Detective from The Future

Chapter 511: Insider

Through this incident, the character of the couple can be seen.

Han Bin did not fully believe Cao Linyue's words, so he tried Li Weiyi again.

The confessions of Li Weiyi and Cao Linyue are basically the same. The two couples don't know much about the rescuer, and it can be said that they deliberately escaped.

The couple first left the rescue scene with their daughter, and then moved from Gaocheng City to Qindao City. They said that they were better because they were afraid that their daughter would recall what happened at the time, but because they were afraid of being touched by the family members of the righteous man.

At six o'clock in the evening, the team members all returned to the office. Han Bin lit a cigarette and greeted everyone, "Everyone, take a break and have a small meeting in five minutes."

Some of the people stretched out, some poured water, and some lighted a cigarette like Han Bin.

After everyone cleaned up, they all sat around Han Bin.

Han Bin looked at Wang Xiao on the side, "How's the investigation?"

"We have been to Chen Lianhai's father-in-law's house, and his father-in-law, mother-in-law and brother-in-law can provide an alibi. We also checked the community monitoring. Chen Lianhai arrived at 7 o'clock in the evening and left his father-in-law's house the next morning."

"I think Chen Lianhai's suspicion can be eliminated."

"Qianqian, tomorrow Chen Lianhai and Li Weiyi can be released from detention."


In the afternoon, Wang Xiao and Bao Xing went out to investigate. They didn't know the situation of the interrogation, so Han Bin gave a brief introduction.

After learning what Li Wei and his wife had done, Bao Xing snorted, "This couple is really enough. They can do this kind of thing. It's disgusting."

Wang Xiao couldn't help sighing, "People are kind to save his daughter. He treats them as a plague god. The family of the man who saved the man is so sad. If I changed it to, I would definitely vomit to death."

Bao Xing said, "It's more than vomiting to death, I guess I have even the mind to kill."

Han Bin took the stubborn words, "Bao Xing has reached the point, and I am also wondering if Li Yuan's death is related to the events of the year."

"The case that year happened by the river and Li Yuan died by the swimming pool. This was accidental, or the murderer deliberately did it."

Li Qin said, "Although there is enough motivation, so many years have passed. If you want revenge, why not do it sooner."

Han Bin thought for a moment, "We know too little about what happened back then. We don't know the situation of a man who is righteous and we don't know the information of his family members. It is difficult to make accurate judgments."

"Tomorrow, Sister Li and Bao Xing will go to Gaocheng with me to check the events of the year. Wang Xiao and Jiang Yang stay to check the monitoring. Qianqian checks in our internal system to see if there is a record of this incident."



Seven o'clock in the evening.

Inside the private room on the second floor of the Four Seasons Restaurant.

Han Bin and Huang Qianqian were sitting on the tatami. There was a charcoal stove on the table in front of them, and a few plates of ingredients were placed beside them.

There are beef diaphragm, pork belly, lamb, fatty sausage, chicken skewers, eggplant, shiitake mushrooms, needle enoki mushrooms, peppers, and a plate of lettuce.

"Zizi..." The sound of barbecue came into the ears, making people swallow saliva involuntarily.

Han Bin casually dealt with two bites at noon, and now he is already hungry.

Do-it-yourself barbecue is also a rare treat, and it will feel particularly delicious.

Huang Qianqian swallowed, "Leader, let's roast pork belly first. I watched a Korean drama last night, and the actor used lettuce to wrap the roast pork belly and it was delicious."

Han Bin smiled, "Everything tastes delicious when the stick comes to China."

"Group leader, you are discrimination."

Han Bin shrugged, "I'm telling the truth."

Huang Qianqian curled her lips, expressing her dissatisfaction and support for the stick country Europe and Pakistan.

"Qianqian, watch less of the idol dramas of Bangzi Country, it's not good." Han Bin said.

"What's wrong, I think the three views are quite right."

"Car accident, cancer, amnesia, regardless of which Bangzi country idol drama is, there must be one of the three." Han Bin smiled and added, "Only idol dramas, Bangzi country movies and family dramas are still good. ."

Huang Qianqian reluctantly said, "What do you watch if you don't watch Bangziguo's TV series? Domestic TV series are even more bloody. I don't say that it is not a copy of Bangziguo's routine. The copy has not been copied yet."

Han Bin was stunned for a moment. He really couldn't refute his words. He changed the conversation and said, "It will be cooked right away. Call your cousin and let her come up."

Huang Qianqian rang the phone for Wang Ting and continued, "Group leader, are you going to Gaocheng tomorrow?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"Can you take me with you?"

"You are in-house but not in-field, what are you going to do?"

"Always staying in the bureau, I am also annoyed. Besides, I can't always be the back office. I also want to learn from you."

Han Bin smiled, "Just you, still want to do field work?"

"Sister Li can do field work, why can't I?"

Han Bin shook his head, "The field service is too hard, I don't recommend that you transfer to the field service."

"Team leader, you only see the hard work in the field, and it's also very annoying to sit in the office. It's all tedious work, and there is no sense of accomplishment."

Han Bin said sternly, "How can there be no sense of accomplishment? Internal work is as important as field work. If our team can solve the case, your contribution is indispensable."

"Group leader, do you really think so?"

"Of course." Han Bin replied, comforting, "You work steadily. When people are too busy, there is a chance to go out, and the situation is not dangerous, I will consider taking you out to perform the task. "

Huang Qianqian showed a touch of joy, "Really."

"Squeak..." The sliding door opened from the outside, and Wang Ting walked in with a wooden tray with three bowls of rice on it.

"What's real?"

Huang Qianqian smiled, "Let's talk about work, I will let my cousin take me out to work."

Wang Ting blushed and glared at Huang Qianqian, "Shouting something."

Seeing Huang Qianqian so sensible, Han Bin smiled, "Qianqian, I'm going to Gaocheng City tomorrow. The cherries over there are delicious. Then, I will buy a box for your cousin and you."

Huang Qianqian bared her little tiger teeth, "Thank you brother-in-law."

Wang Ting's eyes were too lazy to deal with them.

Han Bin took a piece of beef diaphragm and put it on Wang Ting's dinner plate, "Try my craft."

Wang Ting hummed, "What is your craft? I personally pickled this beef."

Han Bin said, "Then I can eat more."

"You were the main force." Wang Ting allocated some rice to Han Bin. She couldn't eat too much at night.

Huang Qianqian looked at the two with a bitter look, and complained, "Cousin, you don't want to be so affectionate, I am embarrassed to eat it."

Wang Ting looked at Huang Qianqian with a scrutiny gaze, "You just need to eat less. I didn't realize that I have gained weight recently."

"I'm fat!" Huang Qianqian stared wide-eyed, examined herself, then looked at the third party Han Bin, "Group leader, have I gained weight recently?"

Han Bin looked at the two women and didn't want to offend anyone. Fat, he dare not dabble on this topic easily, it is too dangerous.

"Hey, the meat is burnt."

Han Bin took a piece of meat and planted it in his mouth.


High city.

According to Li Weiyi's confession, the place where Li Yuan fell into the water was near Moon River and Xingbei Road.

Han Bin, Li Qin, and Bao Xing drove directly to the Xingbei Road Police Station.

The deputy director of the police station Wang Shaoneng was responsible for receiving Han Bin and others.

Wang Shaoneng seemed to be in his forties, not tall, and very sophisticated in dealing with people and things, so he invited Han Bin and others into the conference room.

"Group Leader Han, what instructions do you have when you come to Gaocheng this time? Our Xingbei Road Police Station will definitely cooperate."

"Director Wang is polite, and dare not give instructions. He wants to come to your office to find out some information."

"You said." Wang Shaoneng took out a pack of cigarettes and handed one to Han Bin.

Han Bin first helped the other party light a cigarette, then lit his own cigarette, giving a brief introduction to the situation.

After Wang Shaoneng finished listening, he took a cigarette, "What year is it?"

"It should be the summer of 2008. One of the female students who fell into the water was named Li Yuan."

"08 years." Wang Shaoneng murmured and recalled, "I really have the impression of what you said. I was just transferred to the police station on Xingbei Road as the police chief. It should be the scene where I took the people. We salvaged the young man."

"It stands to reason that the salvage of corpses is not under the control of our police, but the young man drowned to save people. If we don't care about it, I will call two courageous auxiliary policemen. Someone got it up, but it didn't work at that time."

"At that time, the young man had a companion. The two rescued people together. The two students who were rescued were two nearby students. After the parents of the rescued students rushed to the scene, they made a simple transcript. As soon as I turned around, they disappeared. ."

"Later, the family of the drowned young man came. The cry of his parents was a miserable one. Several relatives couldn't stop him holding the young man's body without letting go."

"At that time, this incident was quite a sensation in Gaocheng City. It is said that the behavior of being a brave young man is commendable and should be taken as an example to learn. But the key to this incident lies in the parents of the rescued students. Once they turn around, they will disappear. Don't be right. The family members of the young man expressed their condolences. Our police station also contacted them. They did not answer the phone, open the door, or communicate. Later, one family moved out."

"This matter has a very bad impact. The entire county (county-level city, self-proclaimed county) has a bad atmosphere. Fortunately, the Internet was underdeveloped at the time. Otherwise, this matter would be difficult."

"Director Wang, do you still remember the name of the man who was brave and righteous?"

"I can't remember this. It took too long. That is to say, this matter is too impressive. Otherwise, I would have forgotten it after so long. But you can check the file and it's all recorded."

"Then trouble you."

"You're welcome." Wang Shaoneng stood up and said, "Sit down for a while, and I will look for related files."

The deputy director of a police station has dealt with no one thousand and eight hundred small and large cases in the past ten years, and he can remember how amazing Li Yuan's parents were.

Li Qin said, "Team leader, listening to what Director Wang said just now, the man who has acted bravely has a companion. Maybe he has a better understanding of the whole thing."

Han Bin nodded. Judging from the current situation, the rescued students are evasive about this matter. Even if they find another student, they may not be able to understand the real situation. It is better for another person to act bravely. select.

Bao Xing smiled, "Group leader, didn't you say Qianqian wants to eat cherries? When shall we buy them?"

Li Qin smiled and said, "What are you in a hurry, we bought it on the way back. Didn't you see many cherry trees planted on both sides of the road? There is no middleman to make the difference, not only high quality and low price, but also fresh."

Bao Xing rolled his eyes, "By the way, group leader, how did you know that Qianqian loves cherries?"

Han Bin glanced at him, not sure where he was thinking, and said lightly, "I went to the Four Seasons Restaurant yesterday to have dinner and listened to her cousin."

Han Bin's simple sentence revealed a lot of information.

Bao Xing smiled and stopped asking.

If he can't tell him anymore, he should stop being a policeman.

After a while, Wang Shaoneng walked in with a kraft paper bag, "Leader Han, I brought the file of that case. Because it was an accidental death, there was not much information at the time. I only remembered some basic information about the person involved. If you want to know about the situation, you can also directly ask me."

"Thank you." What Han Bin wants to know most is the basic situation of the relevant personnel.

The case was classified as an accident.

The cause of the accident was simple. Two elementary school students were playing by the river and accidentally fell into the water. A pair of young men and women rescued the two elementary students, but unfortunately the man was exhausted and drowned.

One of the two rescued students was named Li Yuan and the other named Jiang Han, both students in the second class of the fifth grade of the experimental elementary school.

The two people who acted bravely were named Chen Shaoyan and the other named Hong Xin.

Among them, Chen Shaoyan was the deceased.

After Han Bin read the dossier, he had a general impression.

"Director Wang, Hong Xin, another brave man, what is the relationship with the deceased Chen Shaoyan?"

Wang Shaoneng recalled for a moment, "Oh, I remember it seems to be a friend relationship, Hong Xin left her contact information, you can call her and ask her."

Han Bin nodded. It must be a question, but twelve years have passed. No one can say whether this person named Hong Xin has changed his mobile phone number.

Judging from the current situation, Chen Shaoyan and Li Yuan are dead, and now we can only find Jiang Han and Hong Xin if we want to understand the situation.

Jiang Han was only eleven years old, and his landline was left behind, and the possibility of downtime was high. The address of Jiang Han's house does exist, but Han Bin is not a native of Gaocheng, and he does not know the exact location.

"Director Wang, is this Jiang Han family far away from us?"

Director Wang glanced at him, "Not far, so I will let someone check it first. As long as he doesn't move, he will definitely find it."

"Excuse me."

"You're all a family."

With that, Wang Shaoneng left the meeting room.

Li Qin smiled, "This Director Wang is a neat person."

In addition to Jiang Han, Hong Xin is also an insider. She did not leave a specific address, but her mobile phone number.

Han Bin took out his cell phone and dialed her number, "Dudu..."

After a few waiting tones, the phone was connected and a woman’s voice came out.

"Hello, who?"

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