Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 2064: Concert arming

   Wednesday, April 30, in the morning, outside Qiu Ting Reiko's apartment.

  Mori, Officer Takagi, Yamazaki, Hattori, Hondō Eisuke are talking, and Officer Chiba rushes over to change shifts.

   Yamazaki said, "Uncle, you should discuss this matter with the Megome Police Department."

   "Also, Miss Qiu Ting will leave it to you." Maori said.

   "No problem, then you can go with ease." Hondō Eiyu smiled.

   Hattori said, "I'll go, too. Just leave it to Yamazaki and Hondō."

After   , Yamazaki and Eisuke Hondō stayed behind, and followed Qiu Ting Reiko, police officers Mori, Takagi, and Hattori in the Chiba police officer's car, and went to the Metropolitan Police Department to find the Megumi Police Department. ...

   On the other side, Dr. Aka’s house.

   Ayumi, Genta, and Mitsuhiko came over to play. Genta also brought a clarinet and played with the clarinet, which is also beyond the realm of playing.

   The three of them heard that Dr. A Li said that they wanted to change the concert to Disneyland. They agreed without thinking about it. They called the other students immediately and went there if they wanted to.

   Yuanta was the most excited, he grabbed the phone, then opened his mouth, only making a small voice.

   Yuantai reacted, he still can't speak loudly, can't use the phone, and despite being discouraged and distressed, he has to abdicate. ...

   Morning, Metropolitan Police Department.

   The Megome Police Department listened to the reports from Maori and Takagi, and immediately asked the Shiratori Police Department to call Domoto to ask him for the list of personnel, the list of the alumni association that year, and the current list of tickets.

   Yamazaki’s conjecture is unfounded, and the police can’t stop Domoto’s concert based on a guess, a long-planned event.

   But what if there is a chance? The murderer has killed four people, including three with explosives. This is the death penalty level, and killing a few more people will make no difference to the murderer.

   The hall of the Domoto Concert Hall can accommodate thousands of people, nearly two thousand people. If something happens, it would be a huge disaster. ...

   Before noon, Domoto Concert Hall, performance venue.

  Momemo Police Department, Shiratori Police Department, Officer Takagi, and Maori came over and waved to Domoto.

   Yamazaki and Eisuke Domoto were also here, and they accompanied Qiu Ting Reiko to the rehearsal.

   Waiting for Domoto to end the performance with a wave, the Megumi Police Department asked him for the list and expressed concerns, but did not mention Yamazaki's name.

   This is not a claim, it just protects Yamazaki's privacy.

   Domoto waved his words and understood it, but he was furious, "It's absurd, what the **** do you police want to do? Instead of catching the murderer, you want me to cancel the concert!"

   "Sorry." Megome Police Department apologized.

   Domoto waved and shouted: "I don't want to hear sorry!"

   "Then I have nothing else to say," the Meguro Police Department said solemnly, "Mr. Domoto, I hope you can take the initiative to cancel this concert."

   Domoto waved **** for tat, "What if I say no?"

  The police department looked at each other without evasiveness, "Our police will send the greatest strength to protect the venue to ensure that the concert is complete."

   "Isn't this all right?" Domoto nodded with satisfaction.

   Megome Police Department said solemnly: "But if any problems occur, then, Mr. Domoto, everything is your responsibility."

   Domoto stunned, gritted his teeth and said: "There won't be any problems at all, so don't worry, you have time to spend time with me, it is better to find the murderer as soon as possible."

   Mumu Police Department said solemnly: "We are already investigating with all our strength."

   "Then there is nothing to say, please." Domoto turned around with a wave, and ordered everyone at the rehearsal to concentrate and lead them to continue the rehearsal.

   Music Hall President Pu He Carpenter said: "Mr. Police Officer, please come with me. I will take you to get the list."

  Momemo police department exhaled, "I have work."

  Momemo police department and others are gone, Eisuke Hondō looks at Yamazaki.

   Yamazaki knows, "Go if you want, come back before lunch."

   "Received." Hondō Eiyu happily followed.

   Yamazaki continued to observe the concert hall. The gangsters wanted to kill people here, mostly with bombs.

   If it's just under the chair, it can only be said that the gangster is too stupid.

   The best way is to blow up the entire concert hall, but this is by no means to plant a bomb underground in the entire concert hall. That would require too much explosives. Instead, it should be based on the structure of the concert hall to find a support point to place the bomb.

The structure of the    concert hall is similar. It is good to have a blueprint for the Domoto concert hall, but it does not matter if there is no blueprint.

   Yamazaki pondered for a while, and then gave up the idea of ​​deducing the scene of the explosion.

   There is nothing to do with that brain. Anyway, he will not come to this temple concert, and the police will seriously investigate if he wants to.

   As for people like Hattori, I have told you that there is a big pit in front of you. You have to jump down and try to see if you can fall to death. If you really want to die, you are asking for it, and it has nothing to do with others. ...

   On the other side, the office.

   The two lists provided by the music hall chairman's music and the craftsman are both printed lists, and they are all out of order. It is a bit cumbersome to look through and compare.

   Shiratori Police Department asked: "Mr. Chairman, do you have electronic information?"

   "Some of them are in the computer, but I don't know how to do it." Pu He Tsang said embarrassedly.

   Shiratori Police Department asked, "So, can I use it?"

   "Yes, of course, please." Puhe Tsang gave his seat to the Shiratori Police Department.

   "Thank you, please give me some pointers as to which file it is in." The Shiratori police department said after taking a seat.

   "No problem." Pu He Carpenter responded.

   Under the guidance of Puhe Carpenter, the Shiratori Police Department found the ticket list and typed a document, rearranged it, and printed a copy.

   As for the electronic list of the alumni association, it is not here, but it does not matter.

   According to the prefix, I searched them one by one, and quickly determined that, except for a few people, most of the people who participated in the alumni association were on the ticket list, which means that they have tickets and will come to watch this concert.

   Shiratori Police Department said: "Meguro Police Department, it is really impossible to rule out this possibility now. The murderer will take advantage of the concert to kill all these people."

   "Well, let's go, go back and apply for support." The Megumi Police Department sighed because it was going to be busy again. ...

   On the other side, the performance venue.

   Yamazaki received a call from Dr. Akasa, and the children decided to go to Disney Park in the afternoon and gather at Didan Elementary School at 2 in the afternoon.

   Yamazaki hung up the phone and called Mei Daizi and Oda Shine separately to inform them of the time and place of the meeting. ...

   Noon, Metropolitan Police Department.

   The Megumi Police Department reported the matter to the management officer Matsumoto, and the manager Matsumoto took the Megumi Police Department to the Minister Odagiri, and then under the leadership of the Minister Odagiri, he met the Hakuba Police Director.

   The special mobile team was mobilized for three consecutive days to protect the Domoto Concert Hall. Even Minister Odagiri couldn't handle it. It took too long. The special mobile team was not owned by his Domoto family, but was in charge of the entire Tokyo.

   In this regard, the Baima Police Director also has a headache.

   The best way to do this is to let the Domoto family take the charge and cancel the Domoto concert, but Domoto will never do it.

   With the current evidence, the police can't forcefully cancel the Tangben concert, but can only mobilize people to protect it. It's really troublesome.

   The four discussed and determined the action plan.

   In the first step, the sixth mobile team was dispatched to thoroughly inspect the Domoto Concert Hall to ensure that there were no explosives.

   In the second step, the Megumi Police Department will be stationed to ensure that no one will place explosives in the Domoto Concert Hall in the next three days.

   If you want to put the Domoto Concert Hall in one pot, the amount of explosives must be indispensable. It is not a suitcase or something that can be brought in. Therefore, as long as you pay attention to the vehicle and the large box, you should be able to hold it.

   The third step, before the start of the Domoto concert, the sixth mobile team went to check the Domoto Concert Hall again to ensure that the Domoto concert can proceed smoothly.

  Operation command, temporarily held by the Megumi Police Department, and follow-up depends on whether the situation will escalate. ...

   In the afternoon, as the Metropolitan Police Department’s Sixth Mobile Team arrived at the Domoto Concert Hall, the media became excited.

   Domoto Concert Hall, Domoto Concert once again became the focus of news.

   and Domoto waved but couldn't be happy because it would affect the attendance of the concert.

   Although the police did not explicitly state that there was an explosive in the Domoto Concert Hall, everyone knows it now.

   By looking at the actions of the police in the news, you know that the police are searching for explosives. It doesn’t have to be stated at all.

   Saying that you can’t see it is either acting stupid or really stupid.

  When the Domoto concert begins, it is a question of what these people will choose. Will they not come to enjoy the performance because they are worried about the explosives in the Domoto Concert Hall.

   This is what Domoto is most worried about. If no one comes by then, Domoto Conservatory will be embarrassed, and he will be embarrassed with a wave of Domoto. ...

   In the afternoon, Didan Primary School.

The three sisters Tarhan drove three cars, carrying Meidaizi, Yuanzi, Heye, Lan, and Conan to gather But after entering the school gate, Meidaizi found a problem, this time in Disneyland In the tour group, there seems to be a lot more children, not just members of the chorus.

   Mei Daizi looked around and saw Yuanta at a glance. His size is the tallest and largest among the children, which is very conspicuous.

   However, Genta is now a dumb, Mei Daizi is looking for Ayumi and Mitsuhiko by his side, and asks how they came so many people.

   It's not a question of money, but a manpower to look after the child, there is not so much arrangement.

   Ayumi and Mitsuhiko were hesitant and embarrassed to report. They didn't know what was going on.

   At this time, teacher Xiaolin, the head teacher, arrived, and the children suddenly became quieter.

   Both sides greeted each other, Xiao Lin suggested to Mei Daizi whether to call some teachers to help.

   Mei Daizi was absolutely irrelevant. After determining the number of people, she called and informed Oda Shine to bring her an extra bus and some people.

   At this time, Haibara and Dr. Aka came.

   Dr. Aka was surprised at the chaotic scene before him, "Why are there so many people?"

   Huihara glanced around, guessing that the whole class is here.

   Hui Yuan thought for a while, and then he had enlightenment.

   When Ayumi and Mitsuhiko made a phone call, in order to speed up, they asked the classmate who answered the phone to notify the other classmates.

   It must be a classmate who accidentally expanded the chorus to the whole class while spreading the word. As a result, everyone informed each other and the whole class came.

   Soon after, at two o'clock in the afternoon, Oda Shine led the team.

   A bus came, and the other one was still on the road.

   Teacher Xiaolin counted the number of students and arranged for the students to get on the bus. As a result, a large group of people went to the bathroom temporarily. ...

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