Detective from The Future

Chapter 565: confession

The interrogation room was filled with smoke.

Zhang Hang smoked five cigarettes and finally let go.

"You... just ask what you want, I admit it."

Han Bin hit the iron while it was hot, "You admit that you killed Liu Lingzui?"

"Yes, I killed her."

"How did you kill it?"

Zhang Hang showed a bit of bitterness, "I was strangled to death by my hand. I was afraid of being scratched by her, so I put on plastic gloves, but I didn't expect to still leave evidence."

Han Bin asked, "Why do you put the stolen goods in the hotel safe?"

"I also thought about throwing away Liu Ling's drunk things, but every time I threw it away, I felt uneasy. I was afraid that others would find out. Instead, I found me. After hesitating for a long time, I decided to save it first. Throw it away after waiting for the limelight." Zhang Hang showed a mocking look.

"It seems that I am still too indecisive. If I threw these items away or buried them, maybe you would not find them."

Han Bin shook his head, "As the old saying goes, Skynet is slender and not leaking. Killing is a big project. You can't do everything you can. Even if you deal with stolen goods in other ways, you may be found by the police."

"You should regret why you killed people, not how you killed them."

"I don't want to kill, either. I was forced to do nothing." Zhang Hang said helplessly, "Can you give me another cigarette?"

Han Bin lighted a cigarette and handed it to him, "Who forced you?"

"Who else? Liu Lingzui! I really thought it was me who asked her to move in, but I wouldn't do such a stupid thing if I was a little brainy. She moved in by herself. She wanted to force the palace and let me choose one of two." Zhang Hang grabbed his hair hard, "I have a wife and children on one side, and a lover on the other. How can I choose, I have no choice."

Han Bin continued, "Then tell her clearly, let her leave, why kill her."

"I said, she made more trouble, called me a scumbag, called me shameless, and also went to my house to make trouble, let the neighbors know. She also went to my company to make trouble, let my superiors and subordinates watch Clearly, what kind of person I am."

Zhang Hang red eyes and squeezed a few words from his teeth, "She is going to ruin me!"

Han Bin said, "There is always a solution, killing is not the only option."

"Perhaps," Zhang Hang showed a touch of self-deprecating expression.

"You said that this woman is really weird. I was a scumbag. Otherwise, I was fooling around with her."

"She knew from the beginning that I had a wife, so why did she think that I would change with her."

"There are so many good men. If she likes good men, she finds a good man from the beginning, so why bother to find me."

"Comrade police, do you think I am right?"

Han Bin was stunned for a moment. He couldn't answer Zhang Hang's question, perhaps only Liu Lingzui knew it.

Han Bin glanced at the handwriting and asked the next question, "How did you get in touch with Liu Lingzui?"

"We met on a dating software. She also introduced me to buy their company's fund. I bought tens of thousands of dollars, and the two of us will be fine." Speaking of this, Zhang Hang's face was complicated. look,

"My wife often habitually checks my mobile phone, calls, WeChat, and text messages. The dating software is not very well-known, but my wife would not check it."

"What is the name of that dating software?"

"Make an appointment."

Han Bin remembered it and continued, "Describe the process by which you killed Liu Lingzui."

"At the time, she was bathing in the bath, I put on plastic gloves and choked her to death in the bath."

"Why use this method of killing?"

"Zhu Weichao, I know his case and he escaped from prison. The police also issued a wanted warrant. I wanted to pretend to be his murder method and make the police think he was the murderer." Zhang Hangdao.

This approach may divert the police's investigation, but the case itself will be taken seriously by the police.

If Zhang Hang did not imitate Zhu Weichao's modus operandi, the case might not be transferred to the City Criminal Investigation Brigade immediately. If the Changdao District Criminal Investigation Brigade is in charge of the investigation, it is still in between whether the case can be solved.

The case was successfully solved, Ding Xifeng and Han Bin both breathed a sigh of relief, each with their own pressure.

Ding Xifeng can pat his chest and report to Feng Baoguo. This murder has nothing to do with Zhu Weichao.

Han Bin can also go back to sleep peacefully.


Four Seasons Restaurant.

After six o'clock in the evening, the restaurant had already begun to receive guests. Wang Ting went to the back kitchen to check it out, and when she came out she saw Han Bin standing by the counter.

"Yeah, Officer Han, why did you get off work so early today."

"Miss you, so I got off work early."

Wang Tingbai glared at him, so she wouldn't believe his nonsense, "No need to investigate the case today?"

"The case has been solved." Han Bin said.


Han Bin smiled and said, "I can lie to no one but you."

"So that Zhu Weichao caught?"

Han Bin shook his head, "No, the murderer in this case was not Zhu Weichao, but an imitation."

"Oh, it's really troublesome." Wang Ting muttered and asked, "What do you want to eat, I will let the chef prepare it."

"Bring some ingredients from the back kitchen. Let's go back and cook. Today I have time to show you something." Han Bin said.

Wang Ting asked with a scrutiny gaze, "What do you want to do for me?"

"Lu dishes and Japanese ingredients are all fine."

"Really? My mouth is awkward. Be careful I give you bad reviews."

Han Bin said in his chest, "Just look at it."

"Believe you once." Although Wang Ting knew that Han Bin could eat and knew how to eat, eating and doing were two different things, and she had a little doubt in her heart.

However, it is a good thing for a man to take the initiative to cook. Wang Ting does not want to discourage Han Bin's enthusiasm. Taking a step back, even if Han Bin doesn't cook well, she will lose weight, and she will not eat much at night anyway.

Wang Ting eats Japanese food every day and wants to change his taste, so she suggested that Han Bin cook Lu cuisine.

The two drove to the market and bought some fresh ingredients.

Han Bin prepares three dishes and one soup, vinegared cabbage, braised prawns in oil, moxa meat, and tofu soup with clams.

These three dishes and one soup are not difficult to make, but to be delicious and authentic, you still need a certain level. Fortunately, Han Bin has the level of an intermediate chef, and these dishes are really hard for him.

Although Wang Ting is not a chef, she is the owner of the restaurant anyway. Looking at Han Bin's posture, she knows that Han Bin has some cooking skills, and she can watch TV on the sofa with peace of mind.

It is also a novel feeling for her boyfriend to cook and wait to eat by herself.

As the cooked dishes were brought to the table one by one, Wang Ting's suspicions disappeared. Although she hadn't eaten it yet, she knew the taste of the dishes was definitely good.

After three dishes and one soup were prepared, Wang Ting put on the tableware and poured two glasses of red wine in advance.

Wang Ting picked up the wine glass and blinked her eyes, "Chef Han, I toast you, thank you for making a table of delicious food."

Han Bin suggested, "It's boring to drink like this, why don't we change the way of drinking?"

"How to drink?"

"Give me a drink?"

Wang Tingjiao snorted, "I want to be beautiful."

Han Bin made a please gesture, "Come on, beauty, **** craft."

Wang Ting picked up the chopsticks and picked up a vinegared cabbage. Sometimes the simplest dishes are the most challenging one's cooking skills.

The method of vinegared cabbage is simple, but it is a test of mastery of heat. Anyone can do it, but not many can make it.

Wang Ting tasted it, and the sour vinegar cabbage squeaked in her mouth. It was sour and crunchy, very appetizing.

"Yes, not bad." Wang Ting praised.

"Will you try other dishes?"

Wang Ting tasted several dishes one by one, each one was full of praise, and she gained a new understanding of Han Bin's cooking skills.

Especially when I got the clam tofu soup, the two ingredients are very delicious, and there is no fishy smell. Wang Ting has the idea to introduce this soup in the Four Seasons Restaurant.

If you want to conquer a person, you must conquer her taste first, and Han Bin is a big step closer to success.

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