she saw Yamazaki, she was a bit embarrassed and covered her head with a quilt. After all, she is not a real seven-year-old child.

   Yamazaki didn't understand this, he just thought Haibara was too noisy, "Doctor, let's talk outside."

   "Okay, wait a minute." Dr. Aka went to put down the milk and newspaper, and then went to the door with Yamazaki, and took it to the door. He also thought Huihara was too noisy.

   Haibara sat up and put on clothes. She was a little curious about why Yamazaki came here so early and wondered what had happened. ...

   Outside the door.

   Yamazaki said: "Doctor, recently there has been a series of incidents related to Domoto Conservatory of Music, and there are two explosions among them. I think it is safe to take the children to enjoy the Domoto concert."

   Dr. Aka said in surprise: "Ah, is it so serious? Are the gangsters still planning to use explosives at the Domoto concert?"

   Yamazaki Tanshou said: "I don't know this yet, but safety is the first priority. There are many concerts. We don't need to take a group of children to adventure. What do you think?"

   "Indeed, you are right." Dr. A Li nodded, then touched his beard and said in distress, "But, what should I say?"

   "It's easy, I invite them to Disneyland for a while, as compensation," Yamazaki laughed, "Does it start this afternoon or tomorrow, you are ready to call me."

   "That's okay." Dr. Aka said with a smile, "I think they will agree happily. They won't be able to listen to the concert or something."

"Doctor, please go with the children. I will ask Miss Oda Shine to take someone with you to ensure the safety of the children." Yamazaki smiled, "Mei Daizi and I will not be there at night. You must be alone. I'm too busy."

   "That would be the best. I just wanted to say that I can't take care of it by myself." Dr. Ari smiled, "Actually, according to what I said, it's better to bring their head teacher Kobayashi."

   Yamazaki smiled and said, "That's what I said. In comparison, it is estimated that Teacher Kobayashi is more effective and can make the children more obedient.

   At this time, Huihara came out, "What are you talking about?"

   "Unfortunately, we have already finished talking. Ask the doctor for details, and I will leave first." Yamazaki signaled to Dr. Aka and left.

   Huihara raised his eyes and glanced at Dr. Akasa, waiting for him to answer, and after hearing the situation, Huihara agreed.

  As far as Domoto’s concerts are concerned, they are all outsiders. They really don’t need to be risky. There are many concerts anyway. ...

   At 8 o'clock in the morning, Miyamoto's living room.

   While eating breakfast, Yamazaki explained the situation, proposed not to attend the Domoto concert and went to Disneyland, and asked the three sisters Mei Daizi and Tarhan what they meant.

   Mei Daizi has no objection, the concert does not meet her appetite; and Mei Daizi does not go, the three sisters of Tarhan will not go. ...

   At 8:30 in the morning, the Maori detective office.

   When the crowd gathered, Yamazaki suggested not to attend the Domoto concert and instead take the children to Disneyland.

   "Hey, why don't you go? You got your tickets." The garden said dissatisfied, "You are not going, there are so many seats available, how can I explain it."

   "Is there anything that is not easy to explain? Who said you must go if you buy a ticket." Mei Daizi said irritably, "There are still people who are not late to catch a plane."

   Yamazaki said: "If it's money, I will replenish you, if it's about favors, it's their own business."

   "What do you mean?" Sonoko asked.

   "I think Domoto's concert is not safe," Yamazaki said.

   Hattori refreshed, "What did you find again?"

   "There is no new discovery," Yamazaki said. "However, the clues now are enough to show that the flute succession is very likely to be Mr. Soma Hikaru's biological father, avenging Mr. Soma Hikaru."

   Hattori and Conan both reacted, surprised.

   Lan asked, "What does that have to do with Domoto Concert?"

   and Ye said, "Yeah, yeah, but I didn't go to see it when I took the ticket. This is not so good."

   "Heye, don't go." Hattori said sternly.

   "Sister Lan, don't go, too." Conan solemnly said, "Mr. Soma Hikari died at the Alumni Association of Domoto Conservatory..."

   Hattori said solemnly: "Although I don't know how many alumni will go to this Domoto concert..."

   "No, isn't it?" Hondō Eiyu reacted, "Could it be that the gangster wanted to take the opportunity of this doben concert to kill and kill all those alumni!"

   "Huh?" Lan, Yuanzi, and Ye were taken aback.

   Yamazaki said, "That's what I think, so I won't go."

   Hondō Eiyu asked, "But, isn't the flute succession over? Is the flute's body tube, tail tube, and mouth tube all available?"

Yamazaki shrugged, "It's useless to ask me, I don't have any evidence anyway, otherwise I will let the police department cancel the concert, and now I don't go to the concert, and there is no evidence that the concert will be dangerous. These are two different things. I don't want to go. This is enough."

   Mei Daizi supported and said: "Yes, yes, go if you want, and don't go if you don't want to go. I don't need any reason. I don't like concerts anyway."

   Yuanzi said irritably: "Ha, it's easy to say, I can't do it."

   Mei Daizi suggested: "I don't think you guys should go, let's go to Disneyland with us."

   Hattori said again: "Yes, follow you with Ye."

   Conan once again persuaded: "Sister Lan, you go too."

   Lan hesitated, she attended the concert only to accompany the garden, and then to see if Kudo Shinichi would show up, she didn't expect much from the concert itself.

   and Ye Wen said, "What about you Hattori?"

   Hattori proudly said: " I am a famous detective in Kansai."

   gritted their teeth with Ye: "Then I won't go to Disney."

   Hattori said angrily: "No, you will only get in the way if you go."

   "Huh." He stamped his feet in dissatisfaction with Ye, but didn't say any more, she knew that Hattori was telling the truth.

   Yuanzi asked: "Lan, you won't quit, right?"

   Mei Daizi said: "I advise you all to quit, everyone don't go, it's okay not to listen to the concert."

   "It's easy to say." Yuanzi said in a loud voice.

   Yamazaki said: "Don't make a decision in a hurry. Go home and discuss it with your uncle and see what he says."

   "It can only be so." Yuanzi discouraged.

   "..." Ran did not speak, thinking about a question, how to inform Shinichi Kudo.

   I wanted him to come before, but now I don’t want him to come, for fear that he will be in danger.

   It’s just that with Shinichi Kudo’s temperament, knowing that there is such a thing, it will definitely come. ...

After   , the eldest sister Delya drove Yamazaki, Hattori, and Eisuke Hondō to the Qiu Ting Reiko apartment to find Maori.

   Then go to meet the car of the second sister Apolak and the third sister Meris, and go to Shibuya with the others.

   Conan wanted to follow the man, but Mei Daizi carried him away.

   Conan was really powerless to resist, he could only hold up the triangular eyes full of resentment, puff out his unwilling mouth, and let others manipulate him. ...

   Outside Qiu Ting Lizi's apartment.

   Yamazaki didn't speak, Hattori and Hondō Eisuke told Yamazaki's conjecture to the police officers Mori and Takagi.

   The two were shocked and asked Yamazaki if he had any evidence.

   Yamazaki shook his head, guessing, there is no evidence, if there is evidence, it is not a guess.


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