Detective from The Future

Chapter 553: Doubt

Han Bin searched the house, the doors and windows were closed and there were no signs of damage.

No one's fingerprints were found in the room.

Yes, even the fingerprints of the deceased were not found.

The scene should have been cleaned up when the suspect left.

Half an hour later, the forensic doctor also completed the preliminary autopsy.

The dead, Liu Lingzui

Age, 28 years old

Cause of death, death due to mechanical asphyxiation

Time of death, between 8pm and 11pm on June 4

Physical symptoms, surname behavior occurred before death.

After clarifying the situation at the scene, Ding Xifeng called everyone together.

Ding Xifeng took two puffs of cigarettes fiercely and squeezed out the remaining cigarette butts. "Everyone should understand the situation at the scene, and you can talk about your opinions."

In addition to Ding Xifeng, Chen Lin held the highest position and said, "From the results of the autopsy, the deceased was probably choked to death, and the surname behavior occurred before death. The place of death was in the bath, and Zhu Weichao's modus operandi was basically similar."

"Moreover, the suspect should have cleaned up the scene when he left, indicating that he has enough time to commit the crime, and he is very calm, and is probably a habitual offender."

Ding Xifeng nodded and looked at Han Bin on the side, "What do you think?"

"Most of my views are the same as Captain Chen. However, the deceased only had a surname behavior during his lifetime, and there was no obvious trauma, indicating that the deceased may be voluntary."

Ding Xifeng frowned. Judging from the situation at the scene, it is very likely that Zhu Weichao committed the crime. However, neither fingerprints nor DNA of the murderer were left at the scene, and there was no place to determine his identity.

Another point is like what Han Bin said. There is a big difference between voluntary and involuntary. According to his experience, if it is involuntary, in most cases there will be organic damage.

If it is voluntary, it means that the murderer knew the deceased.

It is not clear whether Zhu Weichao knew the deceased Ding Xifeng before, but Zhu Weichao has been detained for two years and is another fugitive.

To put it bluntly, even if the deceased was his wife, given his criminal record, he might not dare to have an intimate relationship with him.

For a while, Ding Xifeng was also a little hard to judge, he needed more clues and evidence.

The leader called to ask, and would never want to hear an ambiguous answer.

Subsequently, Ding Xifeng began to arrange tasks.

"Captain Chen, take someone to visit the surrounding people to see if anyone saw the suspicious person during the time of the crime."

"One more thing, you send someone to make a detailed transcript for the landlord."

"Han Bin, you send someone to check and monitor to see if any suspicious persons have entered or exited this building."

"Check the communication records of the deceased."

"One more, make a note for the mother of the deceased."


Subsequently, everyone began to split up.


After Ding Xifeng arranged the task, Han Bin divided the task in detail.

Wang Xiao and Jiang Yang were sent to investigate and monitor. Lin Qin contacted the technical department to check the communication records of the deceased, Bao Xing was in charge of contacting the deceased’s mother, and Han Bin stayed with Ding Xifeng.

Han Bin finished arranging the task and called Ma Jingbo to explain the situation.

And Ding Xifeng was not idle either. He basically kept calling, either he was reporting the situation, or someone was reporting the situation to him, and the phone never stopped.

Twenty minutes later, there was a loud noise outside. A woman in her fifties broke in. The woman was medium in size, with some thin, short hair, holding a black bag in her hand, and an anxious look on her face.

"Where is my daughter."

"Where is my daughter, I want to see her!"

Bao Xing walked over and asked, "Are you Zhang Suyun?"

"It's me, you are police officer Bao." The short-haired woman grabbed Bao Xing, "Where is my daughter, I want to see with my own eyes..."

Bao Xing turned to look at Han Bin, "Team leader, she is the mother of the deceased and is here to recognize the body."

Han Bin looked in the direction of the toilet, Liu Lingzui had been put in the body bag, "Go."

Han Bin, Ding Xifeng and others walked outside.

After a while, there was a cry of crying in the room.

Everyone has become accustomed to this situation.

Twenty minutes later, the crying gradually stopped, and Han Bin entered the house.

Zhang Suyun sat on the sofa and wiped her tears.

Bao Xing handed the other party a pack of tissues, "Ms. Zhang, please be sorrowful and change."

Zhang Suyun didn't reply, still bowed his head and choked.

"If it is convenient, we would like to ask some questions about Liu Lingzui, which will help our police solve the case as soon as possible." Bao Xing said.

Bao Xing obviously did not have Li Qin's comfort, but his words worked, and Zhang Suyun slowly raised his head, "ask."

Bao Xing turned on the law enforcement recorder to record, and Han Bin was responsible for the interrogation.

"Ms. Zhang, how did you discover that Liu Lingzui was killed?"

"I don't know." Zhang Suyun shook her head and wiped her face with her hand. "This morning, Lingling's company called me and asked why Lingling did not go to work. Ling called, but I couldn't reach it either."

"I live alone and have had a heart attack before. Lingling knows that I am not in good health. She never shuts down the phone. She is very filial. She also said that after getting married, she would pick me up and live with me. Help her look after the baby..."

"I felt that there might be something wrong with Lingling. But I lived a bit far away, so I called the police and asked the police to come and check, but I didn't expect it to be..."

"Comrade police, has the murderer been caught? Who killed my actor?"

Han Bin replied, "When we rushed to the scene, there was no one in the house. We are collecting clues and will try our best to track down the murderer. You can tell us what you know."

Zhang Suyun sighed, "It's too sudden, I never thought that something like this would happen to Lingling."

Han Bin continued to ask, "Ms. Zhang, do you know Zhu Weichao?"

"I do not know what happened?"

"He is a wanted criminal. His methods of committing crimes are similar to your daughter's situation, so we want to know if they have any intersection before."

Zhang Suyun asked, "What do you mean Zhu?"

"Zhu Weichao, he has been in jail before. Even if your daughter knew him, it should have been two years ago." Han Bin said.

Zhang Suyun recalled for a moment and shook his head, "I have no impression, I haven't heard her say it."

"How many keys are there in Liu Lingzui's house?"

"I am not very sure."

"Do you have the key?"


"Has your daughter been abnormal lately?"

Zhang Suyun recalled, "Yes, she was beaten once more than a month ago and her face was swollen for several days, but it hurt my heart."

"Who beat her?"

"At first she refused to say, but after I asked for a long time, she told me that it was a colleague named Feng in the company who had a dispute with her because of the customer, and the two started fighting."

Han Bin took notes, "What's the specific name?"

"I asked, but she refused to say. I'm going to their company to ask for an explanation. She stopped me from going, for fear of affecting her work." Zhang Suyun sighed and said helplessly.

"Comrade police, is my daughter's death related to this matter?"

"It's hard to say now, further investigation is needed."

"I knew it, I should go to their company, maybe today's things won't happen." Zhang Suyun regretted.

"Don't blame yourself, it's been a month, it may not be related to the previous events." Bao Xing comforted.

Han Bin flipped through some notebooks and continued to ask, "Ms. Zhang, does Liu Lingzui have a boyfriend?"


"What's her boyfriend's name?"

"I think about seems to be Lin Jianrong, it is Lin Jianrong. I met once last year. The two have been together for three years. The relationship has been very good. I listen to my daughter and plan to marry him."

"Do you have his contact information?"

"I do not have."

Han Bin made a key mark on the notebook. There was no picture of a man in the room, nor did he have slippers, toothbrushes, or gifts. If it were to the point of talking about marriage, there would be no trace.

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