Detective Conan: The Grey Winged Angel

Chapter 2197: Sacrifice in the game

   August 30, Saturday, Miyamoto's house, in game, Doris Island, Doris Principality, Royal Castle.

   Disbanded the army in the barracks and asked them to go back to rest and recuperate. Mei Daizi, the Duke who had not dealt with government affairs for many days, was taken back to work by the butler Annabel.

   Although Mei Daizi protested, but including the Lord Knights, they turned a blind eye and let her be dragged away.

   Yamazaki waved his hand to Mei Daizi funny, then went to his mage tower and put the newly learned spell into it.

   Yamazaki is a sixth-order mage. The third-order spells can be recorded in the mage tower, and the attack defense bonus is good.

   Yamazaki did not choose to specialize, the earth, water, wind, and fire were dim, and the seven elements of magic were better.

   In addition, I also learned a little about alchemy and magic circle, but I can only say that it is common. The things I use are not made by myself, but are produced by elves or dark elves.

   Anyway, the dark elves of the whole army in the Principality are more talented and powerful in magic, so there is no need to waste resources in this area.

   If Mei Daizi's role is to boost morale, then Yamazaki's role is probably strategy.

   The real battle does not require them to play.

   Yamazaki helped the local demons with enough experience to upgrade to the next level and choose their own development direction.

   Yamazaki’s Demon Servant is an earth demon summoned by magic, from earth to diamonds, maintained by the magic power of the magic pool.

   Some specialize in making scrolls, some specialize in making wizard rods, and some specialize in making magic rings.

   These things are very suitable for ordinary people to buy back and use, ordinary people do not need to use too high-end.

After   , Yamazaki told them to take good care of the mage tower and leave it alone and go shopping.

   Everywhere in the city, you can see players doing daily tasks. As the level increases, they are more and more afraid to go to the corresponding dungeon, for fear of being killed by accident.

   Low-level dungeons are unable to make ends meet, and mercenaries are piled up with money.

  The income of daily tasks is not much, but it is safe, durable and guaranteed.


   At noon, Mei Daizi escaped under the pretext of having lunch, went off the assembly line for dinner with Yamazaki, and then went shopping, doing errands, and patrolling everywhere.

   Although the upper-level figures have not returned for many days due to the border war, the Principality of Doris is still functioning very well and its national strength is flourishing due to the existence of magic communication.

   did the task all the way in the evening, and went back to say hello to Annabel, and the two went offline.


   The next day, August 31, Sunday, five people went online again and found a major incident.

   At the desert border last night.

   The time for the Orcs to give to the Humans has come, so I just announced the fight without waiting.

   The human race is also considered ready, mobilizing three times its military power, 3 billion military power, and flooding the entire line of defense.

   did not attack, but chose to defend behind the magic city wall.

   One hundred thousand kilometers of magic city wall, every section is guarded by a team.

   Two billion military forces are even behind the main city, stretching for hundreds of kilometers horizontally and hundreds of kilometers vertically. The military is powerful and unparalleled.

   The most central one hundred kilometers are the main army. They stare at the main army of the orcs outside the city, one for every three legions, or even one for ten legions.

   In short, even if the orcs can break through, they will have to pay a great price, and the remaining remnants can completely besiege.

   And the orcs have nothing to do with logistics, as long as they are blocked by the magic wall, they will retreat in less than a month.

  In history, since the establishment of the magic city wall, the battle between the human race and the orc race ended in this way.

   However, I never thought that this battle tonight was changed under the player's intervention.

   is not treachery, it has already driven the player away and controlled it.

   Instead, it was a suggestion. A player who claimed to be Kuroda Kanbei offered a plan to the orcs, killing 10,000 enemies and sacrificing 8,000.

   That night, the Orc Legion walked slowly, and when they were five kilometers outside the city, four Tier 11 Orc Shamans stood at the four corners of the entire team.

   Tier 11, under the gods, the strongest in the world.

   Using 4 eleventh-order orc shamans as a guide, sacrificed more than 900 million orc warriors.

   It can be said that, except for the main army, all the others decree themselves and gave their lives.

   Sacrifice doesn't have much time to cast spells, not to mention it's already in preparation.

   When the Terran found something was wrong, it was too late to interrupt. Only a few people escaped with space magic or precious space magic scrolls.

   The magical world, the most powerful energy in history, the power that even the gods have changed, burst out in an instant.

  The magical city wall built by the human race, just like sand, was broken in an instant.

   The main city and hundreds of kilometers of city walls collapsed, completely turned into powder.

   This force swept past, and behind the city wall, the huge army of more than one billion troops within a hundred kilometers was wiped out in an instant.

   The moon became **** because of this boundless killing, and the main army of orcs entered into a bloodthirsty and violent state due to the killing and anger, and their fighting power doubled.

   There is nothing to say, kill! kill! kill!


   The main orc army commander straightened in, smashing the remaining hundreds of millions of human troops to pieces, chasing the fleeing army, and began to hunt down.

   Between heaven and earth, visions flooded.

   The bitter wind whistled, it was the undead cheering for the more than 300 million companions.

   Boundless fear envelops everyone, and the fear of death of more than two billion Terran warriors has become the power of the Dread Demon.

   Murderous laughter resounded throughout the world, and the instantaneous death of more than 3 billion warriors increased the power of the Slaughter Demon God.

   A wild roar sounded from everyone's heart, and a towering giant shadow that stepped on the ground into the sky appeared. It was the beast **** roaring in the sky.

   Because of the believers' beliefs, he was officially promoted to the rank of God King.

   Guangming God Realm, the human gods originally planned to seek an explanation from the beast gods, but they were all silent for a while.

   The God King of Guangming couldn't laugh or cry. He didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

  I am happy that although the strength of the dark gods has increased, the light gods still dominate them.

   What is sad is that factional struggles may surface. He is not afraid of the beast gods, but if there is infighting, there will be more problems.


   The Duchy of Doris, the royal city, the palace hall, open the assembly.

   Mei Daizi sits on the throne of the Duke, and the retainers and subordinates will be separated on both sides.

   Yamazaki, Candice and others sat on the steps, Annabell walked down the steps and reported the situation with a worried expression.

   Overnight, all the elites of the kingdom were lost, guarding the border, and the four most powerful duchy fell apart. The four dukes died in battle before, and their families were almost wiped out. Only a few who studied in the royal city were spared.

   Overnight, the swamp tribe dispatched troops, as did the dungeons everywhere.

   The situation in the kingdom was in chaos. The princes and even some princesses raised their banners one after another and accused the twin kings of being responsible for this great defeat.

   The remaining dukes also announced one after another that they would no longer obey the royal family's orders.

   Mei Daizi yawned, "What does this have to do with us? Didn't we decide yesterday, did we not obey the orders of the royal family and the church? Don't worry about our underground city."

   "Thank you for your trust," the lords of the dungeon expressed one after another.

   Mei Daizi said angrily: "Ha, I don't trust you, I trust the strength in my hands, you dare not betray."

   The lords of the dungeon were embarrassed and smiled bitterly in their hearts, so there is no need to say this.

   Mei Daizi said: "The troubled times are here, but don't worry, we are overseas, and the orcs shouldn't come to trouble us."

   "As for human beings, we can receive human refugees, anyway, we have a lot of food."

   "We are not strong enough, this is a contribution within our capacity."

   "Okay, my lord." Annabel responded.

   "Ah," Yamazaki interjected, "Also, taking this opportunity, I think we should get another level up."

   Mei Daizi shook her head, "My experience is far worse, I don't bother to practice."

   Duchy Marshal Candice laughed and said, "Your Excellency Yamazaki should be a knight, and he should be promoted from duke to king."

   Mei Daizi agreed, "Okay, this is a good idea, but what about merits and contributions?"

   "Since you don't obey the royal family and the church, you don't need feats and contributions," Yamazaki smiled, "As long as the controlled territory is big enough."

The Maritime Sheriff of the Maritime Territory of the Principality of Doris, the ninth-tier sea monster Winnie is on the list, "My lord, I think the surrounding marine territories can be included in the duchy. Persuading the surrounding ocean lords to sell the territory, one million square kilometers, is nothing to the ocean lords."

   Mei Daizi scratched her head and slapped her lips, "Estride? That guy doesn't know where to go shopping."

"How can I be in that mood, I came back last night." Estreid appeared in her chair, "Now the situation is chaotic. If the gods of light fight inwardly, the gods of darkness will definitely take action. That is a battle between gods and demons. I This kind of strength might be cannon fodder."

   "It's just right, you should have heard it, how about helping me?"

   "Okay, but, if something happens in the future, you have to let me go to the demon world and hide from your grandfather's fear demon."

   "A word is definite."


   The holy dragon Astrid came forward and added some gifts. Under the coercion and temptation, the surrounding sea lord agreed to sell some territory.

   The maritime territories of the Duchy of Doris rose from more than 60,000 square kilometers to more than 740,000 square kilometers ~ The territories increased from more than 320,000 to more than 1 million, which met the conditions for becoming a kingdom.

   Another condition is 100 million people. This is not a problem, it is just a lot more.

   So, the title of Mei Dai Zi changed from Duke to King, and the Duchy of Doris became the Kingdom of Doris.

   Of course, there was no coronation ceremony. In the eyes of the world, she was still a duke, but the effect of the territory was already there, and resources and copies were being generated.

   Then, the invitation for the coronation ceremony was also sent out, the demon horror god, the elven kingdom, and the surrounding ocean lords.

   There is also the Bright Church, the dukes, princes and princesses of the human race, don't expect them to come, just let me know.


   noon, outside the game, reality, Miyamoto's.

  At lunch, the three sisters of Tarhan reported that they encountered an army of orcs after they went online, but in the end they did not run away. The army was destroyed and they had to play again.

   The news of the defeat of the Terran in the Cocoon Game Wizarding World game was also broadcast on TV.

   At the same time, remind players who took advantage of the fire that the exchange rate of magic currency to cash fluctuates, so if you want to change a lot, you will only lose yourself.

   Yamazaki frowned and said, "That would cause panic instead?"

   Miko Miyamoto shook his head and smiled: "It's okay, I told you to say that, just to test the exchange pressure."

   "The game has entered a troubled world. Sometimes players can easily obtain a large number of magic coins. The exchange value should be expanded to maintain balance."

   Mei Daizi sighed: "It has nothing to do with me. Anyway, I owe a lot of debts, and I can't exchange them for one."


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