Detective from The Future

Chapter 567: Suspicious person

Hanjiacun Police Station, Yuhua District.

A black SUV drove into the compound of the police station.

Three men got out of the car, it was Han Bin, Jiang Yang and Bao Xing.

Hanjiacun is a village within a city, and the surrounding situation is rather complicated and relatively chaotic. Han Bin has investigated the case here before.

After getting off the car, Han Bin saw an acquaintance who had handled cases together before and said hello, "Brother Yang."

A man in his thirties was standing in the courtyard smoking a cigarette. He turned his head and looked over. He was stunned for a moment before he recognized Han Bin, "Hey, brother Han from the Yuhua branch, what wind blows you? coming."

Han Bin walked over, "I am now transferred to the city bureau."

Yang Hongyi showed a look of envy, "Yeah, then congratulations."

"Thank you." Han Bin responded with a smile, "Is your deputy director Xiao there?"

Yang Hongyi stepped on the cigarette **** and made a please gesture, "Yes, Director Xiao is in the office, I will take you in."

"Brother Han, are you in the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Municipal Bureau?"


Yang Hongyi asked subconsciously, "What case did you come here for?"

The reporter is likely to call the police directly, so Yang Hongyi is not clear.

The police are also disciplined. Zhu Wei's surpassing prison is another major case, and Han Bin can't disclose the news before assigning a task.

While Han Bin was considering how to respond, a middle-aged man walked across from him. He was big and tall and was already a little bald.

Yang Hongyi shouted, "Director Xiao is here."

It was the first time that Han Bin saw this Director Xiao, and took the initiative to introduce, "Director Xiao, I am Han Bin from the Second Squadron of the City Criminal Investigation Team."

Director Xiao took the initiative to shook hands with Han Bin, "Hello Team Leader, I know that you are coming soon, I am going to meet you. I didn't expect you to be so young, if you see it outside, you would really not recognize it."

"You are polite."

"Let's go, go to my office and talk." Director Xiao finished speaking, and then ordered Yang Hongyi on the side, "Lao Yang, pour some cups of tea for the comrades from the Municipal Bureau."

Han Bin said, "Director Xiao doesn't have to trouble."

"It's not troublesome, it's all from my own family. When I get there, it's like home." Director Xiao responded with a smile, and led the three into the office.

Afterwards, Director Xiao briefly introduced the situation.

After receiving the report call, Director Xiao changed into plain clothes to personally verify the situation. The informant was a commissary owner, who said he had a nose and eyes. Deputy Director Xiao discussed the situation with the director before reporting the situation to his superiors.

After listening to Han Bin, he asked, "Director Xiao, don't you have a squat guard?"

Director Xiao said, “Yes, two police officers were arranged to stare nearby, but no trace of the suspect was found. Because they did not get instructions from their superiors, they did not dare to visit in a large area for fear of stunning snakes.”

"Can the suspect's residential address be determined?"

Director Xiao hesitated, "I only know the approximate range."

Han Bin suggested, "In this way, you change your casual clothes, take us to meet the whistleblower, and learn about the situation in person."

"Yes." Although Director Xiao has a high level, Han Bin represents the city bureau, and the case must be led by Han Bin.


ten minutes later.

A black SUV drove the police station.

There were a total of five people in the car. In addition to Han Bin and the three, there were Director Xiao and Yang Hongyi.

For the time being, it is not clear that Han Bin is also afraid of the suspect's hiding place, so he dare not bring too many people.

According to Han Bin's speculation, Zhu Weichao is likely to have accomplices, so there should not be too few people going there.

Han Bin is no stranger to Hanjiacun, especially when passing by the Hanjiacun market, he smiled and said, "I remember the last time I came here to deal with a case, a colleague and I were in charge of squatting and buying roast chicken in this market. Nesting under the root of the wall and gnawing on the roast chicken, the chicken skin is scorched and fragrant."

Director Xiao smiled, "Leader Han, it's not easy for you to eat roast chicken. I will treat you when the investigation is over."

Han Bin handed him a cigarette and accepted it with a smile.

Within a few minutes of driving, we arrived at the place where the whistleblower was located, which was a convenience store covering a hundred and eighty square meters.

Bao Xing stayed in the car, and Han Bin got out of the car.

There is a freezer in front of the convenience store. There are rows of shelves in it. Only one person can pass through. Two people have to turn sideways. There are all kinds of mess on the shelves. The canteen may be more vivid.

On the left hand side of the door is a glass counter. A woman in her forties is sitting at the counter, eating sunflower seeds and watching a computer. A TV series is playing on the computer screen.

At the top of the screen is the title of the play, the son-in-law coming to the door.

Director Xiao walked to the counter, "Does the boss still recognize me?"

The lady boss took a look, "Yes, haven't you been here this morning, Xiao..."

Director Xiao interrupted the other party hurriedly, "Hey, lady boss, you only need to know who I am, there is no need to say it."

The proprietress smiled and glanced around, "What are you afraid of, I don't even have a customer in this store, no one can hear it."

Han Bin said, "Boss, let's go to the car and chat. It's quieter over there. Someone is staring at this and can't lose anything."

The lady boss put the melon seeds in her hand on the counter, patted her fat hand, "Let's go."

Yang Hongyi stayed to see the store, Jiang Yang squatted near the convenience store to smoke, Han Bin and Director Xiao followed in the car.

Han Bin asked, "How do you call the lady boss?"

"Ma Dehua."

"I'm Han Bin from the Criminal Investigation Brigade. I want to check with you."

Ma Dehua said, "It just so happens, I also want to ask you something."

"You said.."

Ma Dehua smiled and glanced at Director Xiao next to him. Then he said, "Is the wanted order issued by your city criminal investigation team?"


"Then the reported money, did the city criminal investigation team come from it?"

Han Bin smiled, the question is very real, "Don't worry, as long as you can catch Zhu Weichao with the clues you provide, the reward will definitely be sent to you."

Ma Dehua grinned and muttered to himself, "That's right, such a big public security bureau, why might I be short of money."

Director Xiao reminded, "Ms. Ma, what's the situation, quickly tell Police Officer Han that the suspect is going to run away. Even if the city bureau issues a reward, it won't fall to you."

"Yes, you ask, I say everything."

Han Bin organized the language, "Can you be sure that this person is Zhu Weichao?"

"How should I put it, I have only seen one face, still a side face, I can't guarantee it, but I feel like it."

"When have you met Zhu Weichao?"

Ma Dehua said, "Last night, when I was about to close, he ran to the store to buy things."

"What was he dressed up then?"

Ma Dehua recalled and said, "He was wearing a black T-shirt. I can't remember what he wore underneath. He also wore a mask and hat."

Han Bin asked, "He is wearing a mask, can you still recognize him?"

Ma Dehua explained, "Yesterday, he ran to me to buy cigarettes. He could not wait to open the package to smoke when he left the house. Then he must take off his mask to smoke. I glanced at him and saw his right face. There is a scar."

"At the time, I didn't think much about it. This morning, there were people playing cards at the door of the hardware store next to me. I went to the side and watched. They said that Zhu Weichao was wanted by the police, and they said he had a right cheek. Scars. I'm on my mind."

"Later I inquired, this person named Zhu Weichao looked a little like me yesterday, so I called the police."

"Last night, when did he come to buy things?"

"It seems to be past nine o'clock, sneaky, not like a good person at first glance."

"Do you know where he went?"

"Out of my shop, he left west. At the time, I didn't think about that, so I didn't care too much."

Han Bin glanced to the west. This is a narrow road with shops at the intersection. Going further in is a self-built house.

"Sister Ma, you are more familiar with the surrounding situation, where do you think Zhu Weichao might live?" Han Bin asked.

"Go west, there are quite a few residents, I don't know that."

Han Bin hesitated a little, "Since he comes to your store to buy things, he will definitely not live too far. He should live alone, otherwise he won't come out to buy cigarettes in person."

Ma Dehua replied, "If you want to rent a house, there are quite a few private houses nearby. Those who build small high-rise buildings can't live in many houses by themselves, so they basically rent out houses."

Han Bin went on to analyze, "The house where Zhu Weichao lives may be relatively closed and will not have much contact with other people. It is very likely that it is a detached house."

Ma Dehua said, "This detached house is really not rented out."

Director Xiao said, "Then you think about it."

Ma Dehua patted his forehead and thought for a while, "By the way, the old grandson’s house and the children have bought a building. The older couple are getting older and live with the children. The house is vacant and waiting for demolition. I rented it out for a while, but then there was no news. I didn't know if I rented it out."

"Do you have that old grandson's phone?"

"The old grandson doesn’t have one, but I have his son’s phone number. He visited my store during the period when he wanted to rent a house. He knew that there were many people in my store, so he asked me to help. I want to rent a house. I just remembered a call from him." Ma Dehua said.

"What's the number?"


Han Bin took out his cell phone and dialed this number.

After a while, a man's voice came from the phone, "Hey, who?"

Han Bin asked, "Hello, I'm renting a house. I heard that you have a house to rent in Hanjia Village. Can you take a look?"

Han Bin also didn't know whether the other party had anything to do with Zhu Weichao, so he did not report his identity.

"I can't see it now, you can rent someone else's house." The man said perfunctorily.

"I work in Hanjiacun and don't want to rent elsewhere. If the house is suitable, I can pay annually."

"You are late, my house has been rented out." The man said.

"When did you rent it out?"

"It's been more than two months. There are a lot of renters over there. Look at other houses." The man finished speaking and hung up the phone directly.

Han Bin looked at Ma Dehua, "Is it the voice of the old grandson's son?"

Ma Dehua nodded, "Yes, it's him. He has a big tongue and can't be wrong."

"Ms. Ma, please take us to Lao Sun's house."

Ma Dehua frowned, "What about the business in my shop?"

Han Bin smiled and asked, "How much money can you make a day in this shop? How much is Zhu Weichao's reward?"

Suddenly, Ma Dehua was full of motivation and shouted, "Go and go, I will take you there now!"

Sure enough, it is still the face of money.

Ma Dehua urged, "Let's drive, go west, turn right at the intersection ahead."

Bao Xing naturally wouldn't listen to her, so he glanced at Han Bin in the back row.

Han Bin did not hesitate and continued, "I see if there is surveillance in the store, is there any picture of Zhu Weichao."

Ma Dehua thought for a while, "It should be possible to take pictures. When it was installed, it was to prevent theft. However, when he was in the store, he wore a mask. He only took it off when he ran to the door of the store. He probably didn't photograph his face."

Immediately, Han Bin began arranging tasks to let Bao Xing stay in the store to compare and monitor to confirm whether the suspicious person was Zhu Weichao.

Han Bin took other people to the Sun's house to control and verify the identity to prevent the suspect from fleeing in advance.

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