Detective from The Future

Chapter 566: Report clues

The next morning.

Han Bin led Zhang Hang to identify the scene.

Bao Xing and Han Bin were sitting in the same car.

Bao Xing said as he drove, "Team leader, you say Zhang Hang is also a career elite, and logically speaking, he is also a capable person. How come you have come this far."

Han Bin thought for a while and said, "Some people look normal, but they panic when they encounter problems. They are not strong enough and tend to go to extremes. In the workplace, he may be able to do well, but at that time, he followed the rules of the workplace. An abandoned woman will not follow the rules."

Bao Xing said, "It's a pity, he not only killed Liu Lingzui, but also ruined himself and his family under his impulse. Not only did he go to jail, but his wife and daughter were also implicated. People are just not satisfied."

In Han Bin's view, Zhang Hang's reckless choice to kill is also related to his age.

In his thirties, there are old people at the top and young at the bottom. He is now a stable and prosperous life, but being so drunk by Liu Ling, losing his job and losing the ability to support his family will be a huge blow to him.

"Team leader, you said that Zhu Weichao ran away. There is a lot of news about it, but no one has been caught."

Han Bin also did not expect that Zhu Weichao could escape for so long. Unlike foreign film and television dramas, although there are cases of escapes in China, the fugitives will not be able to escape long before they will be captured by the police.

And now there is a lot of news about Zhu Weichao, but most of them are chasing after the wind, and there is no clear trace of him.

This situation is very abnormal. Modern society is very strict. It is difficult for a prisoner who has just escaped from prison to integrate into this society, and it is even harder to find a hiding place.

Unless, he had already contacted him before he escaped, someone was responsible for the response, designed an escape route, and found a hiding place.

It is not difficult to draw this conclusion. Han Bin can, as can colleagues who are in charge of the hunt, and Han Bin doesn't bother to worry about it.

He would not arrogantly think that the city criminal investigation team has only one capable person.

"Hey, group leader, can I ask you a personal matter?"

"what's up?"

"Where are you and Qianqian's cousin?"

Han Bin smiled and scolded, "It's up to you."

"I'm not curious, I want to learn from you."

Han Bin smiled and said, "Take me any sutras, I am not Buddha Shakyamuni."

Bao Xing replied, "Look at me and Qianqian have known each other for so long, and I haven't gotten to it. You and cousin Qianqian have known each other for two or three months. If I had your speed, I might have had children with Qianqian. Up."

Han Bin was a little bit dumbfounded, and asked, "Bao Xing, do you really like Huang Qianqian and want to chase her?"

Bao Xing said, "Well, everyone knows it."

Han Bin said, "It's not just to say that you like someone with your mouth, you have to act and show sincerity. Of course this is my opinion. It's not clear if it's useful for you."

"How can it be considered sincere, group leader, can you say something specific."

Han Bin gave an example, “Care for her and consider her. For example, the case of Zhu Weichao’s escape from prison is a potential danger for women. You can take her home at night.”

"I said, but she declined, and she also said that she is also a policeman and does not need protection from others."

Han Bin said, “Women can’t be completely taken seriously, they sometimes just like duplicity. Zhu Wei’s transcendence is a real threat to women. No one can guarantee that he will not commit a crime. If you really do it for her, even if she refuses, Just insist on sending her home."

"I think so too, but my attitude is too tough, and I am afraid that she will be unhappy, so I can't wait to see me." Bao Xing sighed.

"If she is unhappy because of this kind of thing, it means that she is really boring to you. You also have a number in your heart. If it doesn't work, change one. There is a kind of love called letting go."

Bao Xing sighed. Although Han Bin's words were not logical, they were practical.

If Huang Qianqian doesn't like Bao Xing, then what he does is wrong.

After arriving at Tianyue Community, Han Bin and others directly escorted Zhang Hang to identify the scene.

In the process, there were some accidents. Liu Lingzui's family members got the news and blocked the door.

The police are most afraid of this situation when they identify the scene. The victim's family members are generally more impulsive, and a little carelessness may attack the suspect or even cause confusion.

The suspects are certainly hateful, but according to the law, their personal safety is also protected, and the police are also responsible for protecting their safety.

This is a bit embarrassing, is the suspect hateful? I am very sure of that.

Is the victim's family pitiful? Yes, too.

However, the police still have to protect the safety of the suspect out of their own responsibility, and the police officer caught in the middle will be very awkward.

The same was true this time. Before Han Bin and others saw anyone, they heard a wave of national curse.

"My surname is Zhang, you beast, you must not die, why kill my daughter!" The voice was familiar, like Liu Jinxue, Liu Lingzui's father.

"Zhang Hang, why did you kill Lingling? You are not a human being. You return my daughter..." This was the voice of Liu Lingzui's mother, Zhang Suyun.

Han Bin patted his forehead. Don't worry about how depressed he is. He has to come forward with this matter. Only after Liu Lingzui's parents are comforted can the suspect leave the scene.

Han Bin called Li Qin, and Li Qin was very knowledgeable in persuading others.

Wang Xiao, Jiang Yang and others dared to fight against the suspect, but they didn't have the patience to deal with this kind of thing.

Han Bin left the door, but the shouting and cursing outside continued.

Liu Jinxue waved his arm, "Zhang Hang, you come out, I'm fighting with you, I want you to live forever."

Zhang Suyun was not to be outdone and shouted, "Zhang Hang, you are a conscientious thing, you can't die, God will definitely accept you..."

Han Bin hurriedly persuaded, "Two people, please go along with the change. Zhang Hang has been arrested by the police and will be punished by law to seek justice for Liu Lingzui."

Zhang Suyun shouted, "People like him must be sentenced to death!"

Li Qin said at the right time, "Auntie, you are right. Zhang Hang has committed a serious crime and is likely to be sentenced to death. Just wait and see."

"No, you can't easily let go of this livestock. My daughter who raised me so hard was killed by him. I..." Zhang Suyun cried loudly.

"Auntie, even if you stop here, there is no way to punish him." Li Qin said.

"Why can't, I'm going to kill him personally to avenge my daughter. I'm always going to kill him, and it's a big deal." Liu Jinxue rolled up his sleeves, looking desperately.

"Uncle, aren’t you talking stupid? If you kill him, don’t you have to go to jail. We are obviously justified and will become unreasonable. More importantly, the judge judges the case based on comprehensive considerations. The trouble here caused Zhang Hang to be injured, and he became a victim instead. On the contrary, your two elders left a bad impression on the judge, which may have a bad influence on the judgment of the case and backfire."

Li Qin said earnestly, "Listen to my advice, your two elders go home first. Our police already have enough evidence of conviction. Zhang Hang can't run away and will definitely receive a fair sentence. You must believe in zf and the law."

"You said lightly, are we just watching this murderer leave? I can't do it!" Zhang Suyun roared.

Han Bin said, "He is not leaving, but on the road to trial. You are stopped here. The case cannot be concluded for a long time, but instead is helping him."

"Really?" Liu Jinxue asked back.

"Zhang Hang was caught by the police, how can we lie to you?" Han Bin asked back.

Liu Lingzui's sister persuaded, "Parents, let's go back first. Since the police have caught the murderer, we should trust the police and will seek justice for the actress."

"You are really going to get angry, how can you see that day with your own eyes."

A glimmer of hope flashed in Zhang Suyun’s eyes, “You’re right, I’m going to see the animal being tried and shot with my own eyes!”

After a lot of hard work, Liu Lingzui's parents were finally persuaded away.

Han Bin was sweating all over, it was no easier than catching the prisoner.

Li Qin couldn't help but sighed, "Liu Lingzui looks pretty. If you really want to make money, it shouldn't be difficult to find a local with a house and a car. Why bother to be Zhang Hang's junior? ."

Bao Xing said with a smile, "Sister Li, there is nothing I don't understand. Some girls like older ones, and there is another term called Electra complex."

Jiang Yang said with a serious face, "I don't think it looks like it. Liu Lingzui is also twenty-seven or eighty-eight, and Zhang Hang is only ten years older than her. It is not a father-daughter love. Liu Lingzui really wants to have an Electra. Complex, you have to find someone forty years away."

Bao Xing glanced at him and secretly said that this Meng Sao man usually doesn't speak, but is interested in this topic.

Han Bin analyzed, “I think Liu Lingzui is a junior and has a lot to do with her parents. Liu Jinxue and Zhang Suyun did not play a good role in this regard.”

Bao Xing slapped his slap, "Hey, the team leader is right, I didn't pay attention just now. Now think about it, Liu Jinxue has to abandon his wife and daughter in order to reorganize the family. How similar is the situation to Liu Lingzui, but Liu Ling Zui changed from being a daughter to being a junior. And he was a loser in both incidents."

Li Qin said, "I agree that Liu Jinxue's behavior will have a negative impact on Liu Lingzui. But Zhang Suyun is also a victim. Liu Lingzui should not be blamed for her as a mistress."

Jiang Yang said, "Sister Li, I have different opinions on this idea of ​​yours, but I think Zhang Suyun has a greater negative impact on Liu Lingzui."

Li Qin said, "The son is not a god, so don't blame the woman on everything."

"This only applies to general conditions, but it's not suitable for Liu Lingzui's house." Jiang Yang touched his chin and analyzed.

"Since Liu Lingzui's parents divorced, Liu Lingzui has only been close to her mother and somewhat alienated from her father. In other words, Zhang Suyun has a greater influence on her. Moreover, judging from her contact with Zhang Suyun, this woman often Complaining about Liu Jinxue, and still unable to let go of the divorce that year, I guess that she should have spoken badly about Liu Jinxue in front of Liu Lingzui. This accumulated emotion is more harmful than the divorce of her parents."

Seeing that this issue might turn into a gender dispute, Han Bin hurriedly interrupted, "Okay, take the team and take Zhang Hang back to the bureau."


Take the suspect to identify the scene, and then go through the procedures for closing the case.

As usual, Han Bin was always acting as a shopkeeper and arranged for several subordinates to handle it.

At noon, Han Bin still ate in the cafeteria.

Braised pork, dry pot potatoes, flavored eggplant, mutton soup, rice, this meal is very rich.

After the meal, he was ready to take a nap.

Not long after lying on the table to rest, Ma Jingbo was in trouble.

"The boy did a good job. He solved the murder case in the bath in such a short time."

Huang Qianqian retorted, "The horse team, I'm not happy if you say that. I am also a great man. Do you think I am like a young man."

Ma Jingbo hurriedly remedied, "I haven't finished speaking. What are you in a hurry? I listened to the captain. The two lesbians in our team performed very well."

Huang Qianqian showed her little tiger teeth, "Really, what did the captain say?"

Ma Jingbo was stunned for a moment and organized the language, "Say that you used the characteristics of your voice to cooperate with field operations to implement control and arrested the suspect in one fell swoop."

"Oh, god, this is the first time I have been praised by the captain." Huang Qianqian looked very excited.

As an in-house worker, she did not do less work, but she was always less conspicuous than in the field team. For the first time, she was praised by the leader alone.

"The horse team, what have you been doing these past few days?

Ma Jingbo showed a wry smile, "What else can I do, stay here."

"As long as Zhu Weichao is likely to go, the police are dispatched to guard, and I took the second group and the police from the police station to guard a spot."

Bao Xing curiously asked, "The horse team, what's the situation with Zhu Weichao now?"

"There are many clues about Zhu Weichao. We will send police officers to investigate. Most of them are oolong. There are also some places where Zhu Weichao has appeared. However, the specific whereabouts of Zhu Weichao cannot be determined yet." Ma Jingbo sighed.

Wang Xiao said, "Tsk tsk, this Zhu Weichao is also good enough, so many police officers are arresting and arresting, there is no shadow of him."

Ma Jingbo took the cup from Huang Qianqian and took a big gulp, "That's not enough. Just now the police received a report that a suspicious person suspected of Zhu Weichao appeared and asked the police to send someone to check."

Han Bin smiled, "The horse team, you come to our group, not just to praise us."


Ten minutes later, Han Bin took Jiang Yang and Li Hui and left the city bureau.

As for its team members, they stayed behind to handle the procedures for closing the case.

The three of Han Bin drove to Yuhua District and joined the local police station to investigate Zhu Weichao's whereabouts.

Because the wanted warrant offers a reward, the call regarding Zhu Weichao has not been interrupted.

The criminal investigation team and the police station of the general clues were dealt with.

However, according to Ma Jingbo, the clues provided by the whistleblower are highly credible, and the city criminal investigation team will be sent to investigate.

Of course, the real reason may also be the shortage of manpower, so the staff was directly transferred from the Municipal Council.

Han Bin is a police officer transferred from the Yuhua sub-bureau. He is more familiar with the situation in Yuhua District, making his past investigations more convenient.

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