Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 2196: Declaring war in the game

   August 29, Friday, afternoon, Miyamoto's.

   After Mei Daizi gave Miyamoto Ichiro a hug, she pulled the three sisters Yamazaki and Tarhan into the cocoon game, and let Eisuke Hondō report the situation to Miyamoto Ichiro alone.

  Cocoon game universe starry sky, Shandai base.

   When Mei Daizi appeared, the baby-like Gaia rushed over and hugged her, and then cried to her, full of tears, crying and complaining aggrieved, Mei Daizi did not play with her.

   The three sisters, Mei Daizi and Tarhan, had to put it all around, finally coaxing the base host and accompany her to play.

   Yamazaki checked the situation at the base, and it can be said that under the management of the clone leader Jenny, it is in order.

   The energy shield has enveloped the entire planet, and the original mine star without vitality has been transformed into a green planet.

   Of course, if you remove the protective cover, you will immediately get back to the original state.

  In my home country, due to the squeeze of the magical world game, the popularity of this game is getting lower and lower. People who enter the game do not come to play the game, but to sightseeing.

   Then it's framing, filming and other things, and this game is also available all over the world, but it is different in size.

   The result now is that there is a proliferation of cosmic movies, and the aesthetic is tired.

   The problem with this game, how can I say it, being a citizen is very simple, like a sim, and finally becoming a master in a certain field.

   But it’s too difficult to become the overlord of one party. Taxes will be crushed to death. Even Mei Daizi is too crushed to move. It can only rely on tax avoidance to maintain the scale and slowly increase.

   Yamazaki shook his head, without thinking about it, went to the window and looked at the endless green through the glass.

   Looking at the beautiful clones walking and working in the meantime, Yamazaki couldn't help sighing, everything was illusory.


   In the evening, five people got off the plane for dinner and reported the travel to Miyamoto Ichiro and Miko Miyamoto at the dinner table.

   There are often phone calls, but the phone call is a phone call. Talking in person is talking in person. They are two different things.

   After dinner, I naturally went to work at Mei Dai Restaurant.


   August 30, Saturday, morning, Miyamoto's house, recreation room.

   After breakfast, the five sisters, Yamazaki, Meidaizi, and Tarhan, logged into the magical world of cocoon games.

   The place where the five people went online was on the carriage. This was to make it easier to move, so that people could take them with them.

   However, when I got out of the carriage, I found that it was still a desert city at the border, but it was behind the wall, on the human side.

   Santi, the leader of the lord's knights, waited by the side, saw Mei Daizi, and immediately saluted.

   Anabel, the chief steward of the kingdom, appeared menacingly, opened her mouth, and in the end she didn't say anything, and she gave Mei Daizi a slap in the face.

  Beware of Mei Daizi asked carefully: "Um, what's the matter?"

  Annabel pulls Mei Daizi up, "It's hard to say a word, come to the headquarters and explain to you."


Participants in the meeting were Chief Steward Annabel, Duchy Marshal, Guardian Knights Commander Candice; Spell Officer, Spell Group Commander Dark Elf Shana, Lion Scorpion Knights Commander Dark Elf Sally, War Knights Retainers such as Barno, the chief deputy commander, the elf Susan, the commander of the Knights of Justice, Santi, the commander of the Lord Knights, and dozens of subordinates such as the Marquis of Hyman.

   The dark elf Shana used magical holographic images to build a border defense line. Annabel and Candice helped explain.

   August 15 is an important day for the orcs to sacrifice to the beast gods, but the great prince, after winning a battle, said openly that the orcs were nothing but this, and the beast gods were nothing remarkable.

   This triggered a high-level diplomatic dispute. The orcs had their leaders come out and worshipped the beast gods to apologize.

   This is not too difficult to handle, after all, the beast **** is also one of the gods of light.

   But the problem is that the old king of the human kingdom is dead, and the new king has not been born yet, no one is qualified to go.

   The orcs look at the problem relatively simple, and go straight. They think that the human leader's delay in coming is entirely because of the beast god.

   As for explaining the question of succession to the throne, the orcs would not listen at all. Wouldn't the two princes compete for the throne? Just let them kill one game, and the king will survive in the end.

   I have to say that the proposal given by the orcs was really simple and effective, but neither of the two princes was willing.

   They can't be kings, they are still princes. If they die in a duel, they will only become dead princes, and they don't know how long they will be laughed at by the world.

   The Church of Illumination was in the middle of the mediation, and wanted the orcs to postpone the apocalypse until the king was born.

   But the orcs did not do it, believing that human beings were insincere, and that the Church of Illumination was biased towards human gods, directly besieged and killed the tenth-tier archbishop who believed in the **** of oaths, and officially declared war on the human race.

   According to Lorel, who has become a god, the **** of oath among the gods of light wanted to stop the siege, but was stopped by the beast god.

   The beast **** is very angry, because there is a promise that the **** cannot intervene in the world, let alone the **** of oath.

   The God of Oath was ashamed and embarrassed, unable to step down, the King of Light came forward to persuade him.

   Then, the King of Light asked the Beast God to persuade the orcs to calm down, but the Beast God refused.

   The orcs think that the human kingdom is already decayed and can be solved by a duel, but they choose war.

  Since human beings can die and wound countlessly for a throne, orcs can also start a war for the dignity of the gods.

   Since human beings want to decide who is the king through war, then give them a real war.

  All the responsibility lies with human beings. It is that they have agreed with the two princes' methods. Since no one will sanction them, then the whole mankind agrees with them. Then this war, no matter what the consequences, will be borne by the whole mankind.

   The question was handed back to the human gods, but the human gods have different opinions, because who is the king involves huge beliefs, and at the same time they use the agreement that Gods cannot interfere with the world as a shield.

   The Beast God sneered and left, and at the same time, there was also the Seaman God. These two gods were very powerful due to the large number of believers.

   The King of Light has a headache. He can suppress them, but he can't. The dark gods must be watching. If these two are forced to the dark god, things will be even harder.

   As for the war between the human race and the orc race, the King of Light doesn't care. War helps spread the faith. War will eliminate the weak and increase the strong.

   In this way, the matter turned into a big move by the orcs, mobilizing one billion troops and Chen Bing outside the entire magic city wall.

   The most elite of the first army of Beamon, also stood at the forefront, that is a powerful army with an average combat power of more than ten tiers.

   There is no legion that can contend with the human race. To win, you can only rely on the number of people to kill them, which requires ten times a hundred times more sacrifices.

   This is no longer a family-like battle. It is a real war. The race battle between the human race and the orc race has begun again.

   Mei Daizi asked: "Then why are we behind? Aren't we already defeated? It doesn't look like it."

   Chief Butler Annabel said: "Because our soldiers are too mixed, they were deprived of command and transferred from the position."

   Principality Marshal Candice said: "In fact, we are worried that some of us will turn around before the battle. This is normal."

   Dark Elf Shana said: "The war hasn't started yet, the orcs said, tomorrow is the deadline for the preparation of the human race."

   Mei Daizi asked: "Okay, then why do we stay here?"

   Principality Marshal Candice smiled and said, "Naturally, I am waiting for you. You said that you came back today. Even if you retreat, you have to give orders."

   "That's it," Mei Daizi was a little unwilling, "If we go to surprise the orcs behind, will we succeed?"

   "It's useless, even if you destroy all the buildings, it will only make the orcs more crazy." Marshal Candice of the Principality said, "The orcs don't need the logistics department. They prey on the spot, wherever they go, no grass will grow."

   Mei Daizi asked: "Their logistics?"

   Dark Elf Shana said: "Eating other orcs, tens of millions of orcs have been eaten in the past few days, so the time for orcs to mobilize humans is not just time."

   "It feels terrifying." Mei Daizi said, "The leadership of the human race also has a broken head. One life can solve the problem, but now 100 million lives are not enough."

   Annabel, the chief steward, said with emotion: "There is no way. This is a struggle for power, not to mention faith."

   Mei Daizi suddenly thought of a question, "By the way, from now on, we will not pay taxes."


   "We pay taxes for the human race, but you see, whether the church that manages taxation or the kingdom, they are all selfish guys. Why should I give them the money and keep it for my own development."

   "I think it's okay, and I hate those guys." Marshal Candice agreed.

  The housekeeper Annabel worried, "But, what if they come to settle the accounts?"

   The dark elf Shana laughed and said: "Don't forget ~ The grandfather of Lord Duke is the dread demon. Before the stage of the war of God, no one dares to come to trouble, at most give some shoes to wear."

"That's right, that's it." Mei Daizi asked happily, "Annabel, my housekeeper, can you please help me figure it out. In this way, how much money I still owe the territory? More than 200 million gold coins, now?"

"So you are waiting here." The butler Annabel smiled. "But don't forget it. Due to personnel salary and interest issues, you owe more to the territory than you think. If you want to count, wait until the meeting is over. I will count it slowly to you later."

   "Forget it, I still won't listen." Mei Daizi said weakly, "If nothing happens, let the meeting go, retreat and go home."

   The butler Annabel asked: "Are you not going to stay and watch?"

"No, I'm afraid of being transferred to be cannon fodder." Mei Daizi smacked her lips. "Now they are just worried that my troops will fall in battle. When they find out, maybe they will use me as cannon fodder, which will lead the Dread Demon to take action against the orcs, which is more cost-effective. At that time, that would be bad."

   Yamazaki was funny in his heart. He agreed with Mei Daizi's thoughts. The reason was that Mei Daizi was so funny that she used her brain.

   The housekeeper Annabel frowned and said: "Impossible, maybe it will trigger a battle between gods and demons."

   "Don't think the human race is too noble, they don't care when necessary." Dark Elf Shana sarcastically.

   "Okay, that's it."

After   , Yamazaki and Mei Daizi led the army and used teleportation magic to retreat, but the three sisters of Tarhan stayed to watch the battle, recorded it with magic and took it back.

   They are not high-level anyway, and it is not a pity to die.


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