Detective from The Future

Chapter 563: Step by step

Han Bin put away the gray backpack, looked at Yang Jia and said, "Call your company's legal person and the waiter who did business that day."

Yang Jia squeezed a professional smile, "Police Officer Han, you can just tell me what's the matter, and I can call the shots."

"Then explain to me why the suspect can check in with other people's ID cards." Han Bin said.

Yang Jia pondered for a moment, "Will the one named Zhao Yue come with the suspect."

"It is clearly shown in the surveillance video. As long as the suspect is checking in alone, and he is holding a woman's ID card for registration, your hotel will not see such an obvious problem."

Yang Jia explained, "What might be a misunderstanding?"

Bao Xing hummed, "Your hotel hides the suspect's stolen goods. You want to explain if you misunderstand it. Then we need to do what the police do. I'm afraid you haven't realized the seriousness of this case."

Yang Jia defended, "Comrade police, our hotel must be a regular business, there can be no mess, it must be the negligence of the front desk staff."

At this moment, Wang Xiao, Li Qin, Jiang Yang and others arrived one after another.

Han Bin pointed to Yang Jia who was on the side and gave an ultimatum, "After ten minutes, I will see the front desk clerk who handled the business that day. I will see the legal person of the hotel within half an hour. After this time, we will directly apply for arrest. ."

Yang Jia realized the seriousness of the matter and showed an anxious look, "Police Officer Han, there is a real misunderstanding in this, please let me explain..."

Han Bin waved his hand, "I've said everything that should be said, I'm going to investigate the case now, go out!"

Bao Xing made a please gesture and said politely, "Manager Yang, please."

Han Bin explained the situation to some of his subordinates, and walked aside to report to Ding Xifeng.

When Ding Xifeng received the call, he was a little depressed with joy.

He ran with the dog for a long time and found no clue, but Han Bin had already found the stolen goods.

Ding Xifeng roared, "Close the team!"


After the technical people arrived at the scene, Han Bin handed over the items in the gray backpack to them, hoping that they could check out some key evidence.

Later, Ding Xifeng and Chen Lin also led people to the hotel.

The hotel’s legal person, general manager, business attendants, and related management were all taken back to the Municipal Public Security Bureau for transcripts.

The matter itself is not big, but no one can guarantee whether there are Zhang Hang's associates among them.

If one of these people had Zhang Hang's accomplices and opened the back door to Zhang Hang, the nature would be serious.

Even if there is no accomplice of Zhang Hang here, the hotel’s actions violated the regulations and would still be punished.

The interrogation of the hotel lasted until the afternoon, and the transcripts of the hotel staff were compared and the cause of the matter was finally figured out.

The hotel room was booked online with Zhao Yue’s identity information. After that, Zhang Hang brought Zhao Yue’s ID card to check in. It stands to reason that this is not in compliance with the regulations, but the market is not good and there are basically no guests. Many hotels Are on the verge of bankruptcy.

The hotel also opened one eye and closed one eye to check in.

As long as it can't be found, nothing will happen.

Unfortunately, the Connie Hotel was unlucky and encountered Zhang Hang's bomb.

There was also news from the technical department, and new evidence was detected.

Ding Xifeng decided to interrogate Zhang Hang again.

There are still three people in charge of the interrogation, Ding Xifeng, Han Bin, and Bao Xing.

Although only one day passed, Zhang Hang was obviously haggard.

Zhang Hang twisted his wrist and looked at Ding Xifeng and Han Bin tentatively, "Comrade police, it will be 24 hours soon. Should I be released?"

Han Bin asked, "I also want to let you out, but if you don't confess your own affairs, how do you go?"

Zhang Hang shook his head, "Comrade Police, I have said everything I should say, I really don't know what to explain."

"It's okay, let me remind you, where did you go after get off work on June 5th?"

Zhang Hang's mouth twitched and took a deep breath, "I seem to be going home."

"Think about it carefully and give me a definite answer." Han Bin said.

After hesitating for a while, Zhang Hang said, "I can't remember."

"You can't remember what happened two days ago?"

Zhang Hang said perfunctorily, "I have a poor memory."

"It doesn't matter if you have a poor memory. I can help you remember that after get off work on June 5th, you did not drive home directly. Instead, you went to the Connie Hotel and opened a room with Zhao Yue’s ID card. The backpack is locked in the safe in the room. What is in that bag, I don’t think I need to say more, you should know better than me."

Zhang Hang's eyes flickered, he clenched his fists tightly, and then slowly let go, "Oh, I remember, I went to the Connie Hotel that day and put some east and west in the hotel."

"Since you remembered, tell yourself what's in the bag." Han Bin asked.

Zhang Hang hesitated for a while, and continued, "The bag was given to me by Liu Lingzui, and I didn't care too much. I don't know what's in it."

"Have you seen it after opening the bag?"

Zhang Hang frowned and replied after a while, "No."

"When was it for you?"

"June 2nd."

Han Bin asked, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, it's June 2nd."

"Where did she give it to you?"

"When I arrived at her house, she left it to me for safekeeping. I didn't think much about it at the time. Later, she had an accident, and I was afraid that I might be involved, so I hid the bag."

"After you got the bag, have you seen her again?"


Han Bin snorted, "We found a lot of items in the bag, including Liu Lingzui's mobile phone. We checked the mobile phone. On June 4, Liu Lingzui also used the mobile phone. How could it be June 2 Give your phone to you?"

"Can you explain?"

Suddenly, Zhang Hang's forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat.

Han Bin urged, "Speak."

Zhang Hang lowered his head, his right hand trembling slightly.

Han Bin waited for a while, and Zhang Hang still answered, "OK, maybe this question I asked is too serious, let's change to a relaxed topic."

Zhang Hang looked up, then lowered his head again, as if he didn't believe Han Bin's nonsense.

Han Bin turned around, "How is your relationship with Zhao Yue?"

"It's fine."

"Do you love her?"

Zhang Hang looked up, as if he was a little surprised by this question.


Han Bin continued to ask, "How do you two get along?"

"My job is relatively busy, and my income is relatively high. I am mainly responsible for outside affairs. Her work is relatively leisurely, and I share more of the affairs at home."

"Will you help her cook?"


"Where to wash the dishes?"

Zhang Hang licked his tongue, "I did it when I first got married. Later, she thought I was too slow, so she didn't let me do it."

Han Bin asked seemingly gossip, "Who do you love more between Zhao Yue and Liu Lingzui?"

Zhang Hang showed a weird smile, "It may be Zhao Yue."

"How did you and Liu Lingzui meet?"

"I knew it at work."

Han Bin curiously asked, "How do you two get along?"

Zhang Hang pondered for a moment, "I'm going to find her, let's eat together, drink a little wine, watch a movie or something, and... you know."

"Will she cook for you?"


"Will you help her clean the dishes?" Han Bin asked.

Zhang Hang shook his head and said with a complex expression, "The time between the two of us is not long each time we meet, and we won't waste it on some meaningless things. Generally, after I leave, she takes a rest and cleans the kitchen."

Han Bin smiled, seemingly satisfied with his answer.

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