Detective from The Future

Chapter 551: Fugitive

After lunch, it was almost one o'clock in the afternoon, and Han just quit.

The suspect had been caught, and the rest of the interrogation was handed over to Yuhua Branch. He believed that Li Hui should be able to handle it properly.

Han Bin returned to the room in the resort and saw that the shoes of the two women were at the door. The door of the room was closed. It should be during lunch break.

He sent a message to Wang Ting and went back to sleep.

But the sleep is not secure and drowsy.

After two o'clock, Han Bin got up when he heard voices outside.

Wang Ting and Huang Qianqian were sitting in the living room discussing something, and they looked surprised when they saw Han Bin walk out.

Wang Ting blinked her slender eyelashes, "Hey, Han Bin, why are you back?"

"I sent you a message, didn't you read it?"

"The phone was muted when I was sleeping." Wang Ting said, and when she turned out her phone, she found two unread messages.

One is mobile SMS and the other is Han Bin's WeChat.

Huang Qianqian cared, "Brother-in-law, how's the burglary investigation going?"

Han Bin yawned and sat next to Wang Ting, "The suspect has been caught."

"So fast!" Wang Ting showed a look of surprise.

Only yesterday afternoon, Han Bin began to assist in investigating the case. In addition to the half day this morning, it was only one day, and he actually solved two cases in a row.

Huang Qianqian was also a little surprised, but she didn't speak softly, "This kind of trivial case is not the same as playing for our city criminal investigation team."

Wang Ting asked, "Who is the thief? Is it an employee of the resort?"

From the perspective of a tourist, if the resort employees are thieves, it means that there is a problem with the management of the resort. Wang Ting will also worry about her safety. She will definitely not come to this resort next time she travels.

Han Bin sat on the sofa and turned to look at Huang Qianqian who was aside, "Qianqian, do you want to know?"

"Yup." Huang Qianqian also bared her little tiger teeth, showing a curious look.

Han Bin touched his throat, "I haven't drunk water all morning, and my throat is a little uncomfortable. Go get me a Coke."

Huang Qianqian flattened her mouth, although she was reluctant, but under the trend of curiosity, she still served Han Bin.

Han Bin took the Coke with a smile, took a sip, and briefly described the situation of the case.

Knowing the whole story, Wang Ting felt the same, and said helplessly, "In fact, it is not only the tourism industry, but the catering industry is not having a good life. Many restaurants have begun to sublet. The Four Seasons Restaurant is constantly developing new dishes in order to retain client."

Huang Qianqian said, "Anyway, it's wrong for that person with the surname Wen to do this. It's no wonder that he will become Lao Lai if he is so extreme."

Han Bin stopped the topic, "Okay, I won't talk about cases during the break, where do you want to go in the afternoon."

"I heard that boating and wild fishing can be done in the river next to the resort, or let's go there to play." Wang Ting suggested.

Han Bin rubbed his hands and eagerly said, "Okay, it's been a long time since I rowed a boat, and my hands are a bit raw."

Huang Qianqian stood up and yelled, "Going out, I will eat the fish I caught myself in the evening."

The three played all afternoon by the river.

Eat barbecue in the evening, this day will pass.

Early the next day, the three of them went to a nearby cave to play. On the way back, they went to the picking garden and picked some apricots and strawberries.

As soon as I returned to the resort, it started to rain outside.

In the evening, the three of them went to the hot springs, eating apricots and strawberries they picked, and drinking small wine.

The weather is a bit cold and it is still raining, but the hot spring water is very warm.

Soaking in the hot springs in the rain has a different taste.

The three of them spent a total of five days in the resort, had breakfast on the sixth day, cleaned up, and drove back to the city...

Han Bin sent Wang Ting back home first, and it was almost noon when he returned to his home.

Just in time for lunch.

Knowing that his son was coming back, Wang Huifang ran to the seafood market early in the morning and bought all kinds of seafood, preparing to make a one-pot seafood stew. The staple food is dumplings.

One-pot seafood stew is one of Han Weidong’s specialty dishes. The ingredients include sea prawns, oysters, chicken wings, squid, mussels, crabs, etc. It is definitely a rare snack to go with.

Dumplings are stuffed by Wang Huifang, shrimp, leeks, and pork.

When the seafood stew was done, Wang Huifang put the casserole on the table, and the pot was still boiling with a slurping sound.

Han Weidong walked in with a bottle of wine, "I have stored this bottle for more than ten years, and the taste is absolutely positive. The dumplings will be cooked later, let's drink two glasses first."

"Okay, I will accompany you for a few drinks today."

In the afternoon, Han Bin didn't go to work, and had been tired of Wang Ting for several days. He didn't plan to go out again today, and made up his mind to stay with his parents at home.

Han Bin unscrewed the cap of the wine bottle and poured it into the wine dispenser. Life still needs a sense of ritual.

Han Bin took the wine dispenser, poured a glass of wine for his parents, and filled himself with it.

Han Weidong raised the cup and said with a smile, "Two fellows, let's go one."

Wang Huifang glared at Han Weidong, "You were drunk before you drank."

"Why are you drunk?" Han Weidong put down his cup and said, "Are you from Qindao?"


"Am I from Kotoshima?"

"Yes, so are you."

Han Weidong slapped his face, "Isn't that just a fellow."

Han Bin was a little bit dumbfounded, "Come on, fellow fellow, let's have a toast."

After that, Han Bin respected him first.

After a glass of wine, a pungent sensation flowed down from my throat, and the whole person became transparent.

"Dad, this alcohol is not low."

Han Weidong also drank it, showing a look of aftertaste, "Little fellow, I tell you, there is no good wine with low alcohol."

Han Bin was a bit speechless, but he didn't have any problems thinking about it. Isn't he also from Qindao.

Han Weidong pointed to the casserole, "Come here, and try to see if my craft has improved."

Han Bin took a mussel and instigated it. The meat was tender and delicious.

One was not satisfying, and then another one, a thumb, "Awesome, chef-level."

Wang Huifang said, "Eat more shrimps, we still jumped when we bought them."

Han Bin nodded and ate a sea prawn.

Han Weidong smiled and said, "Son, it will take you five days to leave, but it's broken your mother."

"I miss you too. On the way back, I went to the picking garden and picked some strawberries and apricots."

Han Weidong picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and asked casually, "Son, who did you go to the resort with, are you having fun?"

Hearing what his father had said, Han Bin did not hide it, and briefly introduced him to the resort with Wang Ting and Huang Qianqian.

In fact, Han Bin wanted to conceal it but couldn't hide it. Han Weidong was also an old criminal policeman. He was shrewd. He could tell whether he could hear him without saying a word. Just by checking the driving recorder, he could make things clear.

Although the driving recorder cannot record the video inside the car, it can record the voice of speaking.

As for deleting the driving recorder, Han Bin never thought about it. It is not shameful to have a girlfriend, so why bother with his parents.

Seeing that the speculation became a fact, Han Weidong and Wang Huifang seemed very happy.

"Son, where is the girlfriend you are looking for? What kind of job does it do?" Wang Huifang is full of curiosity now that she can still eat.

"It's also from Qindao, she opened a Japanese restaurant, not far from our city bureau." Han Bin said truthfully.

"If you have time, take her to the house and sit down and recognize the door."

"I will ask her another day." Han Bin said.

"When the time comes, tell mom in advance to make something delicious with you."

Han Bin agreed very happily, "Okay."

Han Weidong raised the cup and shouted, "Today is a good day, let's drink a few more glasses, come and go another one."

Han Bin didn't refuse to come, anyway, it was his own home. I got drunk and had a good night's sleep. The golden kennel and silver kennel are not as good as my own kennel. After playing outside for a few days, I still feel a little tired. Today I have to sleep well.


The next day, Han Bin rushed to the Municipal Public Security Bureau full of energy, while carrying a box of apricots.

Strawberries are perishable and difficult to store, so I bought enough for my family to eat, but I bought a lot of apricots just to share with colleagues.

As soon as Han Bin entered the office, he was immediately surrounded by several team members.

Bao Xing stood up first, "Yo, the team leader is here!"

Jiang Yang said, "Leader, you can take a long break this time!"

Li Qin wrinkled his nose, "Group leader, what are you holding? Why do I smell a fruity fragrance."

Han Bin smiled, "Sister Li, your nose is good enough. I went to the picking garden yesterday and bought some apricots for everyone to try."

Bao Xing flattered and said, "It's better to be the team leader, thinking about us when I go out to play."

Han Bin ordered, "I bought a lot of apricots and Bao Xing, you can give some to the second group."

Bao Xing replied, "Good."

Han Bin also pretended to be a little bit, and personally sent it to Ma Jingbo. Sending apricots was one aspect, and more importantly, he reported to Ma Jingbo.


"Come in." Ma Jingbo's voice resounded in the room.

Han Bin entered the office and found Ma Jingbo checking the file.

"Sit for a while by yourself." Ma Jingbo greeted him and continued to look down at the file.

Han Bin was not in a hurry, put the apricots on the coffee table, lit a cigarette by himself, and started smoking on the sofa.

After a long while, Ma Jingbo stood up and stretched, "I'll rest this time."

Han Bin got up and said seriously, "Yes."

Ma Jingbo walked over and patted him on the shoulder, "That's fine, work and rest, rest when it's time to rest, and work hard when it's time to do it."

"Captain, these are the apricots I personally picked from the picking garden. You can try them."

Ma Jingbo smiled, "Well, I said why it's so fragrant, I will wash a few and eat it later."

"Captain, if you are busy, I will go back first." Han Bin said.

"Sit, I happen to have something to tell you." Ma Jingbo sat down, lit a cigarette and said, "This morning, I came to the board for a meeting before seven o'clock. The meeting adjourned half an hour ago."

"What happened?"

Ma Jingbo took a cigarette and said, "Yesterday afternoon, a prisoner escaped from Chengnan Prison. The prison guards searched inside and out, but they didn't find anyone. They couldn't hide it before reporting to the city bureau. Until now, no one has been found. "

Han Bin frowned, "Chengnan Prison, the prisoners there are all serious prisoners, so why did they run away."

Ma Jingbo got up, walked to the table, picked up a stack of documents, "According to the preliminary investigation results, the security facilities of Chengnan Prison are old and are undergoing renovation. The old and dangerous buildings of the prison were not demolished in time, blocking the sight of the armed police on duty and causing the two criminals to leave. In the production workshop, climbing over the fence in the way of "taking a ladder", one prisoner was knocked down by the power grid and one prisoner escaped."

"The name of the escaped prisoner is Zhu Weichao. He has been sentenced to death with a suspended death sentence for homicide. He has been in jail for two years and has been performing well. Here is his file. You can see for yourself."

Han Bin took the file and checked the contents. Zhu Weichao killed a female surname three years ago. The place of the murder was in the bath. The method of killing was to choke the neck with his hands and suffocate.

From the method of killing, you can see the other party's brutality, and once you escape from prison, there is a high possibility of committing another crime.

"The horse team, shall we participate in the arrest?" Han Bin asked.

"I haven't received the order yet, but you have to prepare in advance."


"Let’s go and read the file, tell the team members about the situation, don’t ask them to catch Zhu Weichao. But don’t see that the fugitive can’t recognize him, and the fugitive has slipped away. Don’t think I’m joking. No.” Ma Jingbo flicked the soot and said solemnly.

"Some criminals have very strong psychological qualities. I have seen a case in which a criminal police, armed police, and police station were all sent out in the city to search for a criminal. The informant provided information that the criminals had fled to the mountains, and the city bureau organized a mountain search. ."

"As a result, the gangster got a police uniform and put it on, swaggered to find the armed police, handed a cigarette to the armed police, made up a nonsense, and took the armed police ride back to the city because he was wearing a police uniform. , Shaved, and actively chatted with the armed police, no one doubted."

"Afterwards, when I noticed something was wrong, the gangsters were gone."

Han Bin asked subconsciously, "Did the bandits finally be caught?"

Ma Jingbo sighed, "I was shot dead two years later."

This sigh made Han Bin realize that the criminals should have committed crimes in the past two years.

"You only need to know it in your heart, go."

Han Bin left with Zhu Weichao's files.

Back to a group of offices, Han Bin immediately held a meeting and began to study Zhu Weichao's case...

The impact of jailbreaking is great, especially for a highly dangerous felon, catching him is even more meaningful than cracking a big case.

Soon after, the news that Zhu Wei escaped beyond prison also made the news, and the police issued a wanted warrant.

If you find clues, please call 110 as soon as possible! Qindao City Public Security Bureau will give RMB 100,000 to those who provide effective clues and play a key role in the arrest.

This time not only the police officers were waiting, but many people were also excited.

The reward of 100,000 yuan can match the income of ordinary people for a year or two.

There are a few other people who are not tempted.

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