Detective from The Future

Chapter 512: Jiang Huawen

"Is it Ms. Hong Xin?"

"It's me, who are you?"

"I'm Han Bin from the Criminal Investigation Team of Qindao Public Security Bureau. I want to get some information with you."

"The city criminal investigation team? What do you know about it?" Hong Xin asked in confusion.

"If it's convenient, I want to talk to you in person."

Hong Xin hesitated, "Are you really from the city criminal investigation team? You are not a liar, right?"

"You can go to the Public Security Bureau to find me. There will always be no fakes."

Hong Xin wondered, "Police Officer Han, what is the matter with you, I don't get along with the city criminal investigation team, is it a mistake?"

"We are investigating the case of rescue in Gaocheng twelve years ago, and would like to know something about it with you."

"It's been so many years, what else can be investigated? Didn't the police station ask you all about it?"

"Li Yuan, do you remember?"

"The name is familiar, but I can't remember it anymore."

Han Bin reminded, "Li Yuan is the female student who was hired back then."

"It was her. I was a little bit impressed. When I rescued her ashore, she also said thank you. Later, she was taken away by her parents. There was no contact between us."

Han Bin said, "Li Yuan is dead."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, "Hey...she should be in her twenties this year, why died."

"She was murdered."

"It's a pity." Hong Xin replied, "But what does this have to do with me? I haven't been to Gaocheng for many years."

"When did you move from Gaocheng?"

"It's been ten years."

Han Bin asked, "You also left Gaocheng because of what you did righteously?"

"Forget it, I was given a bravery award at the beginning, and the unit also gave me a commendation. It didn't take long before I was transferred to Qindao City to work, and then I didn't go back to Gaocheng."

"What industry are you in?"

"I work for the Water Resources Bureau."

"Do you know Chen Shaoyan's situation?"

"Chen Shaoyan." Hong Xin repeated with some emotion, "I haven't heard of this name for many years. I understand a little bit, but it's not very clear."

Han Bin asked subconsciously, "What is the relationship between the two of you? Why did you save people together at the time?"

"At that time, I was transferred to Gaocheng Water Conservancy Bureau for a short time. At that time, an elder sister of the Water Conservancy Bureau introduced me to the object. The two of us knew each other like this. His family seemed to be local in Gaocheng City. He was a middle school teacher."

"Which school does he teach?"

"I can't remember that."

"What was the name of the eldest sister who introduced you at the time?"

"Wang Meiju, she was in her forties at the time, and she is probably about to retire now."

"So Chen Shaoyan is your boyfriend?"

"At that time, there was no mobile phone. We had seen three or four sides in total. Although we had a good impression of each other, we started to formally communicate with each other." Just as Hong Xin finished speaking, a man's voice came from the mobile phone.

"Who called you? So long?"

"Public Security Bureau."

The man wondered, "Why are the police looking for you?"

"Go, and tell you later." Hong Xin responded and asked, "Officer Han, do you have anything else?"

"Ms. Hong, I am now in Gaocheng City. After I return to Qindao City, can you come to the police station? I want to know something with you in person." Han Bin said.

"Police Officer Han, tell you the truth, whether it is Chen Shaoyan's death or Li Yuan's death, it has nothing to do with me. I am not very familiar with them either, so I ran for nothing." Hong Xin said helplessly.

"This involves a criminal case, please cooperate." Han Bin said.

"All right." Hong Xin replied, thoughtfully, "Li Yuan's death, you don't think it is related to Chen Shaoyan's death."

"What do you think?" Han Bin asked back.

"At the beginning, Li Yuan and another classmate fell into the river. Chen Shaoyan died to save them, but the families of these two classmates ran away without a word. It was really hateful. If I were Chen Shaoyan's family, I would definitely not be able to swallow it. This tone." Hong Xin thought suddenly.

"Then... will I be in danger too?"

"Why do you have this worry?" Han Bin asked back.

"At the beginning, Chen Shaoyan and I rescued people together. He died and I became a hero. I was able to transfer to the city for this reason. It is very emotional to think about it now." Hong Xin sighed.

"Then you should go to the police station even more, and explain in detail what happened back then. The case has been investigated. Aren't you at ease in your heart." Han Bin said.


"Back to the city, I will contact you." Han Bin finished speaking and hung up the phone.

Han Bin kept playing the voice, and Li Qin and Bao Xing also heard the conversation between them.

Li Qin said, "Team leader, Qianqian has sent a message to find out about Hong Xin."

"Hong Xin does work in the Water Conservancy Bureau. He is married and currently lives in Room 1102, Building 3, Jiulong Community, Xinhua District."

"Tsk tusk." Bao Xing smashed his mouth. "An accident changed the relationship between two people. They were also brave men. One became a hero and was transferred to work in the city. The other was drowned."

Li Qin went on to say, "If it's really like what Hong Xin said, the two had just met at the time and didn't have too deep feelings, then Hong Xin didn't have enough motives to kill."

Han Bin said, "Look for that elder sister named Wang Meiju and check with her."

Bao Xing said, "It is more convenient for Director Wang to come forward. He is from Gaocheng, and maybe he has an acquaintance in the Water Resources Bureau."

According to Han Bin's speculation, under normal circumstances, Hong Xin and Jiang Han are not very suspicious, and it is Chen Shaoyan's close relatives who may actually avenge Chen Shaoyan's death.

Han Bin took the file and found out the contact information left by Chen Shaoyan's parents, which was a landline number.

Han Bin dialed the number, and a voice came from inside, "Sorry, the call you are calling has been stopped."

Han Bin didn't get through the phone, and Han Bin was not too surprised. Few landline phones were used these days.

"The investigation into the rescue case is limited to today. After all, we don’t know whether Li Yuan’s death is really related to this case. Everything now is just our speculation. Unless we can find concrete evidence, we can’t. Always stay in Gaocheng." Han Bin set the tone.

Twenty minutes later, Wang Shaoneng returned to the conference room.

Han Bin handed him a cigarette, "Director Wang, how is the investigation?"

Wang Shaoneng took the cigarette and said, "I found it. This Jiang Han changed his name to Jiang Huawen. Their family has moved. The police from our police station got to know the surrounding residents and learned that his parents opened a supermarket. Anding Road."

"Group leader Han, let me take you over."

"Wang Suo, you can send a policeman to take us there. I want to trouble you one more thing."

"What is bothersome and not troublesome is all for work, you said."

"I want you to help check the situation of Chen Shaoyan's parents."

"If you want to talk about investigating the case, I may not be good at it. Find someone to cover me."

Han Bin shook hands with the other party, "I won't say anything if you are polite. When you go to the city, call me and I will be the host."

Wang Shaoneng smiled, "Brother Han, then we're settled, I won't be polite to you."

Although Wang Shaoneng is higher than Han Bin, the platforms of the two people are different. Han Bin belongs to the Municipal Public Security Bureau. He is only from the county police station. If people want to make progress, they have to follow the steps of their superiors. Maybe when you need Han Bin's help .

It may not be a big deal, it may be a piece of news, a policy, or asking Han Bin to make a bridge. For Han Bin, it may be a simple task, but for him it will be a matter of help.

Ten minutes later, Han Bin and others arrived at the Chinese Supermarket on Anding Road.

In addition to Han Bin, there is a civilian policeman and an auxiliary policeman.

The Huawen supermarket is not too big and only has more than one hundred meters. There are rows of shelves in the supermarket, filled with all kinds of goods.

After Han Bin and the five people walked into the supermarket, a middle-aged woman standing behind the counter showed a puzzled look, "Comrade police, is there anything wrong with coming to our shop?"

Han Bin walked to the counter and showed a police officer ID, "We are from the city criminal investigation team, is Jiang Huawen there?"

"Do you have anything to do with Chinese?"

"Understand something."

"Wait a minute." The middle-aged woman took a word and hurriedly went to the second floor of the supermarket.

After a while, he led a man down.

The man looks in his forties, has a big belly, and is already a little bald.

"Comrade police, what's the matter with you, I am Jiang Huawen's father, Jiang Kunshan."

"I'm Han Bin from the city criminal investigation team. I want to find Jiang Huawen to get some information." Han Bin showed his credentials.

Jiang Kunshan wrinkled his nose, "Hey, why did the city criminal investigation team come to our small county seat?"

Gaocheng is a county-level city, and is essentially a county. Residents are also used to calling counties.

Bao Xing asked back, "We are here to find Jiang Huawen. Are you Jiang Huawen?"

Jiang Kunshan stepped aside and wiped the shelves with a rag, "I am not Jiang Huawen, but I am Jiang Huawen his father, I have to ask what's wrong."

Han Bin said, "Twelve years ago, did Jiang Huawen experience falling into the water?"

Jiang Kunshan froze for a moment, then shook his head, "No."

"you sure?"

"I'm his father, can't I know, are you looking for the wrong person?" Jiang Kunshan asked back.

"Think about it carefully. In the summer of 2008, Jiang Huawen and a female classmate named Li Yuan went to the river to play, and fell into the river accidentally and was rescued by a young man named Chen Shaoyan."

Jiang Kunshan pretended to be thinking, and asked the middle-aged woman beside him, "Is there anything like this?"

The middle-aged woman denied, "No, can we be unclear about such a big incident as a child falling into the water?"

Han Bin frowned, "Did your son go to experimental elementary school?"

"No, my son graduated from Anding Road Primary School. You must have found the wrong person."

The policeman leading the way was a little anxious, "Is your son called Jiang Han before?"

Jiang Kunshan walked to the door and pointed to the sign, "Wrong, wrong. My son's name is Jiang Huawen. Doesn't the supermarket sign say that Huawen Supermarket is my son's name."

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