Detective from The Future

Chapter 562: irony

Han Bin found the technical team and asked the specific reason.

According to the appraisal of the technical team, the video has not been artificially processed or missing.

If it is really like Han Bin's speculation, if the distance is missing, the owner of the car probably did not use the driving recorder during that time, and naturally it will not be able to record it, and there is no way to restore the video.

This conclusion does not hold Han Bin.

Han Bin was anxious to investigate separately.

The first direction of investigation is Skynet monitoring to check the specific itinerary of Zhang Hang's Mercedes-Benz.

The second direction of investigation is to contact Mercedes-Benz manufacturers and ask them to help find out the GPS driving track of the Mercedes-Benz.

The two-pronged approach quickly determined the whereabouts of the Mercedes-Benz.

Sure enough, Han Bin guessed it right.

On June 5th, Zhang Hang did not go home immediately after get off work. Instead, he drove around in his Mercedes before returning home.

After Skynet monitoring and GPS driving trajectory, two locations where the suspect had stayed were determined.

These two locations are likely to be the places where stolen goods are stored.

The first parking location is near the suburbs, and the second parking location is at the Connie Hotel.

After Han Bin reported the situation to Ding Xifeng, Ding Xifeng took the people directly to the suburbs, and Han Bin took the people to the hotel.

Ding Xifeng is very experienced. While rushing to locate the location, he directly called the hunting dog, hoping to find the stolen goods with the smell of the victim.

The first parking place is relatively remote, with a field on the north side, a driveway in the middle, a green belt on the south side, and a railroad track on the south side. It is really hard to find things to hide in this place.

Fortunately, Ding Xifeng had the foresight to use the objects of the victims Liu Lingzui and Zhang Hang as a source of sniffing and let the hunting dogs help in the search.


Han Bin's actions over there are also not slow.

After he took people to the Connie Hotel, he found that the surrounding area was a commercial area, and it was difficult to tell where the stolen goods were hidden.

Han Bin threw out his team members, and he took Bao Xing to the Connie Hotel.

Due to the influence of yiqing, the tourism industry has still not recovered. There are not many guests in the hotel, and many rooms have a 50% discount.

The front desk seems to have reduced staff, only a beautiful waitress.

Han Bin showed the police officer ID, "Hello, I want to find a guest."

The waitress looked at Han Bin, then at the police officer's ID, and was stunned, "Comrade Police, what kind of client do you want to find?"

"That person's name is Zhang Hang, please check for me if he has a record of opening a room in your hotel."

The waitress hesitated, "I'm afraid this won't work, I don't have permission."

Bao Xing said, "Our police have the authority and will not embarrass you. Check it out."

"Wait a minute, I have to report to the manager."

Han Bin smiled and said, "Try to be faster and don't make things too complicated. Trust me, your managers don't want to see this happen."

"Okay, I will as soon as possible." The waitress hurriedly picked up the phone to contact.

After a while, a woman in her 30s rushed over and glanced at the two Han Bin, "Excuse me, are you comrades police?"

Han Bin showed the police officer's ID, "We are from the city criminal investigation team. We suspect that your hotel has concealed stolen goods. Please cooperate with the investigation."

"Hey, police officer Han, is there any misunderstanding? It's impossible. We are a regular hotel and we have never done anything illegal." The woman hurriedly explained and introduced herself.

"I am Yang Jia, the lobby manager of the hotel. If you have any needs, you can tell me that our hotel will definitely cooperate."

Han Bin said again, "Help me find someone."

"No problem, let alone one, ten of them are fine." Yang Jia replied, winking at the front desk attendant.

"Check for a man named Zhang Hang, it is likely that he will move in on June 5." Han Bin said.

Yang Jia said to the waiter, "Listen to comrade police, hurry up and investigate."

The waitress hurriedly manipulated the computer, and shook her head after a while and said, "There is no such one."

Yang Jia breathed a sigh of relief, "Sergeant Han, do you think you made a mistake? The suspect did not come to our hotel."

"Change a name, Liu Lingzui."

Yang Jia ordered, "Check."

The waitress manipulated the computer again and shook her head again, "No check-in information."

Han Bin said his third name, "Zhao Yue."

"Da da..." The waitress tapped on the keyboard, bit her lip, and her eyes glanced at Yang Jia.

This cautious thinking naturally couldn't hide from Han Bin. Before Yang Jia could react, Han Bin turned to the computer screen.

Below the search bar on the screen, the guest's check-in information appeared, and indeed there was a female guest named Zhao Yue.

Han Bin sternly said, "What's the situation in your hotel? If you find the suspect, don't say anything, keep winking, right?"

Yang Jia hurriedly said, "It's okay, it's okay, Officer Han, don't get me wrong, it's okay. This little girl is not clever and is not suitable for reception at the front desk. I was about to change her."

Han Bin snorted, "She is not clever, but too clever."

"Yes, yes, there was nothing wrong with her, but she thought too much, so I will do it myself, and I will do my best to cooperate with our police." Yang Jia walked to the counter, asked the waitress to stand aside, and operated the computer herself.

Han Bin didn't speak, but looked at the computer screen quietly.

After checking, Yang Jia said, "Police Officer Han, the Zhao Yue you are looking for, she opened a room in the hotel and paid for the room for ten days in advance, and she also warned that there is no need to clean."

"Take me to see."

Yang Jia only hesitated for a while, and agreed, "Okay, I'll look for the room card."

"Where is the monitoring room in your hotel?"

"On the second floor."

"Take me to the monitoring room first."

Yang Jia gave an order to the waitress and asked her to find the room card, while she took Han Bin to the monitoring room.

After arriving in the monitoring room, Han Bin directly called out the monitoring on June 5th and found that Zhang Hang had indeed been to the hotel, opened the room in the name of Zhao Yue, and entered the hotel room with a gray bag.

When he came out, he didn't hold the bag in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Han Bin became more confident, and immediately asked Yang Jia to take herself to the room opened by Zhang Hang.

The room number is 706.

Yang Jia swiped the room key, the door opened, and Han Bin walked in directly.

There was a double bed in the room, which was cleaned up, as if no one had lived in it. Han Bin and Bao Xing searched the room carefully and did not find the gray bag.

In the end, Han Bin set his sights on the safe in the house.

Many hotel rooms have safes. When guests go out, they can put valuables in the safe and set a temporary password that only they know.

Han Bin pointed to the safe in the wooden cabinet, "Manager Yang, help open it."

"I will try." Manager Yang squatted down and pressed a few numbers, but was prompted that the password was wrong, "Police Officer Han, the guest should have used the safe. He set his own password, and the original password cannot be opened."

"Don't tell me, the hotel can't open it." Han Bin said.

"Wait a minute, I will find someone to deal with it." Yang Jia replied, then walked aside and made a call.

Not long after, Yang Jia walked over again and manipulated the safe, and the safe door opened with a ‘click’.

Yang Jia took a quick look inside, and then flashed to the side, "Officer Han, open it."

Needless to say, Han Bin kept staring at the safe and found that there was a gray bag inside. After putting on his gloves, he took out the gray bag.

Han Bin opened it and saw that there were a lot of things in his bag, everything in a mess.

Mobile phone, photo frame, slippers, shaver, toothbrush, gloves, etc.

Han Bin took out the photo frame. There was a man and a woman in the photo, Zhang Hang and Liu Lingzui. They hugged each other very intimately, and they looked rather ironic now.

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