Detective from The Future

Chapter 552: Similar scene

Because of the escape incident, the police station has a tense atmosphere from top to bottom.

After some discussion, the leaders of the city bureau established a 6.4 escape case task force, with Feng Baoguo as the leader of the task force, coordinating all police forces to conduct search and arrest tasks.

Qindao City Criminal Investigation Brigade, Chengnan Prison, and police station all sent police to participate in the search.

The Second Squadron of the City Criminal Investigation Brigade was not in the first batch of tasks.

However, the Second Squadron did not slack off and has been paying attention to this case.

After get off work in the evening, Han Bin went to the Four Seasons Restaurant. Wang Ting also learned about the prisoner's escape, and asked Han Bin about it.

Han Bin comforted a few words, and sent Wang Ting home after eating at the Four Seasons Restaurant.

He personally sent Wang Ting upstairs, checked the doors and windows, and left after making sure that the house was safe.

Han Bin returned to his parents' house, with his mother alone, and Han Weidong also participated in the hunt.

It wasn't until ten o'clock in the evening that Han Weidong came back in the dust.

Han Bin had a few conversations with his father, and learned that the prisoner Zhu Weichao had escaped from prison and there was no news. He probably had already escaped from Qindao.

Ordinary people may be relieved to hear this news, but it is by no means good news for the Qindao police.

Once Zhu Weichao escaped from the area of ​​Qindao City, he would need to request assistance from the Public Security Department. At that time, the Criminal Investigation Squad might send someone to take over the case, and there would be nothing to do with the City Criminal Investigation Brigade.

After a few words, Han Weidong began to rush people and asked Han Bin to go back to rest early. Based on his experience, once Zhu Weichao has news, both of them may be sent to participate in the search mission.


The next morning.

Wang Huifang woke up early in the morning to make breakfast. The staple food was steamed meat and milk.

The steamed buns made by Wang Huifang are a little different from the ones sold outside. The steamed buns are cut in the middle and added with fried eggs, bacon, ham, and lettuce. It is not only rich in taste, but also very nutritious.

Han Weidong left after eating, more anxious than Han Bin.

Han Bin arrived at the police station just after eight in the morning, earlier than usual.

Although Han Bin is always preparing to be transferred, he is more leisurely than usual.

Han Bin made a cup of coffee and stared out the window for a while, the team members also rushed to the office.

Bao Xing was the last to arrive, with a cup of soy milk in his hand, "Everyone came so early today?"

Li Qin looked up at him and said, "You are late. Now the police in the city know about the fugitives in Nancheng Prison. Can't you be more conscious of it?"

Bao Xing smiled, "Sister Li, you have misunderstood this. How could I not realize it? The reason why I came so late was to inquire about the news."

Huang Qianqian curiously asked, "What news?"

"It is said that someone provided clues last night that Zhu Weichao might have sneaked back to his hometown. People from the first squadron, Chengnan Prison, and the local police station sent people to arrest and arrest." Bao Xing said.

Huang Qianqian asked, "Where is Zhu Weichao's hometown? Has he been caught?"

Bao Xing said, "His hometown is in Laiping City, Xiaoga Village. It's not clear if he caught it, but there should be news soon."

Wang Xiao shrugged, "It's a pity, this is to let the first squadron take the lead. Our second squadron didn't even drink the soup."

"Who led the team?" Han Bin asked.

"Feng Ju."

Li Qin said, "Feng Ju is a prudent and experienced man. If the fugitive is really in Xiaoga Village, it is unlikely that he will escape."

In the eyes of many people, it is silly that the escaped prisoner escaped back to his hometown. The police have found out your old ways, and you dare to run back to your hometown.

But many prisoners just like to run back to their hometowns. Of course, it is not that they are stupid, but for various reasons.

For example, some people want to meet their family members, some want revenge from their enemies, and others have nowhere to hide and want to hide in the homes of trusted relatives.

Han Bin took out Zhu Weichao's dossier and wanted to study his family relationship and see if he had any fetters in his hometown...

"Jingle Bell……"

Approaching noon, Han Bin's cell phone rang. Han Bin took out his cell phone and took a look at the number of Ding Xifeng on the screen.

Han Bin pressed the answer button, "Captain."

"Assemble a group of people, gather downstairs in ten minutes, and set out!"


Han Bin led a group of people to meet Ding Xifeng and left the Qindao Public Security Bureau by car.

Han Bin took out a cigarette and handed it to Ding Xifeng, "Captain, where are we going?"

Ding Xifeng took the cigarette and thought thoughtfully, "There was a homicide in the Long Island District, which is probably related to Zhu Weichao. Let's check the scene."

Seeing Ding Xifeng frowning and thinking, Han Bin did not ask too much. Since Ding Xifeng led the team personally, the case would certainly not be simple.

Before Han Bin came, he had reported to Ma Jingbo. Ma Jingbo also knew about the case and offered to investigate the scene, but Ding Xifeng refused.

According to Han Bin’s speculation, if the big case in Changdao District is related to Zhu Weichao, then he probably did not escape home, and the arrest has to continue. The people in the first squadron are not hard-pressed. They must have shift rests. Maybe Ma Jingbo Also bring someone to support.

Another point is that, according to the dossier, the impact of Zhu Weichao's murder was not small, and the local branch was unable to solve the case. In order to solve the case as soon as possible, the captain Ding Xifeng personally led the investigation. Zhu Weichao was arrested by him.

Changdao District is located on the outskirts of Qindao, near the sea.

It took forty minutes to arrive at the area where the incident occurred, Tianyue Community.

This is a high-end residential complex. There is a commercial plaza around the residential complex. It is very convenient for shopping and eating. The greenery in the residential complex is also good.

When the car stopped at the door, Han Bin walked into the community.

One is that there are regulations in the community not to allow cars to enter. Although Ding Xifeng can ignore the regulations, it is in the case of need, and there is no need to make special now.

One more thing, Ding Xifeng also wanted to check the internal environment, security, monitoring, terrain, etc. of the community.

Han Bin accompanied him into the community. Han Bin didn’t know which building the murder happened, but he didn’t need to ask at all, because there were already a lot of people downstairs, the cordon had been pulled up, and two policemen stood at the door .

People who are not in this building are not allowed to enter.

Han Bin showed the police officer's card, and the group entered the building smoothly and took the elevator to the ninth floor.

The crime scene was in room 902.

After getting off the elevator, two police officers in uniform stood beside him.

Han Bin showed the police officer's card again, and his party successfully entered the scene of the crime.

The person in charge of the scene was Chen Lin, deputy captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Long Island Branch.

Seeing Ding Xifeng leading people in, he quickly got up and saluted, "Ding Detachment, you are here."

Ding Xifeng nodded, without much greeting, and said straightforwardly, "Take me to the scene to see."

Chen Lin made a please gesture and led Ding Xifeng into it.

Han Bin followed, and the other team members stayed in the living room temporarily.

This is a large two-bedroom house. It is very spacious for two or three people, but if there are so many people all at once, it is still a bit crowded.

The toilet is on the right hand side with gorgeous wall tiles, which looks very beautiful.

The area of ​​the bathroom is not small, and there is also a white bath in it. In the bath lies a woman, to be exact, a dead woman, wearing a tulle nightdress without any clothes inside. After getting wet, almost It is transparent, but adds a bit of confusion.

The only thing that looks a bit discordant is the bruise on the neck.

Ding Xifeng checked, then turned and left.

Han Bin also checked carefully, and the situation at the scene reminded him of the records in Zhu Weichao's file. The dead were all female surnames and all died in the bath.

Zhu Weichao strangled the victim with his hands.

The victim in the bath also had bruises on his neck and was probably strangled to death.

Judging from these characteristics, the murderer is most likely the fugitive Zhu Weichao.

After Han Bin returned to the living room, he happened to catch up with Chen Lin to report to Ding Xifeng.

Chen Lin's voice was not like a local, with a loud voice, "The deceased was named Liu Lingzui. He worked in a fund company. The reporter was her mother Zhang Suyun."

"The staff of the police station received the alarm at 9:45 in the morning. After arriving at the scene, they called the people from the property management company. Then they called the landlord to open the door and saw the deceased lying in the bathtub and reporting to the branch Later, we arrived at the scene at half past ten."

"I have read Zhu Weichao's dossier, and as soon as I saw that the situation at the scene was basically consistent, I hurriedly reported it."

Ding Xifeng pondered for a moment, "Are there any signs of prying doors and windows?"


Han Bin asked, "Captain Chen, did you find the deceased's cell phone?"

Chen Lin glanced at Han Bin. Although he did not know the other person, he would naturally not be an ordinary person to stand beside Ding Xifeng.

Ding Xifeng ordered, "Han Bin led someone to search the house. After the forensic doctor completes the preliminary autopsy, we will discuss further."


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